Why Choose the Ames Protocol to Heal Yourself of Cancer?

Why Choose the Ames Protocol to Heal Yourself of Cancer?

Jake Ames, M.D., H.M.D.
Douglas G. Mitchell, Ph.D., D. Univ.


Having a new diagnosis of cancer is probably the worst news you have ever heard in your life.  It makes you think instantly of your mortality.  You have trouble breathing; you have an empty pit in your stomach.  You ask why?  Why me?  One out of three women and one out two men will get cancer in their lifetimes.  Cancer has now surpassed heart disease as the number one killer in the Western world.

When I was in elementary school in Ridgefield, Connecticut, I saw an elderly lady lying on a cot on her lawn under a huge maple tree.  I asked her family what’s wrong with her.  They told me she’s dying from breast cancer.  Later I asked my mother what is breast cancer?  She told me it’s a disease that occasionally old women get.  It’s called cancer, and it attacks the breasts in unfortunate women.  I asked her what causes breast cancer?  She said that she did not know.

Fast forward to 1974 through 1982.  I worked during high school and college with a famous breast cancer specialist, Dr. Michael Lagios at Childrens’ Hospital and the University of California, San Francisco.

I was also fortunate to work with a few very famous pathologists who wrote books on pathology and published many papers.  I worked with Gerald Levine, M.D. from South Africa, a world famous pathologist specializing in lymphoma who ended up dying of lymphoma at Stanford Hospital.  In New York City my pathology resident program director, Dr. Sanford Farrer was a world authority on kidney pathology and electron microscopy.   He died from pancreatic cancer.  Before I entered medical school, I had already performed over 1,500 autopsies.  The Diener (German name for a pathology assistant) and I would listen to operas while we did autopsies.  This experience in pathology helped me decide to choose an anatomical and clinical pathology residency in New York City. Later I did internal medicine in Reno, Nevada.

Since high school I wanted to find a cure for cancer.  As of July 23, 2017, I am now living in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico working at the Holistic Bio Spa.  There are a lot of arrogant doctors in the U.S. who think only the United States has the best doctors in the world.  The United States, many European countries, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and some other countries have excellent surgeons, radiologists and pathologists, and Western medicine has excelled in treating traumas and acute diseases. Western Medicine does far worse with chronic diseases such as cancer.  Morgan et al [1] showed that chemotherapy increased the 5-year cancer survival rate by a dismal 2.3%.  

The Cancer Problem

Cancer is no longer a disease of the elderly.  I am seeing younger and younger people getting cancer now.  Women in their early 40’s get breast cancer.  Now some teenage girls are getting breast cancer from carrying their cell phones in their bras.  Three weeks ago, a man presented with glioblastoma multiforme, the most dangerous form of brain cancer. It was in the same location where he uses his cell phone.
Cancer incidence is steadily increasing each year.  All of us know people who had or have cancer.  My 89-year-old mother told me that when she was young, doctors rarely saw cancer. A pathologist friend trained in Glasgow during World War II said that he saw a lot of stomach cancer (due to lack of refrigeration and hence rotten food). He hardly ever saw lung cancer, despite the air pollution.

Standard Treatments for Cancer

Surgery is the number one traditional treatment for cancer, and it results in very long term survival about half the time. If surgery fails, or is too damaging, patients are then offered standard therapies that are much, much less effective. Chemotherapy cures some testicular cancers, leukemias and lymphomas but has minimal benefits with other cancers.  Radiation therapy can be curative with many thyroid and head and neck cancers.  Otherwise it is mainly a palliative therapy. 
Immunotherapy outperforms chemotherapy with melanoma and possibly other cancers, but it is not curative. It is very expensive.
An important problem with standard therapies is that they are generally damaging. This ranges from trivial to fatal.
The cancer researchers tend to underestimate the side effects and long-term damage caused by standard treatments. Research papers often use the term “ the side effects are manageable”. Maybe for the oncologists, but often not for the patients. Patients also have to be careful to avoid treatments, which are so damaging that they preclude the safe Ames treatments. It is far safer to do the safe treatments and then if they fail, consider the toxic treatments. Dr. Mitchell, in his work in cancer clinics, has observed many patients first getting toxic treatments, and then being dead or too sick to get safe treatments.

The Ames Protocol

Why use my protocol to treat your cancer?  Because if you have metastatic cancer and wish to survive, you have no better choice. Surgery is a good bet if your cancer has not spread. Surgery gives another 20 years of life for about half of the people receiving it. It may permanently cure you if you change your diet, lifestyle and detoxify.  (Dr. Wilhelm Reich1 proved that all cancers are a systemic disease, but surgery may reduce the cancer load to a level where the immune system can control it). 

The majority of cancer patients in the rich world opt to get the chemotherapy recommended by their oncologist. They are not aware that the top treatments are “locked out” by the regulators. (My treatments are unpatentable and therefore no one will pay the huge costs of regulatory approval. My practice is in Mexico, which does not have the ridiculous regulatory structure found in the U.S. and other rich countries).
What the average patient does not hear from their oncologist is that they may be going to experience months to years of torture by ineffective treatments. These on average increase 5-year survival by 2.3% of patients. Not much, though some patients do very much better than the average, and some do much worse.
The worst that can happen with my protocol is that it could be ineffective. It is always minimally damaging and not expensive.

Standard treatments usually attempt to “blast” out the cancer, leaving a lot of collateral damage.
My protocol attempts to correct the underlying condition, namely nutritionally inadequacy. Cancer research has gone in the wrong direction thinking that cancer is a genetic disease.  There are some genes that predispose us to getting cancer, but poor nutrition activates these oncogenes.  Joseph Mercola, M.D. (www.mercola.com) recently published a book, “Fat for Fuel”2 which outlines the mitochondrial dysfunction causing cancer. Cancer treatment practice has also gone in the wrong direction by “locking out” low profit treatments. Is it logical that the high profit treatments offered by oncologists are the only effective treatments?

I have at least eight protocols, which can potentially cure cancer [2].  I have patients getting cured from their cancers with these protocols.  None of these therapies are toxic therapies, and their aim is to starve and kill the cancer cells and replenish the body with the nutrients it needs.

The urine fasting according to Armstrong3 and Dr. Jan Kwasniewski’s ketogenic diet 4 with vitamin and mineral supplementation supply the body with the nutrients it needs.  The urine fasting maintains ideal blood pH and glucose levels. It has antigens of one’s cancer so the body can make antibodies to attack the cancer.  Both Dr. Jan Kwasniewski’s ketogenic diet and the urine fasting starve the cancer.

Low dose naltrexone (LDN) 5 taken at bedtime increases endorphins to assist the immune system to kill cancer.

The intravenous phosphatidylcholine 6 repairs cell membranes, resulting in cancer oncogenes being turned off and tumor suppressor genes turned on.

Rectal pancreatic pro-enzymes are correcting a pancreatic enzyme nutritional deficiency, which was shown by Beard and others 7 to kill cancer and make many cancer stem cells become normal again.

The Frolov Breathing device 8 helps maintain an optimal pH and supplies one’s body with optimal oxygen.

Drinking an optimal amount of distilled water helps flush out inorganic minerals, not organic minerals to assist every cell to functional optimally.

Intravenous vitamin C 9 in doses of 100 grams or higher will act like an oxidant producing hydrogen peroxide to kill cancer cells.  Healthy cells contain enough catalase to neutralize the hydrogen peroxide produced from very high doses of vitamin C.

Ozone therapy 10, whether done rectally, intravenously or by autohemotherapy supplies the body with high dose ozone, which converts to oxygen and makes the body hostile to cancer. 

Rectal THC and CBD oils11 from marijuana beef-up one’s endocannabinoid system for one’s immune system to kill cancer.

Helper treatments like Avemar 12; a fermented wheat germ extract which, contain benzoquinones has been shown to increase a cancer patient’s lifespan 2-10 fold.

Essential oil of pine (turpentine) and kerosene 13,14,15 may be the most effective protocol in the world to cure cancer, tuberculosis, and most infectious diseases.  The daily dosage, the purity, and the route of administration are important.  My wife, Iryna is from Ukraine, and I have two friends visiting me now originally from Romania.  All three of them told me how their grandmothers used turpentine and kerosene to treat almost any disease, tuberculosis, viral, bacterial and fungal infections, bruises, sprains, influenza, and cancer.  No person should attempt these treatments unless carefully guided by a physician trained in these therapies.  In the correct daily dosing, pure, non-adulterated essential oil of pine (turpentine) and kerosene will cure.  NOT FOLLOWING THE CORRECT PROTOCOLS CAN BE FATAL!  Keep away from children.

Other Helper Treatments are listed in my Blog on Helper Treatments.
If you are over 80 years old and a have a simple prostate or breast cancer, you might elect to just take LDN, Avemar, vitamin D3, selenium, Lugol's iodine, curcumin, vitamin K2 (MK-7), get off sugar and soft drinks. This may well sufficiently slow the growth of your cancer, giving you time to die from some other cause.

If you have brain, pancreatic, kidney, liver, lung, ovarian, malignant melanoma or any serious fast-growing cancer, it is most unlikely that standard treatment will add much to your life expectancy. You need to very aggressively implement my protocol.

Most cancers are carcinomas. Other cancers, sarcomas, lymphomas, and leukemias also respond very well to my protocol.

Note that this protocol involves work (but not much money) by you. You must take an active role in your health.  No doctor is going to cure you. All he or she can do is provide treatment, which may allow the body to heal itself.  The physician plays an educational role, provides therapies and nutrients, and sometimes surgery and drugs.

You need to have self-discipline and a strong will to live and desire to become healthy again.

Doug and I wish you optimal health!

1  The Cancer Biopathy by Wilhelm Reich, M.D.
2  Fat for Fuel by Joseph Mercola, M.D.   
3  The Water of Life by John Armstrong 
4  Homo Optimus by Jan Kwasniewski, M.D. 
5  www.lowdosenaltrexone.org 
6  YouTube search for Ed Kane phosphatidylcholine
7  The Enzyme Treatment of Cancer and its Scientific Basis, John Beard, D.Sc.
8  How to Use the Frolov Breathing Device & Doctors Who Cure Cancer by Artour Rakhimov, M.D. (Amazon books)
9  Linus Pauling Institute (www.lpi.oregonstate.edu)
10  International Ozone Association (www.ioa-pag.org)
11  Phoenix Tears by Rick Simpson; YouTube “Run From the Cure” by Rick Simpson
12  Avemar (www.avemar.com)
13  drjenniferdaniels.com
© 2018 Copyright Jake Ames & Douglas G. Mitchell. All Rights Reserved.  No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without written permission.

[1] Graeme Morgan*, Robyn Ward, Michael Barton, The Contribution of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy to 5-year Survival in Adult Malignancies, Clinical Oncology (2004) 16: 549-560

[2]  Surgery, the best standard treatment, is potentially curative in that it cures some but by means not all patients. My treatments have similar results.