Turbo Cancers

Jake Ames, MD, HMD

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

The term ‘Turbo Cancers’ was coined by Dr. Jane Ruby who has a great show called The Doctor Jane Ruby Show.  People around the world, and especially young people who usually do not get cancer are coming down with rapidly advanced cancers at stage 3 or stage 4 when they are first diagnosed.  This is the first time in human history that this has occurred.

The cause of turbo cancers is the bioweapon (bio-weapon) injection that people were told that would protect them from getting the never identified ‘virus’.

Blood Tests for Turbo Cancers

It is very important to add these tests to your basic laboratory blood work.

D-Dimer, Fibrinogen, ESR, and CRP-HS.  The D-Dimer blood test should be below the upper reference range.  I like to see the ESR around 5 mm/hr.  Your fibrinogen levels should be less than 300 mg/dL, and your CRP-HS should be less that 1 mg/L.  The bio-weapon is causing microscopic blood clots which are forming blood clots in people, and are killing millions of people on Earth.

Treatments for Turbo Cancers

I am not going to give any medical advice on this blog, since you are not my patient.  However. Your physician should look at the above laboratory blood tests, and if they are elevated he may decide to put you on a low dose aspirin of 81-200 mg a day, and put you on a combination of lumbrokinase, serrapeptase, and nattokinase.  The enzymes should be taken on an empty stomach twice a day.

If you have read my blogs, I strongly know that my number one treatment for treating and curing cancer is urine fasting.  After urine fasting, I use pro-pancreatic enzymes as a rectal suppository, pure gum spirits turpentine, 20 Mule Team Borax, selenium, Lugol’s iodine 5%, vitamins K2, D3, & A.  10 pass ozone where your blood is taken out into the ozone machine, pressurized with ozone, given UV light, and then returned to your body.

I give my patients hyperbaric oxygen, plasmapheresis to remove heavy metals, toxins, and dead cancer cells.  When they are not doing the urine fast, they are on a low protein ketogenic diet. They take Avemar, eat apricot seeds, and make a tea of Stamets 7®.

I tailor my protocols individually.  Your physician can call me for more information.  I practice medicine in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.  My phone number is +52 333 015 8113.

My website is:  www.drjakeames.com, and my email address is:  g432144@gmail.com.

Chemotherapy does not kill cancer stem cells.  It works for some forms of testicular cancers, some lymphomas, and some leukemia's.  Immunotherapy is very expensive, and it does help some people.  Sonodynamic and photodynamic therapies do shrink tumors very quickly, but they tend to come back.

If you decide you want me to treat your cancer or any disease, call me.  You may have to be in Puerto Vallarta for 4 weeks.  I can think of worse places to visit.

