Ames Urine Postulates

Ames Urine Postulates

1:  Urine fasting cures all carcinomas, sarcomas, leukemias, and lymphomas with or without urine injections.  It is the most economical way to cure all cancers.  It cures cancer in many ways.  It makes antibodies specific to the cancer.  It thins the blood (lowers fibrinogen and CRP-HS), so oxygenation is improved.  It prevents metastasis by preventing micro-blood clots.  It balances one’s pH.  It activates vitamins and chelates minerals so the body can use them efficiently.  It is 95% structured water which can cure many diseases.  It rests the body so the body can heal.  It destroys all past emotional traumas.  It increases orgone energy in the body.  It detoxifies the body of heavy metals, poisons, and carcinogens better than any detoxification program invented by man.

Urine fasting to cure cancers may work faster with other natural, adjuvant therapies typically used to cure cancers, excluding chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery.  Surgery may be the exception in some life-threatening cases.

2:  Urine fasting cures all IgG and IgA food allergies with or without urine injections.

3:  Urine fasting cures IgE pollen, dust, house dust mites, house dust mite feces, environmental allergies, mold allergies, chemical allergies with or without urine injections.  However, urine injections with fasting are a more rapid treatment.

4:  Urine fasting with injections may or may not cure life-threatening IgE food allergies.

5:  Urine fasting lowers fibrinogen, CRP-HS and ESR (Urokinase)

6:  Urine fasting is the fastest and safest way to lose weight.

7:  Urine fasting increases HGH, all steroid hormones and their metabolites, and thyroid hormones.

8:  Urine fasting increase IQ (Intellectual Quotient), MQ (Moral Quotient), BQ (Body Quotient), EQ (Emotional Quotient).

9:  Urine fasting increases short term, intermediate term, and long-term memories, and thinking speeds up.

10:  Urine fasting makes one want to meditate.

11:  Urine fasting increases siddhis described by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras.

12:  Urine fasting helps to reduce cancer and arthritis pain.

13:  Urine fasting makes one closer to God.

14:  Urine fasting removes generalized arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis.

15:  Urine fasting prevents strokes and myocardial infarctions.

16:  Urine fasting increases libido either during or after the fast.

17:  Urine fasting increases one’s awareness of one’s diet and one eats less “junk food.”

18:  Urine fasting combined with the topical application of fresh or old urine removes seborrheic keratoses, age spots, and lubricates the skin.

19:  Urine fasting makes one’s eyes shine.

20:  Urine fasting removes intestinal parasites and yeasts.

21:  Urine fasting cures most infectious diseases including tuberculosis, malaria, fungal infections, viral and bacterial infections.

22:  Urine fasting may cure most autoimmune diseases in many ways.  One way is to cure leaky gut syndrome; another way is to cure food allergies; another way is to rest the intestinal tract from being exposed to bacteria, viruses, and fungi from our diet.  Another way is to detox the body of heavy metals and chemicals (many are in our fat).

23:  Urine fasting balances one’s pH to optimal (venous pH at 7.46)

24:  Urine fasting restores the Th1/Th2 balance.

25:  Urine fasting makes one appreciate music and art better.  It awakens dormant areas of one’s brain.

26:  Urine fasting combined with Dr. Jan Kwasniewski’s diet cures Type 2 diabetes and most non-genetic diseases, as long as one practices regularly the fasting and the diet.

27:  Urine fasting cures diarrhea, but may at first cause diarrhea as one is detoxing and removing harmful bacteria, parasites, and fungi.

28:  Urine fasting cures cataracts usually in 9 to 10 days, some people need 14 days.

29:  Urine fasting may cure some cases of blindness (Armstrong, “The Water of Life” - Man fasted for 101 days).

30:  Urine fasting cures post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD) and all emotional traumas.

31:  Urine fasting heals the body according to Hering’s law:  (the basis of all healing) All cures start from within and go out to the surface (skin), from the head down, and in reverse order as the symptoms have appeared or been suppressed.

32:  Urine fasting results in one’s urine becoming clearer and clearer each passing day.

33:  Urine fasting with urine compresses applied 24/7 are the best treatments for gangrene, insect bites and snake bites.

34:  Urine fasting increases one’s self-confidence.

35:  Urine compresses 24/7 is the best treatment for sunburns.

36:  Urine fasting removes excess mucus the quickest.

37:  Urine fasting promotes better sleep and one needs less sleep.

38.  Urine fasting removes heavy metals and toxins safer and faster than the FAR-IR sauna.  I have not compared it to DMPS or EDTA, but it is free and very safe.

39:  Urine fasting repairs and detoxes all cellular membranes, facilitating the cure for cancer and almost every non-genetic disease.  The cellular membranes are the software; the DNA is just a library of book.  Books do not make decisions (Bruce Lipton – “The Biology of Belief”; Ed Kane – Phosphatidyl Choline). YouTube also Bruce Lipton Tom Campbell and YouTube Ed Kane Phosphatidyl Choline).

Urine fasting may not cure ALS.  However, combined with Dr. Kwasniewski’s diet eating brains and spinal cords, the Deanna protocol, certain cannabis oils, and environmental protocols, it might cure ALS.

40:  Urine fasting repairs and helps the DNA/RNA produce the 600-700 proteins, amino acids, antineoplastons that are missing in cancer patients.

41:  Topical urine applied to the scalp for 20 minutes a day makes hair grow back.

42:  Urine fasting combined with constant topical applications of urine to gauze cures severe gangrene.

43:  Urine fasting increases human growth hormone levels over 2,000 times.

44:  Urine fasting allows one to ingested perfectly activated vitamins and chelated minerals.

45:  Urine fasting makes the ideal structured water for that person and the isopathic remedies in the structured water to heal that person’s disease.

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