Pancreatic proenzyme (PPE) suppositories and oral pancreatic enzymes for cancer treatment

Pancreatic proenzyme (PPE) suppositories and oral pancreatic enzymes for cancer treatment

Douglas G. Mitchell, Ph.D., D.Univ.
Jake Ames, M.D., H.M.D.

Dr. Beard discovered a cure for cancer over 100 years ago using pancreatic enzymes.  He used the pancreatic enzymes trypsin, chymotrypsin, and amylase intramuscularly and intravenously, and cancer cells were destroyed. Many cancer stem cells would oftentimes revert to normal stem cells.  The placenta has many characteristics of cancer, and he found that at 6 weeks gestation, the fetus makes enough pancreatic enzymes to prevent the placenta from invading any further, and the enzymes would stop the growth of the placenta.  We use his protocol on all cancer patients.

Beard used 1,000 units, or 1cc of trypsin to 2,000-2,400 units of amylase.  He was insistent that it was important to use amylase.

Instead of injecting trypsin and amylase, we have modified his protocol either using pancreatic rectal suppositories or a protocol using oral pancreatic enzymes at a dose of 27 capsules six times a day. (Nutricology Pancreas Pork Natural Glandular 720 Vegicaps Item #51650.) (

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Chymotrypsinogen and trypsinogen are precursors of chymotrypsin and trypsin.  The pancreas gland must make precursors, otherwise the active chymotrypsin and trypsin would digest the pancreas and death would ensue.

Once patients begin this treatment and get evidence of efficacy, they need to complete the whole program. If they stop while there is remaining cancer, the hardiest cancer cells will have survived and they may be difficult to stop when they grow to detectable size.
They are being treated with a suppository containing 50 mg pancreatic proenzymes. They must make sure that the PPE or PPE plus other treatments, isn’t making them excessively tired or sick.

Mechanism of action

There is good evidence that the main mechanism of action is that PPE converts cancer cells to healthy cells, and then they stay healthy. This is quite extraordinary. Other treatments attack and kill cancer cells plus healthy cells, often with serious side effects. Immunotherapy induces the immune system to kill cancer cells, also with side effects.
PPE converts cancer cells to healthy cells with minimal side effects. This is the best way to dispose of them.  We are not aware of any other treatments, which can do this in significant amounts.

Note on other therapies

In our view, PPE is our third best protocol on long-term survival and for achieving a cure.  Urine fasting is our number one protocol followed by Dr. Jan Kwasniewski’s ketogenic diet. Toxic treatments (chemotherapy and radiation therapy) might modestly increase survival but will hardly ever result in long-term survival i.e. add many years to life.

There are some exceptions to this.  Some forms of testicular cancers, some forms of lymphoma and leukemia may offer a cure.  If you believe a standard treatment could produce long-term survival, first check the evidence (USA National Cancer Institute website, and read the professional pages for your cancer). The two key variables are how much the treatment extends life, and the damage the treatment does. Also, we typically halve claimed benefit to allow for the bias and fraud in survival studies. If they claim 40% extra survival, I assume it is more likely to be 20%.  It is hard to find a standard therapy other than surgery, which beats treatment with nutraceuticals such as correcting vitamin D and K deficiency.

For example, we recently looked up the performance of an immunotherapy drug Crizotinib for lung cancer. It was evaluated against chemotherapy. Chemotherapy resulted in stable diagnostic tests (scans) for 3 months followed by a decline to death after a total of about 10 months. Crizotinib stabilized scanned tumour sizes for 7.7 months, but without any survival benefit. Both have side effects.
Note that trials are carried out for purposes such as testing safety and developing copycat drugs. They hardly ever work for the benefit of the patient.

Treatment protocol

Large tumours may need to be removed or debulked before beginning enzyme treatment.
Chemotherapy. Patients receiving chemotherapy during the previous 2 months are poor candidates. Chemotherapy and other toxic treatments suppress immune function and hence suppress PPE effectiveness. The lower the dose of chemotherapy, and the smaller the side effects, the less PPE inhibition. Radiotherapy is also a negative but it is not as damaging as chemotherapy. Neutropenia (low neutrophil levels) is a negative. Correct this problem before starting PPE treatment.  Oftentimes we use hydrocortisone 10 mg at breakfast, 5 mg at lunch, and 5 mg between 4-6 PM.  This is a physiological, not pharmacological dose, which usually enhances one’s immune system and raises the white blood cell count.

PPE treatment

When collecting the PPE suppositories, have the patient immediately put it in a cooler with ice.  Have them rapidly return home, and when they get there, immediately transfer the PPE to their freezer, not their refrigerator. Store them there and only take out one at a time for treatment.
These PPE suppositories degrade rapidly when exposed to warmth or water.

Carry out the relevant clinical test(s) to measure your patient’s pre-treatment cancer status.   Once your patient has done their blood tests they can immediately begin PPE treatments. Test results will come later.
Note pre-treatment symptoms. Rate pain on a scale of zero.-(no pain) to 10 (extreme pain).  Patients should be recording their morning weights daily.
Continue other non-toxic treatments as needed.


1.      The PPE is activated by the enzyme enterokinase, which is located near cancer cells but not near healthy cells.
2.      Avoid enterokinase inhibitors including soya products, beans, peas, lentils and chickpeas.  Naturally occurring enterokinase is an important part of the action of the PPE and should not be inhibited.  
3.      Eggs, chicken, turkey, fish (especially oily fish) are generally recommended
4.      Drink at least 2 liters of water daily.

Treatment protocol

1.      Plan on taking a 50 mg suppository every day for 5 months.
2.      Buy unsterilized thin rubber gloves at a pharmacy.
3.      Prepare the suppositories for use. Take a batch of about 10 suppositories enclosed in a plastic coating and cut away enough casing on one side so that the suppository can easily be removed by hand. Return them to the freezer.
4.      Take no food for 3 hours before treatment and then for 3 hours after treatment.
5.      Take a suppository out of the freezer. Remove the suppository from the remaining wrapper.
6.      Wearing a rubber glove, carefully insert the suppository into the dry anus. Insert as deep as you can to prevent it from coming out. Preferably the rectum should be fairly empty, but this isn’t essential. Avoid a packed rectum. The suppository probably will slightly irritate the bowel but this is manageable.
7.      It is difficult to insert the suppository without leaving some PPE on the skin. Shower or wash the anal area after inserting the suppository.
8.      The most common side effect is tiredness. If excessive, reduce the dosing frequency to, say, one suppository every second day.
9.      Pain in the tumour areas may occur. If so, and it decreases over time, this is a good sign.
10.    You might experience side effects such as body odour, flu-like symptoms and sleeplessness. No one has yet reported these.
11.    These minor problems should diminish with decreasing cancer load.
12.    There is no evidence whatsoever of any long-term health damage.
13.    After about 3 months, repeat diagnostic test(s). If symptoms and/or tests show improved cancer status, then continue treatment.  Plan to continue treatment until diagnostic tests show no evidence of cancer. Thereafter, continue treatment for a year to attack the remaining tumours that are too small to detect.
14.    One of the experts in this therapy believes that you are cured one year after there is no evidence of cancer, and that no more treatment is necessary. This may well be so, but a risk-averse person wouldn’t take the risk, and would continue at a lower dose indefinitely.
15.    Note that you should be also eating a good diet, exercising and taking other anti-cancer treatments such as curcumin, vitamin D, etc. These will assist the actions of the PPE treatment.

Failure mode

After about 3 months, if the treatment is not working then consider the following possible causes:
a.      the PPE may not be working for you. No treatment works for everyone, or it may be too late in the disease process.
b.      You have not adequately obeyed the instructions. Example. If you started a toxic treatment during this time, this will likely inactivate the PPE. So taking PPE will be a waste of effort until a few months after you stop the toxic treatment.
c.      You may not have allowed sufficient time for the treatment to work.

I suggest correcting any implementation errors, and see if this helps, or proceed to further potentially curative treatments.

Possible problems

1.      It will take 2 or more months of PPE treatment before there will be any evidence of benefit. You, therefore, must not leave it too late in the disease process.  You need to be reasonably healthy for long enough for the PPE to start producing benefits. A life expectancy of more than 6 months should be enough to show if PPE can solve the problem.
2.      You are likely to experience at least mild itching in the bowel. This should not be a significant problem and no one has reported this as an issue.  One patient had a colonoscopy to check bowel condition. It showed no signs of any problems. Also, the bowel replaces its surface cells very rapidly, which should minimize any damage.
3.      If you are excessively tired, you could try a coffee enema to remove toxic tumour breakdown products from the bowel. This is caused by tumour lysis syndrome. The enzymes destroy some cancer, leaving dead tissue. The body then has to detoxify and excrete the tissue breakdown products. This is done by the liver and kidneys, and rapid tumor breakdown may overload these organs. If at any stage the treatment makes you sick, immediately stop treatment, do a coffee enema and rest. Drink large amounts of water. No more treatment until the problem subsides.
4.      It is most unlikely to occur, but if there is any bleeding from the rectum you must stop PPE treatment and consult your doctor.

Indications of successful treatment

You may begin to feel better (do not underestimate how you feel as a diagnostic test). Pain may be reduced. Tumours which were previously inoperable may become operable.
Feeling better is a good sign. Improved tumour markers (blood tests) and scans provide objective evidence of effective treatment.

Enzymes combined with other treatments

There is no reason to believe that PPE treatment will interfere with other non-toxic treatments. It is very likely to act synergistically with them.  So if PPE gives 100 units of benefit and another treatment gives 20 units of benefit, the combined effort will exceed 100 + 20 = 120 units.

PPE treatment

1.      When collecting the PPE suppositories, immediately put in a cooler with ice.  Rapidly return home, and when you get there, immediately transfer the PPE to your freezer, not your refrigerator. Store them there and only take out one at a time for treatment.
2.      These PPE suppositories degrade rapidly when exposed to warmth or water.
3.      Carry out the relevant clinical test(s) to measure your pre-treatment cancer status. If a blood test, once you have given blood you can immediately begin PPE treatment. Test results will come later.
4.      Note pre-treatment symptoms. Rate pain on a scale of zero (no pain) to 10 (extreme pain). If you are thin, note your weight.
5.      Continue other non-toxic treatments as needed.

All of us need oral pancreatic enzymes as we age.  Many of us will also need oral HCL/Pepsin.  Taking pancreatic enzymes will help prevent cancer and degenerative diseases.

© 2017 Copyright Douglas G. Mitchell & Jake Ames All Rights Reserved