Minimizing Covid-19 Pain

Minimizing Covid-19 Pain

Douglas G Mitchell Ph.D, D.Univ.

Melbourne, Austalia

Jake Ames, M.D., H.M.D.

Guanajuato, Mexico

6 August 2020

The current COVID 19 worldwide pandemic is causing a huge amount of pain.

In some countries only moderate pain, in others catastrophic pain. Can we do better, particularly in the badly affected countries? We most certainly can. It requires governments to make more intelligent decisions. Use brains rather than brawn.

When the infection arrives in a country, the first thing to do is a lockdown. Isolate people so that others cannot transmit the infection to them. The next thing is to realize that lockdowns are massively damaging, and should be a last resort after an initial brief lockdown. So what is better? Build up people’s resistance to the virus so that when infected, it does minimal damage. 

The medical industry will always recommend high profit treatments in preference to low profit treatments. Low profit treatments are generally locked-out by medical regulators. Vitamin D, for example, will never be approved for treating COVID 19 because no one will waste millions of dollars getting an unpatentable low priced product approved. We have a ridiculous situation in Australia where many doctors know about effective low profit treatments and use them themselves. They are too scared to tell their patients because it is dangerous to recommend unapproved products. Hence the industry’s  enthusiasm for vaccines. The problem with vaccines is that they are not currently available, they may be only partially effective (the virus mutates rapidly) and they may be unsafe. They will not be cheap. Prices of about $A 3,000 per person have been suggested.

The problem is so severe that governments need to realize they cannot rely on conventional medical advice, they need to ignore regulations locking out unapproved treatments, and look at the evidence for other potential treatments. 

Here they will strike gold. A  Pub Med medical literature search will find multiple well validated treatments. An article “COVID-19 How can I cure thee? Let me count the ways” by Dr Thomas Levy lists useful treatments including vitamin D alone, vitamins C, D and zinc (the CDZee protocol), nebulized and/or intravenous hydrogen peroxide, and the drugs hydroxychloroquine with zinc, dexamethasone or butesonide, inhalation and/or oral.

This information suggests a quite different approach to handling the epidemic. A reasonable protocol would be:

    1. Start with a strict lockdown for a few weeks. Plan to never repeat the lockdown.

    2. Protect front line health personnel with current isolation practices plus the CDZee protocol. Do the same for high risk populations. Those with major other illnesses, the very old, the very sick, and those in nursing homes and hospitals.

    3. Implement high quality treatment for sick patients. This will be based on high dose intravenous vitamin C (100-300 grams a day). And possibly an oxygen tent to improve oxygen take up, and it may also include drugs such as dexamethasone, hydroxychloroquine with zinc, and athizromycin. People without breathing problems do not need to be in hospitals, and otherwise healthy people should not die.

    4. Advise all people over 50 kg or age 16 to boost their resistance by correcting their vitamin D deficiency. A complete protocol would comprise a vitamin D3 dose of 5,000 IU per day taken with 30 ml olive oil.  Vitamin A 10,000 IU per day.  Vitamins A and D are fat soluble vitamins.  Vitamin C 1,000 mg two to three times a day, may increase to bowel tolerance.  Zinc picolinate or zinc citrate 30 mg per day,  Lugols iodine 5% 4 drops in water per day, and methylselenocysteine or selenomethionine 400-600 mcg per day.  Vitamin D taken with a fat and vitamin C are the most important.

Mass improvement of nutritional status is doable. The city of Wuhan, China acquired 50 tons of vitamin C for COVID 19 for treatment and prevention. Note that it is winter in Victoria. People are not getting much skin exposure to sun, and winter sun is too weak to produce vitamin D. Dr. Ames has not found a patient in sunny Mexico with optimal vitamin D levels unless he or she is supplementing. It may be useful to add low dose hydroxychloroquine with zinc as a preventive.

    5. Continue with reasonable isolation. A vaccine might be added if it is safe, effective and affordable.  All vaccines will show morbidity in a certain percent of the population.

    6. It may well be that we all eventually get the disease. If so, the quality of our defences will be decisive. Sweden, after a poor start, now has minimal deaths. Presumably their minimal lockdown of low risk people has allowed the virus to travel through the community and people have acquired herd immunity. Note that they strongly encourage high risk people to isolate.

The situation in Victoria is particularly dire. Extensive lockdowns, massive job losses, huge government costs and massive stress on the citizenry. There is no particular reason to think the current lockdown will be a permanent solution, and that there will not be further very damaging lockdowns.

The future of current policies. Covid 19 forever ?

Suppose we continue on the lockdown/social isolation path, and add vaccines when available. The vaccine might give us long term protection, and/or we might acquire herd immunity. But they might not. The virus might behave like another corona virus - influenza. The flu comes back every winter. Vaccination gives partial protection, but people still die. What would we do ? Lockdown every winter, a few vaccine injections every year, continuing like this forever?.

An appalling prospect. Melbourne is currently enduring lockdown 2. What will stop lockdowns 3 and 4?.


What would we (the authors) do?  If allowed to choose only one medical action along with reasonable social isolation, we would choose:


For people who prefer drugs - low dose hydroxychloroquine with zinc

Those who prefer natural products with benefits for other diseases - vitamin D and vitamin C.

Worst choice for prevention

Repeat lockdowns

Treatment for people sick with COVID-19

High dose intravenous sodium ascorbate 100-300 grams a day.  IV and inhalation glutathione,  IV hydrogen peroxide, nebulized food-grade 3% hydrogen peroxide adding 1 drop of 5% Lugols iodine to the nebulized solution for 5-15 minutes 2-3 times a day.  Loading dose of vitamin D3 and vitamin A.  Selenomethionine and/or methylselenocysteine 2,000 mcg a day for one week only, then maintain at 600 mcg a day total.  Zinc picolinate or zinc citrate 90-100 mg a day for one week only, then maintain at 30 mg a day.  Lugols iodine 5%, five drops orally in water daily.

The authors

Dr Ames is a trained pathologist and internist working in Mexico. He has successfully treated thousands of patients with virally induced disease. It is unlikely that anyone in Australia can match his practical expertise.

His treatment for sick people is based on high dose intravenous vitamin C. This treatment is effective for a range of viruses: The common cold, polio, rabies, influenza, Ebola, and corona viruses. Colds and flu are easy to treat, Ebola is much more difficult and requires additional treatment.

Dr Mitchell is a retired research scientist with much experience in the medical field.  Dr Douglas Mitchell is a retired medical research scientist. He has a PhD in chemistry from the University of Keep, London, and has worked as a research scientist at the New York State Department of Health in the areas of toxicology, chemistry, instrument design and statistics. He has also conducted research LOG on the in treatment of metastatic cancer. From 2002 to 2005 he was he Chancellor of Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne.