Urine Therapy & Urine Fasting Questions

Urine Therapy & Urine Fasting Questions

Jake Ames, M.D., H.M.D.
Douglas G. Mitchell, Ph.D., D. Univ.

Question: Why should I be interested in urine-based therapy (UT)?  A therapy I can’t imagine ever wanting to use.

Answer: Because there are a number of chronic conditions for which there is nothing better. These range from trivial problems such as skin blemishes and serious problems such as usually fatal metastatic cancer.

Question: How on earth can that be?

Answer: Because just about everyone in modern societies is nutritionally deficient and urine therapy provides the most nutritious product we have access to.

Question:  What is in the urine?

Answer:  Urine is 95% declustered water, which is also called EZ water, which is capital E, capital Z water.  Only ice is structured water.  It is also called biological water.  When you eat a watermelon or any fruit and vegetable, you are ingesting declustered water, which by itself, can treat many diseases.  Water has been proven to hold “memory” of any substance, toxic or not.  So when our bodies are full of heavy metals and toxic chemicals, the structure of water changes.  This is probably how homeopathic medicines work. Homeopathic preparations are so heavily diluted that they no longer contain any of the original substances. All that remains is declustered water. Declustered water efficiently hydrates the body.  Have you ever been doing hard, hot yard work and you cannot get hydrated?  You are drinking a huge amount of water and you’re still thirsty, and your stomach is full.  Well, if you were drinking declustered water, you would hydrate your brain and body a lot easier at the cellular level.

The urine also contains 2.5% urea and 2.5% nutrients (minerals, vitamins, hormones, hormone metabolites, organic acids, amino acids, etc.). Importantly, the nutrients have been activated by the liver.  Activated minerals and vitamins are the preferred form to activate the enzymes which drive the body’s functions.
Urine contains amino acids, proteins, enzymes, organic acids, hormones, and hormone metabolites. There are hundreds of these nutrients. It may be regarded as the perfect food for the human body.  Importantly, urine also contains antigens of any viral, bacterial or fungal diseases, which you may have.  For people with cancer, urine contains antigens, which stimulate the formation of antibodies to cancer.

In short, urine therapy is a top treatment for a large range of chronic conditions. Very aggressive urine therapy has been reported to cure cancer.

Question: How can a simple, cheap therapy like this outperform our sophisticated, high tech medical industry?

Answer: The medical industry does a good job treating acute health problems.  Acute problems such as infections and accidents can usually be cured. But it often fails when treating chronic conditions. Therapies may alleviate the problem, but they fail when they do not address the underlying problem; cancer Doctors may repair the problem with surgery (often) and sometimes with chemotherapy and radiation. If the repair doesn’t work, doctors do their best to manage the problem, e.g. with painkillers, palliative treatment, and usually not very successful drug treatments.  For people with metastatic cancer, once surgery has failed, with standard treatment (some exceptions) they cannot expect a long life. They often face painful and debilitating treatment plus the damage caused by the disease.

On the other hand, UT attacks the underlying problems, mainly nutritional inadequacy. Correcting such problems is the path to curing chronic illnesses. UT corrects or improves nutritional status and this has benefits for many chronic conditions, ranging from trivial to serious.

Question: But my doctor tells me that the evidence for efficacy is based on anecdotal evidence and is not good enough. So does the media.

Answer: The medical industry tells us that the only evidence worth believing comes from randomized clinical trials. These comprise studies where a group of patients receives the medication of interest and a matched group of patients get a placebo.
In an ideal world, we need to this to detect small differences in efficacy. In practice, it is used to lock out treatments which are not amenable to such trials. Drug companies sell pills or similar with well-defined composition, and which is easy to comply with. This is all rubbish.

We run our lives on anecdotal evidence. A friend tells us that the coffee in a certain coffee shop is best (anecdotal evidence). We then check it out ourselves (confirmation).
In medicine, we may observe that a certain treatment can produce wonderful results. One good result doesn’t mean much, it could be good luck, or an error or the person is lying. But 25 good results most certainly do have meaning.
Further, a patient advised getting urine therapy will most certainly be advised to take multiple other treatments. Variable compliance is a problem, as is deciding how much of a good outcome is due to the urine therapy.

To put it another way, drugs approved by regulators which have gone through randomized clinical trials and generally not good enough for metastatic cancer. Some treatments based on anecdotal evidence do wonderfully well. This includes urine therapy.

What does the doctor say about urine therapy?

Question:  Dr. Ames, I understand you use urine therapy to treat and cure many diseases.

Answer: Yes I do.  Urine therapy has been used in ancient India and China for thousands of years.  In ancient China, the emperor and empress would have teenage boys and girls urinate into separate latrines.  When the urine dried, they would have the dough rolled over the urine crystals, eat the dough, and this was the first evidence of using bio-identical hormones and enhanced nutrition.  Urine therapy is my number one treatment to cure cancer and most chronic and acute diseases.  It is free and cannot be regulated or outlawed by any government.  This is the most important therapy I have ever learned in my medical career.

Question:  I always believed that the urine is a waste product?

Answer:  Urine is not a waste product. It is a product excess to the body’s needs at the time it is produced. There are very few waste products in the urine unless you are taking pharmaceutical drugs and/or have a poor diet.
The nutrient path is: food, digestion, blood, user (cells). Nutrients excess to current needs are excreted into the urine. Urine is actually an ultra-filtrate of your blood, everything except the red cells. We all drunk our urine when we were in the womb.  If we did not, we would not be alive.  The urine helped develop the lungs and all of our tissues and organs.

Question: How do I take urine?

Answer: three ways: oral, skin application and by injection
Oral ingestion is easiest. Merely collect urine and drink.
Skin application is easy but a bit time-consuming. Rub the urine into the skin and head and leave in place for about 20 minutes then shower.

Urine injections may require a doctor and/or a nurse.  Patients can be taught how to self-inject themselves.  In all cases, it is advisable to consult Dr. Ames before starting treatment. He will advise on how to phase in treatments, monitor progress and will doubtless suggest other actions to improve outcomes. Plan on an initial 60+ minutes consultation and multiple brief consultations as treatment progresses.

Urine needs to be drunk and not taken through a feeding tube. This allows the lymphatic’s in the throat to activate your immune system for your body to kill cancer cells and infectious organisms.  If you have had a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, drinking urine will still work.

Question:  Is drinking one’s urine safe?

Answer: Absolutely. As previously mentioned, urine is 95% declustered water and 2.5% urea. This chemical compound contains 46% nitrogen, which is recycled back into the body to reduce protein wastage.  Urea is a great moisturizer, and urine fasting with daily topical urine applications dissolves scar tissue in and outside the body.
The remaining 2.5 % of the urine comprises vitamins and minerals, which have often been activated during there “first pass” through the body. Also, there are hormones, hormone metabolites, amino acids, organic acids, proteins, enzymes and antibodies against current and earlier chronic illnesses.
Yes, the urine is very safe to drink.


a.   Urine therapy increases the effective dose of pharmaceutical drugs. If the drug is excreted in the urine, we can still do urine fasting, but it will usually be necessary to lower the drug dose.
b.   If using a blood thinner, DO NOT DO URINE THERAPY.  Urine therapy will lower blood pressure and thin the blood. This may result in a dangerous reduction in blood viscosity and possibly an intracranial bleed (stroke).

Question:  How does one do a urine fast?

Answer:  You drink up to 100% of your urine shortly after urination.  You only drink distilled water and your urine.  The amount of water depends on the outside temperature, elevation, humidity, your weight, sex, age, exercise and where you live.  A good rule of thumb is to drink 4 liters a day of distilled water if you are drinking all of your urine.  One hot day I (JA) drank 4 liters of water and 2.5 liters of urine. Drink enough water to satiate your thirst.

Do not overhydrate, you could die.  Some people in mental institutions have drunk so much water that they got very low in sodium, had seizures and died.  Stop drinking urine a couple of hours before bedtime, otherwise, your sleep will be disrupted by frequent urination. Two hours before bedtime collect and save your urine in a large glass container with a screw-on lid.  This
urine will be used for topical applications the next day or can be saved for months to years for topical application. Patients taking all their urine are urinating very frequently during the day. The urine becomes clearer and clearer as the day goes on and clearer each day you fast.

Question:  How do you protect yourself from becoming low on sodium and other electrolytes?

Answer:  You should apply topical urine daily for around 20 minutes, leave it on, then shower off.  Your skin will absorb minerals and vital nutrients.  We recommend taking a teaspoon of real sea salt or Himalayan salt carefully spread out during each day. Avoid salt contaminated with fluoride.  This can be spread out throughout the day.  Ingesting a teaspoon of salt at once can cause nausea.

If you feel wasted or dizzy fasting, you could add time-released prescription potassium daily to add to the sodium in salt.  I usually have patients take 1 teaspoon of sea salt or Himalayan salt from an excellent source and Klor-Con 20 mEq (1,500 mg) - A prescription form of potassium chloride.  It is very important that you measure your electrolytes every 5-7 days.

After every five to seven days of fasting, get a blood test to check sodium, chloride and potassium levels.  Your serum sodium should be between 140-145 mmol/L, chloride 100-105 mmol/L, and potassium 4.5-5.0 mmol/L.

Question:  Will I get hungry fasting?

Answer:  If you are new to fasting or are not on a ketogenic diet, the first day and maybe the second day of fasting you will be hungry.  After day two, your hunger is psychological.  You may miss the enjoyment of tasting, smelling, and eating your food, and the habit of eating twice to three times a day.  You may even feel bored.  The first day of fasting I (JA) miss my hamburgers, cheese, fat, and eggs.
If the hunger is uncomfortable, make a snack using real olive oil, avocados, and nuts.  (See JA’s Blog on olive oil)  Many olive oils are tainted with canola, safflower, sunflower or soybean oils and have chlorophyll added for the green color). No carbohydrates.

Question:  Should I continue with my prescription drugs, and keep taking my vitamin and minerals supplements when urine fasting?

Answer:  You should not interfere with other essential treatments. Continue with drugs if essential.
If you are taking a blood thinner or receiving chelation therapy (EDTA, DMPS), do not do a urine fast until you can find a way to get off or much reduce the blood thinner.
Defer chelation therapies. Other drugs such as blood pressure medicines will have to be reduced
EDTA and DMPS chelation eliminate heavy metals through the kidneys.

Question:  Can I drink my urine on the days that I’m eating?

Answer:  Yes. Some people drink urine every day for years as a chronic disease preventive. If you are going to have just one glass a day, drink the first-morning urine.  It will have human growth hormone, melatonin, and many nutritious substances in higher dosages than later in the day.

Question:  What if I cannot do the length of fast that is needed to cure my condition?

Answer:  Stop the fast, and then resume longer fasts at a later date.  Rome was not built in one day.

Question:  What diseases do you treat with urine fasting?

Answer:  Our basic hypothesis, supported by much evidence, is that nutritional inadequacy is the major factor behind most chronic illnesses. Clayton and Rowbotham did a fascinating study of English health during the 1850-1880 period. They showed that males who reached the age of 5, lived longer than males living today. (Women then died during childbirth. Not now).
The major difference between then and now was that people’s nutritional status in 1850 was much better than now. It was so good that cancer and heart disease were much rarer than today.

Based on the literature we have read and on our experience with patients and ourselves, we believe that urine therapy has excellent prospects for improving or curing a number of diseases.

Here is a list of conditions claimed to be helped or cured by urine therapy. We can verify some of them by observing our patients. Some benefits such as “feeling better” are subjective and we have to rely on what the patients tell us.

1:  Urine fasting cures all carcinomas, sarcomas, leukemias, and lymphomas (unless the patient leaves it too late in the disease process).  It is the most economical way to cure cancer.

Urine fasting to cure cancer should work faster when combined with other natural, adjuvant therapies.  (Surgery cures cancer in about half the patients who receive it).

2:  Urine fasting cures all IgG and IgA food allergies. It has greatly helped one of us (DM).

3:  Urine fasting cures IgE pollen, dust, house dust mites, house dust mite feces, environmental allergies, mold allergies, chemical allergies with or without urine injections.  However, urine injections with fasting are a more rapid treatment.

4:  Urine fasting with injections may or may not cure life-threatening IgE food allergies.

5:  Urine fasting lowers fibrinogen, CRP-HS (inflammation indicator) and ESR (It contains urokinase). 

6. Urine fasting increases telomere lengths. Telomeres are the “caps” on the end of DNA chains. As we age, telomeres shorten and DNA becomes less efficient in holding accurate instructions for cell replication. Short telomeres promote aging, long telomeres do not.

6:  Urine fasting is the fastest and safest way to lose weight.

7:  Urine fasting increases HGH (Human Growth Hormone), all steroid hormones and their metabolites, and thyroid hormones.

8:  Urine fasting increase IQ (Intellectual Quotient), MQ (Moral Quotient), BQ (Body Quotient), EQ (Emotional Quotient).

9:  Urine fasting increases short-term, intermediate-term and long-term memories, and thinking speeds up.

10:  Urine fasting makes one want to meditate.

11:  Urine fasting increases siddhis described by Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras.

12:  Urine fasting helps to reduce cancer and arthritis pain.

13:  Urine fasting makes one closer to God.

14:  Urine fasting removes generalized arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis.

15:  Urine fasting prevents strokes and myocardial infarctions.

16:  Urine fasting increases libido either during or after the fast.

17:  Urine fasting increases one’s awareness of one’s diet and one eats less “junk food.”

18:  Urine fasting combined with the topical application of fresh or old urine removes seborrheic keratoses, age spots, and lubricates the skin.

19:  Urine fasting makes one’s eyes shine.

20:  Urine fasting removes intestinal parasites and yeasts.

21:  Urine fasting cures most infectious diseases including tuberculosis, malaria, Lyme disease, leptospirosis, all spirochetal diseases, mycoplasma and all cell wall deficient pathogenic organisms, fungal infections, viral and bacterial infections.  With all life-threatening acute bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic diseases, the patient should be doing the urine fasting with other supportive measures, such as IV vitamin C, IV hydrogen peroxide, ozone therapy, iodine, colloidal silver, and colloidal copper.

22:  Urine fasting may cure most autoimmune diseases in many ways.  One way is to cure leaky gut syndrome; another way is to cure food allergies; another way is to rest the intestinal tract from being exposed to bacteria, viruses, and fungi from our diet.  Another way is to detox the body of heavy metals and chemicals (many are in our fat).

23:  Urine fasting balances one’s pH to optimal (venous pH at 7.46).

24:  Urine fasting restores the Th1/Th2 balance.

25:  Urine fasting makes one appreciate music and art better.  It awakens dormant areas of one’s brain.

26:  Urine fasting combined with Dr. Jan Kwasniewski’s diet cures Type 2 diabetes and most non-genetic diseases, as long as one practices regularly the fasting and the diet.

27:  Urine fasting cures diarrhea, but may at first cause diarrhea as one is detoxing and removing harmful bacteria, parasites, and fungi.

28:  Urine fasting cures cataracts usually in 10 days, some people need 14 days.

29:  Urine fasting may cure some cases of blindness (Armstrong, “The Water of Life” - Man fasted for 101 days).

30:  Urine fasting cures post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD) and all emotional traumas.

31:  Urine fasting heals the body according to Hering’s law: (the basis of all healing). All cures start from within and go out to the surface (skin), from the head down, and in reverse order as the symptoms have appeared or been suppressed.

32:  Urine fasting results in one’s urine becoming clearer and clearer each passing day.

33:  Urine fasting with urine compresses applied 24/7 are the best treatments for gangrene, insect bites and snake bites.

34:  Urine fasting increases one’s self-confidence.

35:  Urine compresses 24/7 are the best treatment for sunburns.

36:  Urine fasting removes excess mucus the quickest.

37:  Urine fasting promotes better sleep and one needs less sleep.

38.  Urine fasting removes heavy metals and toxins safer and faster than the FAR-IR sauna.  We have not compared it to DMPS or EDTA chelation, but it is free and very safe.

39:  Urine fasting repairs and detoxes all cellular membranes, facilitating the cure for cancer and almost every non-genetic disease.  The cellular membranes are the software; the DNA is just a library of books.  Books do not make decisions, they provide recipes for producing proteins.

Question:  Dr. Mitchell, you have two doctorates and you were a chemistry professor and the Chancellor at Swinburne University, Melbourne, Australia.  What have you personally noticed from doing urine fasting and applying urine topically?  How long have you been doing urine therapy?

Answer:  I have been doing urine therapy for two years now. What it does do is improve a number of health problems, some trivial, some not. For example, allergies are almost eliminated, most skin blemishes have disappeared, I sleep better, I have hair over bald patches, and my gray hair is returning to my normal color, and my blood tests for various health problems have improved considerably.   My PSA tests for my prostate cancer are now in the reference range!  People comment on how well and how younger I look. These alone make UT worthwhile. I had metastatic prostate cancer and should be dead, or at least very sick. I am doing UT along with other potentially curative and helper therapies, so I cannot isolate the UT contribution. So far, my blood tests are excellent; I have not had any debilitating treatment, no pain and suffering and no long-term side effects. Compare this with the experiences of other people with this problem.
The only problem? It is boring doing the UT and other therapies, but it sure beats the alternative.

Question:  How long should I fast for?

Answer:  You can start with an intermittent fast from dinner to lunch and skip breakfast, a fast of about 17 hours. This gives the digestive system a good rest. With UT, you can start with a few drops or teaspoon of urine in a glass of water. JA started with a glass of urine and almost vomited.  This is not a health problem, it is social conditioning.  One of my patients tells me his urine taste like butter. Many of you have had wine, cheese, and beer which tastes worse than urine. Most people describe urine as tasting a little bitter.  If your urine is dark, very bitter, tastes awful, then you either are not consuming enough water or you are very toxic. DM had a bout of influenza, and his urine looked dark with a slightly unpleasant taste. Sometimes when you are very toxic the urine will cause nausea at first.  Some of this is psychological conditioning.  Do not take vitamins except vitamin C during fasting. Some vitamins if you are low on them, such as vitamin D3 can be taken with olive oil one time while fasting.  Vitamins will make your urine taste too strong, and you might be slightly allergic to some of your vitamins.  Keep it simple.  You can take your minerals if you are low on certain minerals.  You can also take vitamin C crystals 1 teaspoon once or twice a day, and 5% Lugol’s iodine 4 drops a day in a glass of water.  (See my iodine and thyroid hormone Blogs).  Basically, you fast long enough to cure your cancer or whatever disease you have.  John Armstrong, the author of “The Water of Life” had one of his patients fast 101 days to get cured of blindness in one eye.  Urine fasting makes stem cells, increases telomere length and really raises human growth hormone to very high levels while fasting.

Question:  What are the side effects of urine therapy?

Answer:  The first two days of the fast, people may experience moderate hunger.  This usually goes away after two days, but a psychological hunger may persist longer.

You may initially experience diarrhea because the body is eliminating toxins, dead cancer cells, candida, molds, and parasites.  This is a good thing.  The problem will lessen with time.  You might experience “constipation”.  It is common not to have any bowel movements for days because with no food, there is no fiber and there is very little stool.  If this is a problem, take some medium chain triglyceride (MCT) oil and coconut oil.  These oils will keep you in ketosis, and this will move the bowels in the direction of diarrhea. Start out with one tablespoon of both and increase as needed.  If constipation still persists, take 1 tablespoon of psyllium in a large glass of water.  If still a significant problem, have one to two colon hydrotherapy sessions with Bifidus probiotics implanted into the colon afterward.
Once constipation clears up, only drink urine and water.

If you have not previously been on a ketogenic diet, this may contribute further symptoms, such as lightheadedness and a “spacey” feeling.   If this happens, add 1 teaspoon of sea salt to a glass of water, and drink it. Some people may need potassium salts: citrate, chloride or bicarbonate.   Topical urine application will add these minerals to the body. Inadequate electrolytes can cause fatigue, brain fog, a spacey feeling and even heart arrhythmia. Magnesium glycinate or citrate up to three 500 mg pills per day should solve the arrhythmia problem.  Too much magnesium will cause diarrhea.

Question:  How does urine therapy work?

Answer:  Urine fasting is correcting nutritional deficiencies, and recycling nutrients and hormones, which would otherwise have been wasted. It basically increases the absorption of important nutrients. Think of it as giving the body two chances to absorb these nutrients, and the second pass (urine) may well absorb better than the first pass (eating).  Urine contains many biological substances such as bacterial, viral, fungal and tumor antigens.

Fasting saves around 20% of the energy otherwise used in digestion.  UT supplies your body with declustered water to optimally hydrate cells and tissues.

Rubbing urine into the skin provides another pathway for these important substances to access the body.

Question:  How do you apply urine topically?

Answer:  Urine applied topically needs to be done daily.  The first morning urine is the most important urine of the day because it has melatonin, human growth hormone and steroid hormones in higher quantity than urine from later in the day.  Pour a little urine on to a washcloth and rub it into the entire head, face, neck, and feet.  Include other areas as desired. Urine can be rubbed into skin blemishes and many will eventually disappear. It can be applied to areas above known tumors with the expectation that it will reach the tumors in a concentrated dose. The topical application should be done for 20 minutes or longer.

Question:  What do you do if you cannot fast for more than a day?

Answer:  If the fast is too difficult, you can do an incomplete fast. Add a light snack as necessary. This could be raw nuts, an avocado with olive oil, canned salmon or tuna with olive oil, or even up to 4-12 fried or hard-boiled eggs with olive oil each day.  Stay in ketosis and eat very few carbohydrates.

Question:  How do you think urine fasting cures cancer?

Answer:  It starves cancer.  It balances one’s pH.  It repairs cellular membranes.  The body makes a vaccine to the cancer antigens.  It rests the body.  It detoxes the body.

Question:  What are urine vaccines and injections?

Answer:  Urine can be used as a vaccine.  Midstream urine is collected into a sterile container, and 1 to 2 ml is drawn into a 3 mL syringe fitted with a ½ inch 27-gauge needle.  The urine is injected into the dermis (skin).  It’s important to inject the urine into the dermis because the dermis has different immune system cells, which become activated when injecting urine into the dermis.  Intradermal injection of urine can be used to treat allergies, cancer, autoimmune disease, as well as most chronic and acute diseases.

Friday, 29 March 2019

Case History Ames Protocol

In this report, I shall describe just one case history. It is the most detailed and longest I have available. It illustrates several key points:
· The protocol has been spectacularly effective in treating a disease which, according to Life Extension Foundation, is “uniformly fatal”.
· The major mode of action of this protocol is that it corrects nutritional inadequacy. This, in turn, improves general health which can then improve
other health problems. These problems are often minor, but correcting them is useful. For example, reducing arthritis pain.
· The patient experienced negligible pain and suffering, in stark contrast to the usual effects of standard cancer treatments.

Prostate cancer

2012 patient, aged 73, was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Treated with natural therapies plus sono-photodynamic therapy.
June 2015. Diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer, with 5 metastases in the abdomen.
June 2015 He had a biopsy. This was an error. Prostate biopsies are given to justify prostatectomies. A treatment the patient considered too dangerous. He began hormone treatment.
September 2015.  Abandoned hormone therapy, because pancreatic pro-enzyme treatment became available. Thereafter the patient used pancreatic pro-enzymes, part of the Ames protocol. This began a period of continuously declining circulating tumor test values.
Early 2017. The patient began consultations with Dr. Ames. The patient gradually added other components of Dr. Ames’s protocol.
April 2018 status. The most recent diagnostic test, this time a PSA test, showed a low value of 3.0. The value 2 months earlier was 7.6. He presumably still has some prostate cancer and is, of course, continuing Ames treatment.
At no stage has the patient experienced major symptoms of prostate cancer or experienced any pain and suffering.

Likely outcome with standard treatment
Standard treatment is likely hormone therapy until it stops working after about 2 years. Then some drug treatments adding a few months of survival. By April 2018, the patient would probably be dead or at least very sick. The cancer would likely be in the bones, causing extreme pain.

Minor benefits of the Ames protocol

Benefits related to prostate cancer
. better urination
. less need to get up at night and urinate. Previously urinated about 3 times each night. Now down to none or once.
. better control of urination.
. less irritable bladder symptoms. This results in a fake signal to urinate, causing more sleep disturbance
“feeling better” are subjective and we have to rely on what the patients tell us.

Benefits unrelated to prostate cancer

. much reduced arthritis pain
. much better sleep
. less hunger
. reduced weight.
. increased hair growth. The patient was previously about 50 % bald. Now about 5 % bald.
. some reduction in white hair. Less grey than before.
. improved energy
. He feels better than he has felt in years.
. improved allergies. He previously sneezed about four times per day. Now about one time per day.
. improved eyesight. A quite remarkable benefit. The patient previously had a strong right eye and poorly focussed left eye. His view was that if he lost his right eye his vision would be poor. Now the left eye has almost “caught up” with the right eye and he believes he could manage quite well with only the left eye.

Patient comment

I am very grateful to Dr. Ames for guiding me to this fantastic protocol. I am a big winner already. I might add that Dr. Ames tries his treatments on himself. Your oncologist most certainly has not done this.
An obvious question is why doesn’t my doctor give me this type of treatment. He or she may not know about it. More importantly, doctors are not permitted to provide many Ames protocol treatments. These treatments have not been approved by regulators and likely never will be. Someone has to spend millions of dollars and many years to get approval. No one will do this for unpatentable natural products. Doctors in rich countries risk losing their license if they do so.
The cancer industry is massively profitable. Allowing low cost, effective therapies would be a major, major blow. In the meantime, many, many people will suffer and die. These expensive medical treatments make it hard for governments to control spending.

I have done a lot of research on cancer treatment. When we are told to support cancer research, they mean support research into profitable treatments. Immunotherapy is a huge step forward in profitability terms. Whether it will be a big step forward in patient benefits remains to be seen. (Though immunotherapy does very well with melanoma).
Many people believe that there is a conspiracy to lock out low cost, effective cancer treatments. There are conspiracy theories for just about everything, but I believe this one. I am currently reading the book “ Cancer is a Fungus” by Tullio Simoncini. His treatment is basically sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) delivered several ways to the body. He cites a number of excellent case histories. You can imagine what would happen to the cancer industry if this treatment was allowed. A number of other practitioners claim excellent results with their therapies, and these therapies are locked out by regulators. Examples include Rife, Hoxsey and Gerson (available in Mexico). I have heard people testify to cures with the Gerson therapy. I do not believe that they are all lying.

Books on Urine Therapy:

The Water of Life: A Treatise on Urine-Therapy by John W. Armstrong
The Golden Fountain by Coen Van Der Kroon
Your Own Perfect Medicine by Martha Christy
Shivambu Kalpa by Arthur Lincoln Pauls, D.O.

The first three books are now free on PDF.

[1] Jim Humble Verlag, April 2015 (German language edition. I could not find an English version)
[2] Nutritional inadequacy could be caused by insufficient nutrients in the diet, inefficient digestion resulting in poor absorption in the blood and interference by disease conditions.
[3] Paul Clayton and Judith Rowbotham, How the Mid-Victorians Worked, Ate and Died, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2009, 6, 1235-1253.
[4]  Read Bruce Lipton – “The Biology of Belief” and Ed Kane – “Phosphatidylcholine”. Check YouTube’s by Bruce Lipton, Tom Campbell and Ed Kane (Phosphatidylcholine).

The authors are learning weekly about the amazing benefits of urine therapy.  There is no other therapy in the world as powerful as urine therapy.

How to consult with Dr. Ames

g432144@gmail.com  Telephone:  +52 322 150 1333

Biographical Sketches

Jake Ames, MD, HMD is a U.S. trained medical doctor, a clinical and surgical pathologist and an internist. He also has a  doctorate degree in homeopathy, and was certified in acupuncture at UCLA.   He treats and consults from Mexico, thereby avoiding the U.S. regulatory climate-hostile to the safe, effective, low cost and unpatentable therapies “locked out” by regulators in rich countries.

Doug Mitchell Ph.D., D Univ. (Physical Chemistry) has many years experience in the medical industry, including working at the New York State Department of Health for 15 years doing medical research and 5 years managing a cancer clinic.

He was previously Chancellor of Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia. He has spent many years identifying and developing non-toxic therapies for treating cancer.

© 2019 Copyright Jake Ames & Douglas G. Mitchell All Rights Reserved