Bioidentical Hormones Urine Therapy Ancient China

(References indicated by superior figures are to the Chinese characters opposite pages iI8 and I I9.)
OUR knowledge of the endocrine functions of the sexual organs of man and
mammals is an acquisition of comparatively recent date. Endocrinology as a
whole indeed does not go back beyond the beginning of the present century.
By the end of the twenties a great deal of important knowledge about the
endocrine secretions of the testis and ovary, the placenta and the adrenals had
been attained, as may be seen in the collective work Sex and Internal Secretions,
edited by Edgar Allen I 1932. The same period had seen the establishment of
the correct formula of the steroid ring system by Wieland, Windaus, Diels,
Bernal, Rosenheim and King; and this opened the way for the sweeping
advances in the field of androgens and oestrogens which have taken place
since then.* We are now familiar with a large number of substances of androgenic
and oestrogenic activity naturally occurring in the body, and we are also
able to make use of derivatives of these substances which do not naturally
occur in Nature but which may have very useful properties for our purposes.
Since the knowledge of the steroid sex hormones is thus such a characteristic
achievement of modern science, it seems hardly believable that in any phase of
ancient or medieval science it should have been possible to make preparations
which possessed activity of this kind. Nevertheless, we have recently come upon
a corpus of material which indicates that this was accomplished by the Chinese
iatrochemists between the tenth and the sixteenth centuries A.D. Guided by
theories of traditional Chinese type, not of course the same as those of modern
science, and using urine as their starting-point, they succeeded in preparing
mixtures of androgens and oestrogens in relatively purified form and employing
them in medicine. The classical discovery of Aschheim & Zondek in 1927 that
pregnancy urine contains rich amounts of steroid sex hormones,t and the subsequent
discoveries of the presence of similar substances in urine from other
sources, was thus anticipated by many centuries in these Chinese empirical
preparations. In the present paper we wish to set forth the evidence which we
have found.+~
On the androgens see especially Dorfran & Shipley.
t It very soon became the chief source of supply for biochemists; cf. Veler & Doisy's paper, and
Allen, pp. 44o, 483; also Brools et al., p. I I I.
The stem of romanization of Chinese characters in this paper follows that of Wade-Giles with
the substitution of an 'h' for the aspirate apostrophe.
We are greatly indebted to Dr. Roger Short of the Department of Veterinary Science at Cambridge
and to Dr. Hal Dixon of the Biochemical Department, as well as to Prof. H. Breuer, for much kind help
and valuable advice.
We wish to record with great gratitude generous financial assistance received from the Wellcome
Lu Gwei-Djen and Joseph Needham
The Sexual Organs in Chinese Medicine
Before proceeding further it will be desirable to say a few words about the
sexual organs in Chinese medical thought and practice. The secondary sexual
characteristics were recognized as connected with the testis in quite ancient
times. As in all other civilizations, castration was undertaken very early, in man
for social reasons (eunuchism), and in animals both for medicinal purposes and
for gastronomy, because gelded animals were found to put on fat and to give
a more tender meat. The simple physiological experiment of castration thus
taught the Chinese very early that the beard and other characters of virility
were connected in some way with the presence of the testes. Intersexes also
aroused much interest and were catalogued in the Hsi ruan Lul of Sung Tzhu,'
the founder of forensic medicine, in A.D. 1247. This book, entitled The Washing
Away of Wrongs (i.e. False Charges), is the oldest treatise on legal medicine in
any civilization, and it was natural that attention should be paid in it to various
forms of hermaphroditism.* By the sixteenth century A.D., Li Shih-Chen8 in his
great pharmacopoeia, the Pen Tshao Kang Mu4 (1596), has an elaborate discussion
of ten principal forms of hermaphroditism.t The interest of the Chinese
was aroused very early also in sex-reversals. From the beginning of the Former
Han dynasty (third century B.C.) cases are reported, for example in the
Lun H6ng6 (Discourses Weighed in the Balance)+ of the famous skeptic Wang
Chhung,6 written about A.D. 8o. These sex-reversals, where persons predominantly
male turned into persons mainly female in character and vice versa,
were taken note of naturally for prognostication purposes, like other unusual
phenomena, celestial or terrestrial. For this reason many cases of similar change
in animals as well as man were recorded in the dynastic histories under the
heading of 'strange events'; § and there are plenty of case reports in the
memorabilia of private scholars. I
So far as we know, the Chinese were not particularly early in the use of testicular
tissue as a therapeutic agent in cases of hypogonadism, sexual debility,
impotence, spermatorrhoea, and female affections such as dysmenorrhoea,
leucorrhoea, etc. The practice was first emphasized in a book entitled Lei Cheng
Phu Chi Pen Shih Fang10 (Classified Fundamental Prescriptions of Universal
Benefit) printed in A.D. I253, and attributed to an eminent physician, Hsu ShuWei,"'
who flourished in A.D. 1132. The testes of animals such as the sheep, pig
and dog were used either desiccated, raw or comminuted with hot wine. Other
thirteenth-century books describe the treatment, e.g. the Chi Sing Fang12
(Prescriptions for the Preservation of Health), written by Yen Yung-Ho"' about
1267; after that time it became a current method in Chinese therapeutics.¶
The use of testis tissue as a drug goes back far in medical history; it appears in
* Chap. I, pp. 32aff. The material was in part older, since Sung Tzhu based his work on three still
earlier books now lost.
t Chap. 52, pp. 43aff. Hereinafter abbreviated to PTKM. Study continues today in China on modern
lines; cf. Liu Pen-Li et al.
$ Chap. 7 (Forke tr., vol. I, p. 327).
§ E.g. Chhien Han Shu,7 chap. 27 BA, pp. 2oaff.; chap. 27 CA, p. x8b; Hou Han Shu," chap. 27, p. 8a;
Hsin Thang Shu,9 chaps. 34 to 36 passim.
11 Cf. Laufer. Further references will be given in "Science and Civilization in China" (hereinafter
abbreviated to SCC), vol. vs.
¶ See PTKM, chap. 50A, pp. 13a, 2ia, b, 30b, 43a.
Medieval Preparations of Urinary Steroid Hormones
the Hippocratic corpus, in Dioscorides (c. A.D. 6o),* and among the Indian
writings, especially the Sulruta-samhita, sometime between the second and fifth
centuries A.D.t As early as 135 B.C. Nicander recommended the use of the
testes of hippopotamus. There is no reason to think that such medication would
have been valueless. Although testosterone is inactivated in the liver, administration
per os may have been reasonably effective, provided sufficient quantities
were given to the patient.
Chinese medicine was perhaps more original in the use of the human placenta
for therapy; after all the richest source of oestrogens. § How far back this goes
we are not quite sure, but Li Shih-Chen tells usil that the use of human placenta
was first mentioned in the Pen Tshao Shih 1P4 pharmacopoeia written by Chhen
Tshang-Chhi15 about A.D. 725. At first it was not greatly used, but during the
Ming period (fourteenth century onwards) it came into prominence, and was
prescribed habitually for all such affections as are considered to benefit by the
administration of oestrogens at the present day. The placenta was much studied
by Wu Chhiul8 towards the end of the fifteenth century in his Chu ChSng
Pien 117 (Resolution of Diagnostic Doubts)-; he, like other physicians of the Yuan
and the Ming, invariably prescribed placental tissue, desiccated or boiled down
in wine,T combined with a variety of herbal drugs. Some of these are known
today to have quite powerful effects on smooth muscle, blood-pressure, etc.**
The oral route is often considered inefficient for oestrogens, but there can be no
doubt that real effects would have been produced if enough material was
given.t t As in the case of the testis, placentas of animals, especially the horse
and cat, were also employed."
One little indication occurs here which links the use of the placenta with the
iatrochemical studies on urine which are the main subject of this paper. In
discussing the placenta, Li Shih-Chen quotes first from a Tan Shu20 concerning
the theory of the use of the placenta and the choice of the best specimens for the
purpose. It is probable that Tan Shu here is a generic term meaning books on
iatrochemical medicines, and not the name of a specific work, for it cannot be
found in Li Shih-Chen's own bibliography.1111 If this is so, there is here an
interesting link with the iatrochemists, descendants of the alchemists of the
Thang and Sung who developed the urinary fractionation methods now to be
* Gunther ed. p. 102; Berendes, vol. i, pp. 194, 294; Brooks et al., p. 23.
t Bhishagratna ed., vol. iI, pp. 512ff. + Berendes, vol. I, p. 274. § Allen, p. 456.
11 PTKM, chap. 52, pp. 36a, b, 37a, b.
¶ Such a treatment, like refluxing with aqueous alcohol, would liberate the steroid hormones, both
free and conjugated, from the cells.
** E.g. tu-chwngU (Eucommia ulmoides), and tang-kuei" (Angelicapolymorpha).
tt Oestrogenic components can in certain circumstances be well absorbed per os (cf. Allen, pp. 908,
9IO); progesterone not so. The famous experiments of Brown-S6quard in I889, so often regarded as
the foundation of endocrinology, sought to overcome the difficulties of the oral route by the injection
of glycerol extracts of testis tissue; they were thus distinctly less subtle than the ancient Chinese methods
of fractionating urine, and indeed also less convincing, since 'the validity of the results has not been
substantiated' (Allen, p. 88I), while the Chinese preparations were in widespread use.
4+ PTKM, chap. 50B, p. 20a; chap. 51A, p. 36b.
111 Asearchin the catalogues of the Taoist Patrology (Tao Tsang)2 which contains so many aIchemical
books, reveals only one which contains both these characters in its title, a Tan Tao Pi Shu" (Secret
Book of the Tao of Elixirs); but this is not in either of the main collections, and we have not been able
to see it. We suspect that it is in any case a late work, and not what Li Shih-Chen was referring to.
Lu Gwei-Djen and Joseph JNeedham
Proto-Endocrinology in Chinese Medical Theory
Elsewhere we expect to give a thorough study of the theories of Chinese
physiology, pathology and medicine throughout antiquity and the Middle
Ages.* These are the basis of the characteristic conceptions of traditional
Chinese medicine still today. Our conviction is that such an extended study will
demonstrate that the Chinese medical theory-structure was remarkably congruent
with the fundamental conception of endocrinology, namely that the
organs of the body exert important effects upon one another.
In the first place, the principal viscera were analogized with the elements.
As is generally known, Chinese natural philosophy from the fourth century B.C.
onwards thought in terms of five elements (unlike the Greek four): Metal,
Water, Wood, Fire and Earth.t The whole of Nature was considered as being
the theatre of a continual succession of changes in the Five Elements, changes
which proceeded according to certain systems of mutual inter-relations. One
such system was the Mutual Production Order, a particular succession according
to which each element generated the next one in a series. Similarly, another
cyclical succession was that known as the Mutual Conquest Order, in which in
a different succession each element conquered or destroyed its neighbour,
according to a particular succession. Since the viscera were analogized with the
Five Elements the conception of constant interactions between them lay very
near to the physiological thought of the ancients.
Besides the Five Elements, however, there were also the two fundamental
forces in the universe, Yin and Yang, originally corresponding to brightness
and darkness, the male and the female, etc., but here particularly relevant in
that the physiological thinkers used them so often in a sense very similar to that
which we have in mind when we speak of stimulus and inhibition. Thus the
medieval Chinese physicians had no difficulty in conceiving of a stimulatory
action of one organ on another and also an inhibitory one.
Furthermore, there was a third feature in classical Chinese physiological
thought which helped the conception of interactions within the body as a whole.
This is what one might call a circulation-mindedness. Although medieval
Chinese physiology had no such precise conception of a circulation of the blood
in the blood-vessels as was brought to perfection by William Harvey, nevertheless
it did not share in the old Greek and medieval Western ideas of 'tides' in
the blood. Chinese thought envisaged a steady circulation throughout the body
of chki23 (pneuma) and blood.+ The distinction between arterial and venous
blood had indeed been appreciated as early as the Former Han period, when
the Huang Ti Nei Ching,24 the earliest medical classic, was compiled.§ Consequently
it was not only easy on general element-theory to imagine the action
of one organ upon another, but it was also easy to see how it could come about
because of the perpetual circulation going on within the body.
* SCC, vol. vT.
t See SCC, vol. II, pp. 232ff., 253ff.
+ As yet there is no adequate treatment of this subject in a Western language, but we intend to give
one in SCC, vol. vi; meanwhile the reader may be referred to the papers of Liang Po-Chhiang;
Kapferer; and Huard & Huang Kuang-Ming.
§ The loCuS classicus is Ling Shu,'5 chap. 39; cf. also Su Win,2' chaps. 27, 39.
Medieval Preparations of Urinary Steroid Hormones
In I849 A. A. Berthold* made his classical experiment of transplanting the
testis in the cock to the abdominal cavity; he found that it was vascularized
but not innervated in its new position, and he was thus able to prove that the
caponized cock would remain a cock, a fully male animal, when the testis was
able only to contribute something to the blood-stream. The thought behind
Berthold's experiment-the foundation of modern endocrinology, though not
followed up for sixty years afterward-has been investigated by Forbes, but it
still remains somewhat obscure. It probably originated from the old Greek
theory of pangenesis, according to which particles from all the organs of the body
went to form the corresponding organs in the embryo.+ As interpreted in the
eighteenth century by men such as Maupertuis, Buffon and de Bordeu,§
this theory supposed that every organ (even if it had an obviously external
secretion also) contributed specifically and characteristically to the bloodstream,
not only for the purpose of forming the sexual products but also for all
kinds of purposes. This then was probably the mainspring of Berthold's experiment.
Knowing the relation of the testes to the secondary sexual characteristics,
he thought that it might be possible to demonstrate that their action was
mediated by the blood-stream alone. And it was. From what has been said
above it will be clear that the implicit content of the medieval Chinese medical
conceptions was rather similar, in that the Five Viscera were in constant
communication with each other through the circulatory systems of the body.1j
What was particularly remarkable about the Chinese practices from the
tenth century A.D. onwards was the fact that they based themselves on the belief
that the contributed 'virtues' of the blood were in part transmitted to the
urine. The urine could therefore be regarded as a valuable source of some of
these precious qualities. The traditional doctrine of Chinese medicine is summed
up by Li Shih-Chen in his Pin Ts/lao Kang Mu (I596), where he says that the
nutrient essentials (jen chih ching chhi27) circulating in the body divide into two
fractions, the lighter fraction (chiing cht28) forms the blood, and the grosser
fraction (cho chJ29) forms the chhi; then the grosser part of the lighter fraction
forms the urine, while the lighter part ofthe grosser fraction forms the secretions.
For this reason the urine must be considered as 'of the same category as'
(thung 1630) the blood. This was a fundamental doctrine, for the conception
of categories was of wide-ranging implication in Chinese medieval natural
philosophy. Elsewhere we have studied the doctrine of categories in relation
with medieval Chinese alchemy, where it was also highly important.¶ Essentially
it provided a further cross-classification other than the basic division of
all things and events in the world into Yin and Yang. A multitude of texts bear
witness that particular processes will only occur if the reacting substances are
either of the same or of a different category, but knowledge of the categories
one must have.
* Biography by Rush.
t The converse demonstration with the ovary was due to Knauer and Halban-but not till I900.
Cf. Needham, pp. 39ff.; Meyer, pp. 86ff.; Russell. The theory, characteristic of the Hippocratic
and Democritean schools, was combated by Aristotle.
§ See Neuburger; Rolleston.
11 For the wider aspects of medieval Chinese proto-endocrinology, see Needham & Lu Gwei-Djen,
PEC. ¶g See Ho Ping-Yu & Needham: CAT.
Lu Gwei-Djen and Joseph Needham
The use of the urine as a starting-point for medicinal preparations can therefore
in no way be dismissed as merely superstitious 'Dreckapotheke'. On the contrary,
there was good theoretical ground for it in medieval Chinese eyes, and it
is remarkable to reflect how far this intuition has been justified by the assured
findings of modem biochemical science. Moreover, it is clear that what the
Chinese were looking for in urine was a substance or substances which would
give the kind of results that the androgens and oestrogens give when administered
today. This will be apparent from the quotations of texts given below.
The Empirical Background
The use of urine as a medicament, especially for sexual debility and related
disorders, goes back a very long way ini Chinese history. The Hou Han Shu
(History of the Later Han dynasty) has a short biography of three Taoist adepts
who lived towards the end of the second century A.D. It must be remembered
that the attitude of ancient Taoism to sex was philosophical and medico-scientific
rather than ascetic in the ordinary Western sense. Among the paths
to the attainment of material immortality, sexual techniques took their place
beside diet, gymnastic exercises, control of the breathing, heliotherapy and
ascesis as understood in the West. The passage is as follows:*
Kan Shih'1 and Tungkuo Yen-Niens [Comm. The Han Wu JNei Chwan33 (Secret History of
(Emperor) Wu of the Han) says that his (Tungkuo's) style was Kung-Yu'4.] and Feng ChunTa;'
these three were all adepts (or magic,fang shih"). They were all expert at following
the techniques ofJung Chh& g7 in commerce with women.t They could also drink urine and
sometimes used to hang upside down. They were careful and sparing of their seminal essence
and (inherited) cMi, and they did not boast with great words of their powers. What Kan
Shih, (Tso) Yuan-Fang8"+ and (Tungkuo) Yen-Nien could do was recorded by (Tshao)
Tshao8' who asked them about their art and tried to practise it.§
[Comm. Tshao Chih's!011 Pien Tao Lunl' (On Taoism, True and False) says: 'Although Kan
Shih was old, yet he looked young. All the magicians and adepts flocked to him, but he talked
much and showed them little. His words were unorthodox and strange. I myself once dismissed
my retainers and talked alone with him, asking him with kindness and courtesy what
exactly it was that he practised. He said "My teacher's name was Han Ya.4" With this master
I once made gold in the southern regions; on four occasions we threw away into the sea several
tens of thousands of catties of gold." He also said "In the time of (Shen) Chu-Liang' (i.e.
500 B.C.)¶ barbarians came from the western regions bringing tribute of incense, mir cloth
belts and jade-cutting knives; I often regretted that I did not get some of them." He also said
"In the countries west of the Chu-Shih"' kingdom, people cut open the backs of new-born
children and take out their spleens in the hope that they will eat less and be more aggressive."**
He also said "If you take a pair of carp (fishes) five inches long, put a certain drug into one of
* Chap. I12B, p. i8a.
t A semi-legendary figure associated both with sexual physiology and calendrical science. Cf. van
Alchemist and thaumaturgist, A.D. I55 to 220 or a little later. Like the other three, a frequenter
of the court of the founder of the (San Kuo) Wei Kingdom.
§ The founder, and posthumously the first emperor, of the (San Kuo) Wei Kingdom; celebrated as
a military leader, and interested in many aspects of technology.
11 Third son of Tshao Tshao, famous writer and poet, much inclined to Taoism and interested in
natural history. 1¶ A sympathetic feudal lord with whom Confucius once conversed when on his travels, builder of
one of the most ancient of Chinese reservoir dams for irrigation water.
** The Han histories describe two Chu-Shih kingdoms, one anterior and one ulterior (from the
Chinese point of view), the former centered on Turfan, the latter on Guchen, but both in modern
Sinkiang. See Teggart, p. 212; McGovern (under Gushi).
Medieval Preparations of Urinary Steroid Hormones
them and throw it into boiling fat, the drug will make it violently move its tail and gills and
leap about wildly up and down as if it were sporting in the abyss. But by this time the other
one will be cooked and can be eaten." I often asked him whether (these things) could be tested.
He said that this drug was ten thousand miles away and one must go beyond the frontiers to
get it. "If you don't go yourself", said he, "you won't get it." (Kan Shih) said many other things
but I cannot recall them all; I mention only the strangest. If he had lived in the time of Chhin
Shih Huang" or Han Wu Ti"6 he would have been counted among (the great adepts such as)
Hsui Fu'7 and Luan Ta.'48]*
Feng (Chun-Ta) was called the Blue Ox Master (Chhing Niu Shih49). [Comm. The Han Wu
Nei Cluan says that he was a Kansu man. He began by eating huang-lien"t and after more than
fifty years he entered the Niao-Chu Mountains"6a and consumed metallic mercury. After more
than a hundred years he returned to his native village looking like a young man of twenty. He
always rode on a blue ox, which was why he was called the Blue Ox Taoist. If he heard of
anyone who was ill or dying, whether he knew him or not, he quickly gave him drugs, which
he kept in a tube of bamboo tied to his waist. Sometimes he practiced acupuncture on the
patients, who incontinently recovered, but he never revealed his names. He heard that Lu
Nu-Seng'1 had got hold of the Five-Mountain Map, and year after year he asked for it but he
could never obtain it. (Lu)+ would only counsel moderation. When he was over 2oo years old
he (Feng) went away into the Yuan-Chhiu Mountains.]
The association of urine with sexual activity therefore goes back to a very
early time in Chinese history, and if here we find it towards the end of the
second century A.D. it is highly probable that it was a Taoist art which could be
found in the second century B.C. also. Jung Chheng, the semi-legendary master of
the arts of sex and hygiene applied to longevity, was considered a man of this
time if not of the Warring States period (fifth to third centuries B.C.). The connection
with alchemy is here of course very evident and impressive. The curious
legendary adumbration of endocrinological operations is entertaining in the
context of Berthold's discovery, but hardly relevant, except in so far as it may
indicate physiological experimentation on the part of the Han Taoists. The case
of Feng Chun-Ta also illuminates the intimate relations between Taoism and
A thousand years later one comes across the same belief and practice. Chu
Chen-Heng52 says in his PeAn Tshao ren I Pu I53 (Revision and Amplification of
the General Ideas of the Pharmacopoeia), written about A.D. 1350:§
I once attended an old woman over eighty years of age who gave an appearance of being
about half that seniority. In reply to my questioning she explained why she thought she had
had such good health. She had once suffered from a severe illness and had been instructed to
take human urine, and this she had done for more than forty years. Who could maintain
therefore the old belief that the property of urine is algorific, and that it could not be taken
for a long time? All such cases of yin hsi4" (impotence, sexual debility, eremosis, excess Yang of
burning feverish type, etc.) which no medicine can benefit will take a turn for the better if urine
is administered.11
* Chhin Shih Huang Ti was the first emperor of China unified under the first dynasty, the Chhin
(r. 221 to 210 B.C.); he sent Hsu Fu to find the isles of the immortals in the Eastern Ocean. Han Wu Ti
was the greatest of the Han emperors (r. 141 to 87 B.C.); he was served by many Taoist adepts, among
whom Luan Ta is remembered for his connection with the history of magnetical science; cf. SCC,
vol. IV, pt. I.
t Coptis tecta, a very bitter herb. + Another of Tshao Tshao's thaumaturgical experts.
§ Chu Chen-Heng (I280 to 1358) was one of the 'four famous physicians of Chin and Yuan'.
1I Quoted in PTKM, chap. 52, p. 15a. Some of the technical terms in this passage (and in those
which follow) have been developed by us to aid in the translation of medieval Chinese medical texts,
and will be fully explained in SCC, vol. vI.
Lu Gwei-Djen and joseph Needham
An intermediate date is represented by Chhu Chheng,55 a physician who
died in A.D. 501. In his remaining writings we read that the urine is valuable
because it has styptic properties.
When the throat has lesions, the patient coughs up blood and this may lead to death. The
throat will not tolerate anything on its walls, so that an object as tiny as a hair will cause a
severe cough. The more the coughing continues the worse the breathing will be, so that it is
essential to stop it. If urine is taken the condition is nearly always cured, but if algorific drugs
are given none of the patients gets better.*
We do not know what property of urine such styptic effects could be due to,
but there can be no doubt that throughout the centuries between Kan Shih
and Chu Chen-Heng urine was used medicinally. Li Shih-Chen says that it has
the property of leading forth from the body pathological influences.
Human urine is moderately calorigenic and not algorific. Urine entering the stomach is
absorbed, carried upwards to the lungs along with the pneuma of the spleen (phi chih chhi57), and
downwards to the 'water-passage' (shui tao58) to enter the urinary bladder.t This is the same
route through which it passed once before. For this reason it can lead the (undue) heat (yin
huoll), the cause of the illness, downwards to be excreted.",
In the light of all this it was perfectly natural that the sediments and natural
precipitates ofthe urine should arouse great interest among the Chinese medical
naturalists at an early time. While it seems that the appearance of the urine was
never rated so highly for the purposes of diagnosis as it was in the West,§
nevertheless it was thought that the sediments might contain very important
substances. The naturally occurring sediment was called nipai hsin60 orjen chung
pai,61 and the first evidence of its use occurs in the Thang period. Li Shih-Chen
says that it was first mentioned in the Thang Pen Tshao,62 and though this is not
extant today, we can confirm what he says by the manuscript of the Hsin Hsiu
Pen Tshao63 (Newly Reorganized Pharmacopoeia) 11 of A.D. 659, which was conserved
in Japan. The reference to ni pai hsin is there very clear. Possibly the
earliest account of its use, in this case for curing severe diarrhoea in infants,
occurs in the Chhien Chin rao Fang64 (Thousand Golden Remedies) by the great
Sui and Thang physician Sun Ssu-Mo about A.D. 650. In the fourteenth century
Chu Chen-Heng said that the
urinary precipitate has the property of leading out the (undue) heat affecting the liver, the
three coctive regions (san chiao"6), and the bladder, by way of the urine. This is because it was
itself originally excreted through the bladder and urinogenital tract.¶
Li Shih-Chen in the sixteenth century repeats the statement.** He says that
* Chhu Chhing I Shus", cit. PTKM, chap. 52, p. i6a.
t On p. I5a the 'water passage' is identified with the Ian min,"a structure which we recognize as
the colic valve at the junction of the ileum with the caecum and colon. Here the intestinal contents
were thought to separate into two portions, the aqueous part passing to the kidneys and the bladder,
while the solid residues continued towards the anus. The work of concentration of the contents was thus
symbolically located at a particular place. + Loc. cit.
§ For a brief account of ancient and medieval urinoscopy see Mettler, pp. 293ff.
CChap. 15, p. 189. 1 PTKM, chap. 52, p. iga. ** Lc. cit.
Medieval Preparations of Urinary Steroid Hormones
jen chungpai makes the hsiang hou" (primary heat)* descend, and disperses static blood. This
is because of its saline property which enables it to benefit the hsia (chiao"6) (lower coctive
region) and to travel along with the blood.
Thus we have another principle, that of yin tao,67 leading something out by the
same way that it previously came itself. This brings us to the purification of the
urinary precipitates. Who would guess that one would have to look for them
in the Chinese pharmacopoeias under the names of chkiu shih68 (autumn
mineral) and chhiu ping69 (autumn ice, i.e. crystals)?t
The Iatro-Chemical Preparations
Writing about A.D. 1586, Li Shih-Chen tells us that urinary precipitate can
keep the blood in motion, greatly help sexual debility, bring down heat, kill parasites, and
disperse poisons; but the princes and wealthy patricians disliked using it because they considered
it unhygienic. So the iatrochemists (fang shih) began to purify the sediment, making
first chhiu shih and later on chhiu ping. For this they used two methods, the rang Ien70 and the
rin lien.71+
According to Li Shih-Chen the term chkiu shih was first mentioned in the Pen
Tshao Ming Ckhuan72 (Ignorance about the Pharmacopoeia Dissipated) produced
by Chhen Chia-Mo78 in A.D. 1567. Chhen Chia-Mo emphasized the value
of the product in many sexual and systemic disorders. However, Li goes on
to say:
The term was really first used by the Huai Nan TZU74 book.§ (Liu An748) named one of his
elixirs (tan) chhiu shih, to express its white colour and its solidity. Recently people have purified
the urinary precipitates (jen c/ung pai) to a white substance which is also called ch/iu shih, to
indicate that like the urine itself it is derived from the excess of the nutrient essentials (ching
chhi). The iatrochemists repeat the process of sublimation (shUng ta ), and the best product is
called chhiu ping. The idea (of the initial concentration) was derived from the evaporation of
sea-water in the production of salt. Indeed there are adepts who place (certain) salts in the
reaction-vessel and apply heat to obtain a substitute or imitation product. It is important to
know the difference between the real product and the false one.
One of our most important sources for the preparation of the hormones in
* This term usually refers to the heat of the cardiac region, but it is also applied to that of the urinogenital
system (cf. SCC, vol. iv, pt. I, p. 65). In Chinese medical literature, heat, fire and Yang are
t There can be little doubt that the name derives from the fact that a long process gave rise to a white
product, for autumn is the climax of the yearly cycle of life and white was the colour of autumn in the
system of symbolic correlations (cf. SCC, vol. ii, pp. 262, 263, and vol. iv, pt. i, p. i ). Modern Western
students of Chinese materia medica have had a tradition of translating it simply as 'urea', but in the
light of the evidence here presented, this is quite untenable. Smith's explanation (I87I, p. 224) made
clear that the product as he knew it was simply the total urinary solids, but Giles' dictionary (I892,
no. 2302), adopted the bald identification, and so did Read (I93I, no. 419), who ought to have known
better. Curiously Smith adds that the substance is 'often kept in kitchens, to soften fresh meat required
for immediate use', for indeed true that strong urea solutions denature proteins and bring them
into solution.
PTKM, chap. 52, p. 20b.
§ This work is one of the great classics of Chinese history of science; it was compiled about 125 B.C.
by a group of naturalists gathered by Liu An, the Prince of Huai-Nan. There is no mention of chhiu
shih in the text as we have it today; a solitary reference to 'autumn drugs' occurs in chap. 19, p. 14b,
but it has to do with something else.
Lu Gwei-Djen and Joseph Xeedham
relatively purified form is a book called the Shui run Lu76 (Water and Clouds
Record) by a famous scholar, Yeh Meng-Te77 (A.D. I077 to 1I48). Another
work of about the same time refers to the preparations, namely the So Sui Lu78
(Fragments from the Ring of Jade) by an unknown author, probably of the
late eleventh century. This work says:
The property of chhiu shi/h is saline; it travels (in the body) along with the blood. When taken
it has the effect of reducing the (normal) equilibrium of Water over Fire, i.e. it weakens the
renal-urinogenital system so that it cannot balance the cardiac-respiratory system. So continual
use of the substance gives rise to pathological thirst.*
After quoting this, Li Shih-Chen goes on to say:
This is because it is a processed product with properties verging on the calorific. It is often
taken by lascivious people, who use it to further their unrestrained desires; the result is that
eremotic heat (hsa rang78&) is set at large, and the renal-urinogenital system and the seminal
secretion (chen shui7@) quite exhausted. How could there not be thirst in such conditions?
Besides people sometimes add Yang (calorific) drugs to intensify the aphrodisiac effect (hsieh
hUo79a). Therefore only those who suffer from internal eremotic algor in the umbilical region
and impotence (tan thien hsu lIbg"0) should take it. Look at those suffering from urinary gravel
and stone; in such patients the element of Water is weak and Fire is very strong, so naturally
there is evaporation and precipitation with the formation of calculi. This occurs by exactly the
same principle as is used in making chhiu shih from urine.
Here we have a strong indication that the products which were available in
Li Shih-Chen's time, as also apparently in the Sung, were of considerable
hormonal activity, even though perhaps this was difficult to control. His acute
account of the formation of urinary calculi is worth notice in passing.t The
Shui run Lu says that:
The best preparations are the products of two different processes of purification, one Yin
and one Yang. The rang lien process is designed to obtain the Yin concealed in the Yang,
for it condenses as heat is applied (in evaporation). It dissolves in water (a Yin entity) and
returns to formlessness (wu tMil), yet it retains its special properties (wei"9). It is like the broken
line in the kua L13.§
The rin lienlI process is designed to obtain the Yang concealed in the Yin, for
it precipitates when water is added to it. When dried in the sun it becomes glossy and changes
no more. In this case the (original) special properties (wei) are lost and the substance (chih83)
remains. It is like the solid line in the kua Khansm.1
Both substances came originally from the heart and the renal-urinogenital system (including
the sex organs) yet had once been flowing in the small intestine.... To take these substances
can be beneficial for those two systems (or organs), indeed they are the essentials for the
maintenance of a healthy life....**
* PTKM, chap. 52, pp. 20b, 21a.
t Gallstones and bezoars were instanced as examples of the concretive or aggregative forces in nature
by the Neo-Confucian philosophers in Sung times, when discussing the formation and dissipation of
souls; cf. Wieger, p. 215. + The text says ho lien,"°& but the meaning is the same.
* One of the symbolic trigams in the 'Book of Changes' (see SCC, vol. II, P. 313).
The text says shui liun," but the meaning is the same.
¶ One of the symbolic trigrans in the 'Book of Changes' (see SCC, vol. ii, p. 313).
** PTKM, chap. 52, p. 2ia, b.
I I0
Medieval Preparations of Urinary Steroid Hormones
We come now to a description of the six main preparation methods given in
the Pin Tshao Kang Mu.
Method I
This method is the simplest as it is the oldest. It is quoted by Li Shih-Chen
from a Ching ren Liang Fang84 (Valuable Tried and Tested Prescriptions). There
were several books of this name in the Yuan and early Ming periods (fourteenth
and fifteenth centuries), one by Lu Shang-Chhing,85 and we do not
know from which of them Li Shih-Chen took his account. However, it is
possible to show that the method goes back much earlier than this, because the
Chhung Hsiu Ching-Ho Cking Lei PEn Tshao86 (Reorganized Pharmacopoeia) of
A.D. 1249 quotes it* from a Ching ren Fang87 (Tried and Tested Prescriptions) of
still earlier date. Although this book is lost, the details of its publication are
known.t Its preface dates it at A.D. 1025 and its author was Chang Sheng-Tao.88
Other prescriptions of this physician, restorative for people on the point of
death, are quoted in various editions of the Hsi ruan Lu. Since Chang ShengTao
flourished at the beginning of the eleventh century, it is very probable
that his method for making chhiu shih was already quoted in the first edition of
the ChEng Lei PEn Tshao issued by Thang Shen-Wei89 in I Io8.
The title of the method is Chhiu Shih Huan ruan Tan.90 Its description is as
... Take ten tan'l or more (over 150 gallons) of men's urine and put it in a large evaporating
pan (kuo#2) in an empty room. Fix on top of it a deep earthenware still (shen wa ching9s) and
lute them together with paper, lime and straw, so that no steam comes out when it has dried.
Fill the evaporating basin 70 per cent or 8o per cent full with urine and heat from below. Set a
man to watch it. If (there is too much, then) gradually add cold urine, until dry. This (residue)
is jen chung pai. Place some of this in a (closed) container (a reaction-vessel, i.e. the ku chill
apparatus, ju hao kuan tzu nei, jufa ku chiM ) in a stove and heat with charcoal. About 2 or 3
ounces (of sublimate) will be obtained. Grind this to a powder, mix with dates, to make pills
the size of a mumg (lu tou)" bean.§ For each dose take five to seven pills with warm wine or
soup before breakfast ... 11
Here then the entire dried solids of the urine were used. Besides the obvious
urates, uric acid, phosphates, sulphates and other inorganic salts, there would
be the steroid glucuronides and sulphates. After the simple procedure of
evaporation, the entire fatty powder is placed in the sublimatory and the active
steroids carefully sublimed. It is a well-known fact that hormones of the steroid
class sublime unchanged below their melting-points, at temperatures varying
between 1300 and 2io0C.,** and there can be no doubt that this was the
* Chap. I5, p. 365-
t See Okanishi Tameto, pp. 972, 1138.
t Weights and measures changed considerably through Chinese dynastic history, but their movements
are well enough charted. The volume measure tou, sometimes translated peck, has often been
loosely rendered gallon (as in Giles' dictionary) because it comprised ten shbzgla or 'pints', but in
fact the absolute value of the 'pint' varied greatly in different centuries (see Wu Chheng-Lo, Table I3,
p. 58). Here we are concerned with the Sung and Ming periods; in the former the tan of ten tou was
equivalent to I4-5 of our gallons, in the latter to 23-6 gallons.
§ Phaseolus mungo, the mung bean, or gram.
1I PTKM, chap. 52, p. 2ia.
** See Kassau; Breuer & Kassau. Up to 260°C. there is no decomposition at all, and many compounds
will still sublime almost without loss up to 3000.
Lu Gwei-Djen and Joseph Needham
technique employed, because the term ku chi is found in alchemical and technological
writings with the meaning of sublimatory.* Since the entire solids of the
evaporated urine were taken for sublimation, the process must have been rather
a messy one, and it is not surprising that in the following centuries various
methods of preparation were worked out which got rid of many of the urinary
constituents before sublimation was attempted. This we shall see in the following
Method 2
This method, together with the following one, derives from Yeh Meng-Te's
Shui run Lu. This is clearly a Sung work, for Li Shih-Chen referst to its author
both under his ordinary name and under his hao or courtesy name, Yeh ShihLin.Y00
Since this scholar was living towards the end of the Northern Sung and
through the years of re-establishment of the dynasty in the South after the fall
of the capital, Khaifeng, to the Chin Tartars in A.D. I I26, one might be near
the truth in dating his prescriptions about A.D. i i io. He must have been one of
the younger members of the entourage of virtuosi of Hui Tsung, the last
effective emperor of the Northern Sung, in a court very similar in many ways
to that of Rudolf II at Prague later on, or Alfonso el Sabio in Castile at the end
of the following century.+ The first method is entitled rang Lien Fa.100
Use over io tan of urine (more than 150 gallons) in wooden buckets. For each tan (14.5
gallons) of urine add one bowlful of the juice of soap-beans (tsao chia chihl01). Stir energetically
with a bamboo stick hundreds of times. When the precipitate has settled, decant off the clear
fluid and keep the precipitate (ni pai hsin). Combine all the precipitates (with some liquid) into
one bucket, stir as before and allow to settle. Take one or two tou102 of the concentrated
mixture and filter. Place the precipitate in a kuo (large evaporating basin) and evaporate to
dryness. Scrape it out, grind it fine, and take up as much as possible of it by boiling with water.
Filter through paper over a bamboo sieve. Again evaporate to dryness and repeat these processes
several times until the precipitate becomes as white as snow. Then put it into an earthenware
container (sublimatory) (sha ho ku chi'03), seal tightly and heat until the sublimate
condenses. If the heating does not at first complete the sublimation, repeat the process once
or twice more until the colour of the product is like that of lustrous jade. Grind this to a fine
powder and place it in another container where it should be heated gently for seven days and
seven nights. Then take it out and spread it (on paper) laid on the ground, to get rid of the
noxious effects due to the heating. Finally mix the powder with dates to make (small) pills the
size of a wu(-thwig"04) seed.§ Thirty pills should be taken daily with warm wine before breakfast.
Here we have an extraordinarily interesting procedure. It is hard to believe that
the use of saponins for preparing steroids could anticipate by so many centuries,
* The nomenclature is delicate here, for the term can also mean a still, i.e. a vessel with a side-tube.
In Thien Kung Khai WU97 (The Exploitation of the Works of Nature) by Sung Ying-Hsing98 (A.D. i637)
ku chi is clearly a sublimatory for making vermilion (chap. i6, p. 2b) but it is shown near by as a still
for distilling mercury (p. 5b, descr. p. 2a). The illustration is reproduced in Ho Ping-Yu & Needham,
LEC, Fig. 52, cf. pp. 82ff., iooff. See further Tshao Yuan-Yu, pp. 43, 52 (pp. 78, 85).
t PTKM, chap. 52, pp. 2ob, 22a. Chinese literature contains one other book of the same title, by a
Ming pharmacist, Yang Po99, but Li Shih-Chen could hardly have been mistaken in a matter of this
X See SCC, vol. iv, pt. 2, pp. 50I ff., or Needham, Wang & Price, pp. 124ff.
§ Sterculia platanifolia, not to be confused with the thung-oil tree Akuritesfordii.
11 PTKM, chap. 52, p. 21b.
Medieval Preparations of Urinary Steroid Hormones
not merely decades, the classical discovery of Windaus in I909 that digitonin
precipitates many sterols quantitatively.* One of those so precipitated, indeed,
is an androgen, namely dehydro-epi-androsterone, and we know today that the
saponins will precipitate all the 3,B-hydroxy steroids. The precise action of
digitonin is well known, but one cannot be so sure about the action of the
various saponins contained in the soap-beans from Gleditischia sinensis, the
characteristic vegetable detergents used in China for hygienic purposes all
through the Middle Ages.t All one can be sure of is that they would precipitate
certain varieties of steroids.
Besides the addition of the saponins in this method of Yeh Meng-Te, there
was also the addition of proteins in the soap-bean juice. This is important
because it is known that all urinary steroids will precipitate with the protein
precipitate if one is present. This raises the question of the frequency of renal
lesions in the population of medieval China. It seems very likely that in every
collection of large amounts of urine as described in these preparations one at
least of the donors in the batch would quite probably have been excreting some
protein, and a small amount would be quite enough to produce the effects of
the precipitation of steroids. We suspect that schistosomiasis was widespread in
medieval China, and that in itself would be a possible cause of proteinuria.
Then there is the extraction of the total precipitate with boiling water. A
possible explanation would be that all the conjugated steroids were taken down
in the precipitate, but when the protein present was denatured by the boiling
water all would come out in the solution except the 3fl steroids which had been
firmly combined with the saponin. We may be here in the presence of an ancient
empirical method of partial separation of androgens from oestrogens.
Another feature of this method is of course the complete removal of soluble
solids in the urine, such as urea, by the use only of the first precipitate. A great
quantity of soluble salts will also be discarded at this stage. One notices too the
gradual elimination of the urinary pigments. Finally the reference to the sublimate
as resembling lustrous jade is, as already mentioned, a strong indication
that the glittering pearly appearance of crystalline steroids was being observed.
Method 3
This is the second method of Yeh Meng-Te in his Shui run Lu, dating from
about A.D. I I IO. It is called Ein Lien Fa,10", and like the previous method refers
back to the two types of separation, the theory of which was discussed in the
same book (p. I io above).
To 4 or 5 tan of urine (58 to 72-5 gallons) in large earthenware vats add half its volume of
rainwater and stir a thousand times. Allow to settle. Discard the clear solution and keep the
precipitate (ni pai hsin). Repeatedly wash with rainwater, stir and allow to settle until no disagreeable
odour remains and the precipitate resembles putty or face cream (nifin105). Let it
dry in the sun, scrape it up and grind it. Then mix with milk from the mother of a male baby
* The protective action of cholesterol in saponin haemolysis was thus explained; and the digitonin
precipitation method was immediately applied (Windaus, QBC) to the assay of free and esterified
cholesterol in biological entities such as the normal or diseased kidney.
t See Needham & Lu Gwei-Djen, HYG, pp. 458ff.
I 13
Lu Gwei-Djen and Joseph Needham
into a paste (kao'°") or fatty-like ointment and dry this in very hot sunshine. By this procedure
one obtains the life-giving essentials of the sun (thaiyang chen chhil07). Repeat this nine times
and then mix with dates to make pills. Twenty of these should be taken at midday with warm
This is one of the two methods which begins by diluting the urine. It might at
first sight be thought possible that this would help to precipitate lipoidal or
steroidal constituents, but since the steroids are all in the form of soluble
conjugates, it seems unlikely that this would happen. We are not clear as to the
purpose of the dilution, but at any rate it would have done no harm, since it
would help to remove soluble substances such as urea and salts. In what way
the conjugates were got into the precipitate in this method we are not clear.
Perhaps the description accidentally omits some protein precipitant. In any case
it is interesting that here no sublimation was involved. The fact that the precipitate
was of a fatty consistency and taken up in milk fat is also appropriate
enough if free steroids were present, but unless the urine sources had included
cases of lipuria, such as may occur in diabetes, it is not easy to understand why
the eventual precipitate should have been so fatty in nature. One thing at any
rate is probable, namely that these two methods of Yeh Meng-Te would have
yielded different groups of active urinary steroids, perhaps giving another
separation of androgens from oestrogens. The fact that one of his methods was
considered Yang and the other Yin gives us a rather strong hint that differences
of just this sexual nature had in fact been observed by the physicians who used
these preparations.
Method 4
The next two descriptions are taken from two books of formularies of the early
Ming period (fifteenth century). They both stem from local surgeries or
pharmacies, exactly where in China we do not know. The first, entitled Chhiu
Ping Ju Fin Wan,108 from a book called I Chen Thang Ching ren Fang'09 (Tried
and Tested Prescriptions of the True-Centenarian Hall) was the work of a
writer known only to us by his family name, Mr. (or Dr.) Yang.'10 The text is
as follows:
One bucketful each of the collected sediment (ni pai hsin) from the urine of boys and girls
(dulng nan thung nill) is used.t Heat the evaporating pan containing the sediment with
mulberry firewood and evaporate until dry. Remove the residue and place it in one bucket
of river water. Mix well until as much as possible is dissolved. Filter and evaporate the filtrate.
Repeat the same procedure seven times. By then the residue is as white as frost. Next it is
usual to collect i catty of the frost-like residue and place it in an earthenware jar. Cover with
an iron lid the shape of an oil lamp, and apply salt-mud lute to make it tight. Heat the jar
during the space of the burning of three bundles of incense-sticks to sublime (s/zng ta) the
substance. At this stage you will see that the chhiu shih has become as white as jade. Grind the
product and repeat the procedure. Very gradually sponge cold water on to the cover, care
being taken in the process, for with too much cooling the product will not volatilize, and with
* PTKM, chap. 52, p. 2Ib.
t This must mean an initial volume of at least 400 gallons. The age implied here would be, in the
most natural acceptation of the text, under about fifteen, for the Jei Ching defines the marriageable
age as sixteen for boys and fourteen for girls. But it may mean unmarried or virgin boys and girls in
the sense of the usages of the writer's own time, i.e. up to about eighteen or so.
I 14
Medieval Preparations of Urinary Steroid Hormones
too little cooling it will not condense.* Carry out the process from the chhen double-hour
(7-9 a.m.) until the wei double-hour (i-3 p.m.). Then take away the fuel and let the vessel
cool. The substance which has collected under the cover is chhiu ping, ice-like (glossy), tasteless
and pleasant-smelling. This substance is the (best) pure essence of the chhiu shih.t When taken
it is beneficial for the liquid of the renal-urinogenital system, restoring urinary and sexual
normality; it fortifies the vital resistance (yuan ang113) and also drives down the heat which
produces phlegm (than huoll3) in the thoracic region. The residue is ordinary chhiu shih,
saline and bitter in property like burning meat. In this there is some slight benefit when taken.+
Here again we see processes of purification carried out so that the very soluble
substances such as urea and some salts, together with the pigments, are first
discarded; and the conjugates then progressively separated from urates, inorganic
salts, denatured proteins, etc., less soluble than themselves. The
sublimation process is more clearly described and directions are given that the
sublimation should be repeated. Apparently some active substances remained
in the residue which did not sublime. One assumes that the active steroid
conjugates were carried down with small amounts of protein at the beginning
of the operation and passed thereafter into the extracts of the successive residues
until sublimation.
Method 5
This method comes from a book of about the same date as the previous
formulary. It is entitled Pao Shou Thang Ching ren Fang"4 (Tried and Tested
Prescriptions of the Protection of Longevity Hall), the author of which was Liu
Sung-Shih.116 The name of the medicament prepared was Chhiu Shih Wu Ching
Wan."16 The text runs as follows:
Select boys and girls§ free from any illness as the donors of the urine. They should be bathed
and their clothes changed. They should be provided with innocuous food and soup, but one
should avoid giving them foods with rank and pungent smells, such as leeks, onions, garlic,
ginger, etc., or other things which have an acrid property. When sufficient urine, about I tan
(23-6 gallons) has been collected from each group in one vat (kang117), add half its own volume
of water, stir, and collect the precipitate (jen chung pai). Place this in an earthenware reaction
vessel (wa kuanll8) from Yang-chhengll8S. Make the opening airtight with the lute (a mixture
of salt and mud) and use iron wire (or netting) to fix it in the stove. Heat during the space of
one bundle of incense-sticks, and repeat the heating seven times, securing with fresh wire
each time. Then take weighed equal portions (of the sublimate) from the male and female
urine precipitates thus treated. Mix and grind together. Dissolve the material in river water
and filter through seven layers of paper. Evaporate to dryness and obtain the chhiu shih which
is snow-white in colour. Add to this good sweet thick milk and mix. Leave it in the open air
to absorb the sun during the daytime and the dew at night, in order to acquire the essence of
the sun and the glory of the moon. After it has been dried further add more milk for forty-nine
days. Preserve it as an ingredient for prescriptions.11
Here the directions about the treatment of the urine donors are interesting, and
the details of the sublimation are much the same as before. At first sight it seems
* An inversion in the text has been corrected here.
t It will be noticed that the term chhiu ping seems to be reserved for preparations which have sublimed
+ PTKM, chap. 52, p. 22a.
§ See note, p- 114, on this subject.
11 PTKM, chap. 52, p. 22b. This method became the most popular one after Li Shih-Chen's own
time, for one finds it constantly repeated in pharmacopoeias of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
I "5
Lu Gwei-Djen and Joseph Needham
surprising that the text should speak of dissolving the sublimate in water, for if
this was composed of free steroids it could not go into solution. But it seems
likely that while the sulphate conjugation would be broken by the heating, the
glucuronide combination would not, and the sublimate would therefore be
composed of two parts, one water-soluble and one insoluble. If specific differences
existed between the hormones conjugated in different ways, this procedure
may possibly have been yet another quasi-empirical fractionation, producing
end-products of highly specific properties.
Method 6
The following description, the last which we shall quote, comes from the Pin
Tshao Ming Chhian of Chhen Chia-Mo, already mentioned (p. IO9), written in
A.D. 1567. His description says:
To make chhiu shih specimens of urine of boys* should be collected in the autumn. Add to each
earthenware vat (kang) o07 oz. of powdered calcium sulphate (gypsum, shih kao mol1l). Stir
well with a mulberry stick and allow the precipitate to settle. Discard the clear supernatant
fluid. Stir again and allow to settle. Repeat this two or three times. Then add to the precipitate
one bucket of autum dew water, stir and allow to settle. Repeat this again several times until
the impurities are removed and the precipitate is quite free from any salty taste. Filter the
precipitate on heavy paper placed over ashes, and allow it to sun dry. The light clear crystals
forming the upper part of the precipitate are collected, and this is chhiu shih, while the lower,
grosser layer is discarded.t
This seems to be rather a return to the second or blunderbuss method of Yeh
Meng-Te (Method 3 above). No sublimation process is used, but it is interesting
that calcium sulphate is added to begin with, an agent which would probably
assist the precipitation of the proteins and the steroid conjugates adsorbed upon
them. The procedure seems to end with a manual separation of the lighter from
the heavier part of the final precipitate. Chhen Chia-Mo has two curious
observations. He says that for male patients specimens from female urine should
be used and vice versa. He also criticizes practising physicians (shih i120) of his
own time and earlier who collect mixtures of all kinds of urine at any time and
precipitate with soap-bean juice, then dry the product and call it chhiu shih. He
regards this as a way of money-making which may have dangerous consequences.
For us, however, it is interesting in that it suggests that the saponin
method already introduced in the eleventh century must have been used a
great deal through the time elapsing between Yeh Meng-Te and Chhen
Discussion and Conclusions
From all the foregoing material it is fairly clear that from the eleventh
century onwards the Chinese alchemists, physicians and iatrochemists were
earnestly looking in urine for substances of androgenic and oestrogenic property.
They had recognized its connection with the blood, and they felt that within it
could be found some of the virtues which the organs contributed to the blood
* See note, p. 1 14 on this subject. t PrKM, chap. 52, p. 2oa.
Medieval Preparations of Urinary Steroid Hormones
circulation. In our opinion they were successful in medieval times in making
quasi-empirical preparations of active substances with androgenic and oestrogenic
Of the six methods described herein, four involve a carefully controlled
sublimation at temperatures which would very probably have varied between
1200 and 300° C., in other words, just those which would bring about a sublimation
of the steroid hormones. Of course other substances would have sublimed
too; for example, cyanuric acid derived from any urea which was still present.
Cyanuric acid has no known effect in man but it has been shown to be antimalarial
in birds. Uric acid itself would have decomposed, gving rise to
ammonia and C02. The purification from urinary pigments preceded the
sublimation, but other substances present in small quantities, such as indole,
skatol, mercaptans, volatile fatty acids and non-steroidal phenols, would either
have been washed away or may have sublimed with the steroids. Since none of
them was in any way toxic that would not matter.
In two of the methods described there is a long series of precipitations and
evaporations before the material is brought to the sublimatory. In two cases
specific agents, soap-bean saponin and powdered calcium sulphate, are mentioned.
The significance of these has already been pointed out, the use of
saponin in particular being an extraordinary anticipation of modem practice.
Beside these, however, it is highly probable that small amounts of protein were
present in the urine, and the precipitation of this, whether by heat or by the
gypsum added, would without doubt have carried down the conjugated
steroids. The lipoproteins of the soap-bean would have had a similar function.
What the object was of the initial dilution recommended in some cases we do
not know, but it could have done no harm. The final end-product was no doubt
a very mixed one, consisting of steroids from the testis, ovary, adrenal cortex
and placenta; and it probably varied in accordance with the exact method of
fractionation used.
Some interest attaches to the precise directions about the age and sex of the
urine donors. We know today that androgen excretion reaches its maximum in
men about the age of twenty-five and in women also, though they excrete a
lesser amount. Conversely, maximum excretion of oestrogens occurs in girls
before twenty and in boys about eighteen, the latter, however, excreting only
about half as much as the former.* The word thung in the descriptions, though
originally meaning quite young boys and girls, may well mean here just unmarried
youths and girls of about eighteen or so. If maximum yields of the
steroid sex hormones were sought, it would have been somewhat quixotic to
insist on starting out with urine from boys and girls before puberty.
What is particularly striking is that in one at least of the methods the urine
from male and female sources was actually worked up separately and the
products later combined in equal proportions. From this it is very reasonable
to suppose that the Chinese physicians found, at least in late times, that quite
different effects could be produced by using the sublimates in varying proportions,
even wholly male or wholly female. One almost expects to find some
* Dorfinan & Shipley, pp. 259, 396ff., 4ooff.
I 17
Lu Gwei-Djen and Joseph Needham
reference to the urine of the mare, that spectacular source of sex hormones.*
And indeed it may perhaps have been used for preparing sublimed chhiu ping,
for it is in fact listed among the equine products of pharmaceutical value,t
though in connection with various other diseases.
All in all, the experimental preparation of mixtures of steroid sex hormones by
the Chinese during the Middle Ages and the sixteenth century must surely stand
as an extraordinary example of quasi-empirical anticipation of knowledge
acquired only in very recent times. When one considers that they totally lacked
the powerful methods of separation available today which depend upon the use
of many different organic solvents, one feels amazed at the ingenuity with which
they mastered their problem. In view of their theoretical presuppositions, one
might suppose that it would have been more logical to use blood rather than
urine as the starting-point, but here the difficulty of the presence of so much
protein would have presented itself acutely, and one may reasonably suppose
that while the handling of blood was beyond the powers of the medieval iatrochemists,
urine as a starting-point was much more manageable. And so at it
they went, with their 200 or 300 gallons, almost on a pharmaceutical manufacturing
scale, their evaporating basins, and their clever sublimatories-a
brilliant and courageous anticipation of the conscious biochemistry of our
own time.
*Brooks, et al., p. i i i; the classical paper is that of Hiusler in 1934.
t PTKM, chap. 50B, p. 23b. Elsewhere there is mention also of the pharmacological use of the
urine of the sheep and the cow.

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