Boron Instructions

Boron Instructions

Douglas G. Mitchell, Ph.D., D. Univ. & Jake Ames, MD, HMD


Benefits of using borax- there may be lesser benefits with fructoborate pills:

Bone health
Ca-Mg balance and levels
Improve well-being
Softer skin
Weight loss
Whiten and strengthen teeth
Prostate cancer
Cancer prevention
Boron is largely stored in the parathyroid, and it might be effective against parathyroid problems
Improved mental clarity and function


1.   Buy very pure borate powder. It needs to be inorganic and called sodium tetraborate, sodium borate or borax. If the name is followed by hydrate or decahydrate, ignore this. It is only water. Buy the product from a chemical supply company, and it needs to be labelled AR, meaning analytical reagent grade and therefore very pure.  We bought this product from A specification is included. $A45 for 500 g. There will be similar suppliers in other countries
2.   NOTE: we no longer recommend commercial borax. It might contain toxic materials. AR grade will most certainly NOT contain toxic materials.
3.   Take ¼ teaspoon borax.
4.   Add the borax to a glass containing warm water, stir until dissolved. Pour this solution into a container of known size, in my case 700 mL.
5.   Dissolve 110 mg (1/4 teaspoon) in 700 mL of distilled water.  Concentration = 110/700 = 0.16 mg/mL. If your container is a different size, change the calculation. For example, if you use a 1 L container, the concentration will be 110/1000 = 0.11 mg/mL


Normal dose is 6 mg per day = 40 mL/day of the above boron solution.
Women with arthritis can take 10 mg = 60 mL.
Men with prostate problems or arthritis can take 20 mg B/day = 20/0.16 =125 mL/day.

The taste is a bit bitter, so add some strongly tasting juice such as pomegranate.

Take for 5 weekdays, and then do not take for 2 days during the weekends. This allows the body to remove any excess boron.

We recommend continuing with this dose for your entire life, perhaps at a lower dose if the problem is not longer detectable.  Some men are taking up to 110 mg a day (1/4 teaspoon), and women 55 mg a day (1/8 teaspoon).  We have no experience with these higher dosages.


Boron is a nutrient so any significant toxicity is most unlikely when taking around 20 mg a day. We have not found any evidence of toxicity at anything other than huge doses. Some people have taken much higher doses than recommended here, with excellent effect and no problems.

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