Ames Allergy Technique

Ames Allergy Technique

Jake Ames, M.D., H.M.D.
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Curing allergies within minutes and not treating allergies is one of the most important things I have ever learned in my entire medical career!  If you are a physician and have not learned to cure allergies, well, you aren’t operating with a full deck of cards or your elevator doesn’t reach the top floor.

What is an allergy?  An allergy is an exaggerated immune response to an environmental trigger, which can be anything, and I mean anything.  I have been trained as a traditional allergist through the American Academy of Environmental Medicine and the American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergists. These organizations help people with allergies, but rarely cure allergies.  Also their treatments take months to years, whereas I will be showing you how to cure allergies within minutes.  And I use the Cure word, which is almost illegal for a physician to say these days.

You physicians and medical students who are just learning about allergies will have to expand your medical school programming and open your mind to new paradigms. 

Traditional allergists believe that an allergy to a substance is where it shows up on a laboratory test as and elevated immunoglobulin E (IgE) blood test.  Some traditional allergists as of today only do IgE food allergy blood tests and not IgG, IgG4 and IgA blood tests.

“Reactions to” or “allergies” to saponins, nightshades, lectins, lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, celiac disease, amylose, sugar alcohols are chemicals or genetic disorders that can simulate allergic reactions, but they do not fit the true definition of an allergy.  I will discuss these in another blog.

What I am about to say to you is that there is a “gray zone” in defining allergies, and “allergic symptoms” don’t always fit the books.  There is not a true definition of allergy!

There is a genetic predisposition to allergies, such as having certain HLA genotypes.  Other people born with a good Motherboard can still develop allergies if toxic with mercury, other heavy metals, silicone breast implants, root canals, chemicals, EMF exposure, emotional abuse, etc.

People with Lyme disease, cell wall deficient bacterial infections, chronic viral infections (EBV, CMV, HHV-6), chronic mold exposure are more likely to have allergies than the general population.

You will be using your Consciousness to help your patients cure themselves of their allergies.  No physician has the power to even heal a paper cut.  Your patients will cure themselves; you assist in the healing.  You give the impetus and your own energy and/or Universal Energy to help your patients heal.

I started my allergy career by learning Numbudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET).  Dr. Nambrudipad told our class if you don’t cure yourselves of your own allergies to the antigens that you’re testing on your patients, you may become ill.  I thought that was just a bunch of bull.

Well, I didn’t listen to her.  I was testing my patients to dairy, wheat, gluten, corn, egg, soy, peanuts, etc., and I would come home all red in the face with a mild fever.  I had many of these same allergies.

I realized very quickly that Dr. Nambudripad was correct!  So before embarking on the journey of becoming a great allergist, treat yourselves of your own allergies first.  Here me, don’t be stupid like I was.

If you want to be one of the best allergists, you must have passion and a burning desire to become an allergist, and you must practice every day. 

Some of you may have a patient, for instance with a life-threatening peanut allergy.  These life-threatening allergies should only be treated by a physician who has near access to a crash cart.  You must respect human life!  Allergies can be life threating within minutes!  It takes years of practice to become an excellent physician, allergist, musician, dancer, physicist, chemist, engineer, lawyer, etc.  It usually takes a human being 10,000 hours to master something.


With non-life threatening allergies, practice, you won’t hurt the patient.  I gave all of my patients’ free treatments until I became skilled at curing them of their allergies.

You must check your patients’ heavy metal burden.  I trust Doctors Data, Inc.
Do the Hair Elements Test

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Your patient MUST remove all mercury amalgam dental fillings and root canals from an experienced biological dentist so you do not get brain damage. They will do better following Dr. Jan Kwasniewski’s’ ketogenic diet (See my blog).  Your patients need to eat real food in the correct proportions of protein, fats, and carbs.

The FAR-IR sauna will help your allergies because it will detoxify you from thousands of poisons, which will make your immune system healthier.

Curing yourselves of “Leaky Gut Syndrome” will definitely help you.  Aspirin, anti-inflammatories, too much sugar, Candida, stress, excess carbohydrate diet, alcohol, etc. can cause this.

No root canals; no mercury amalgam dental fillings!

Below is just a template.  This is Open Source.  You will NEVER become excellent at curing your patients of their allergies unless you have really learned pathophysiology and pathology!  Get the current medical schoolbooks.  Most of you need more RAM.

If any of you can add to this program. Please email me at  We are all learning.  It takes an entire lifetime to only partially learn medicine.  Luckily, I have been a physician and/or musician in many lifetimes.  One of these days, I will figure out healing.

You will need to learn Health Kinesiology.  There are many YouTube videos on how to learn kinesiology.  I have not made one yet.  It will take a lot of practice to master kinesiology, but it’s worth it.  I am now 95% accurate compared to IgG and IgA food allergy blood tests.  I would not use kinesiology to determine what dose of vitamins, minerals, and herbs a patient needs.  I would use the hair analysis and check red blood cell (RBC) zinc, manganese, magnesium, cobalt, molybdenum, selenium, copper, and chromium.  Checking serum levels of the above minerals is not accurate.

Supplements to Help Allergies

Vitamin C two to three times a day until bowel tolerance.
Bioflavonoid extracts 2 caps three times a day.
Stinging Nettles 2 caps three times a day
Moringa 1 teaspoon twice a day.

It is not important on the capsule size of milligram content.  These will not harm, but will only help treat allergies.  Vitamin C taken to bowel tolerance twice to three times a day helps the most.

After you have done blood tests and/or kinesiology for your patients, here is a template that you can use.  Fill free to change it.  You will have very few patients cured of their allergies if you are not totally focused with your intention.

Use your 2nd, 3rd ,and 4th fingers to gently tap down the spine one vertebra at a time.  Your thumb is finger #1.  Start at T1 and gently tap in a continuous movement to L5.  Do this the entire time you are giving your patients consciousness and subconscious instructions.  You are using the Hua Tuo Jia Ji acupuncture points, inner and outer urinary bladder meridians.  These are very powerful points in acupuncture.

Herein below is a template that may help you. 

“Have your immune system, your autonomic nervous system, your central nervous system, your peripheral nervous system, your body, mind, and brain fully comprehend all allergies to “pine and evergreen pollens” and eliminate these allergies now.

Direct your immune system, your autonomic nervous system, your central nervous system, your peripheral nervous system, your body, mind, and brain to be fully aware of all allergy behavior with special attention to “pine and evergreen pollens”, and have your mind-body’s innate intelligence eliminate all allergies now.

With this renewed awareness:

Eliminate or delete all IgE, IgG, IgG4, IgA, IgM and IgD antibodies to “pine and evergreen pollens” now.

Eliminate all allergy inflammatory cells, carbohydrates, chemicals, proteins, secretions, antibodies and frequencies which were once formed from being allergic to “pine and evergreen pollens” now.

Eliminate these allergies from your body, mind and brain, your DNA, RNA, epigenetics, all cells in your body, all tissues in your body (ectodermal tissues, endodermal tissues and mesodermal tissues), all receptors sites in your body, mind and brain; all receptor sites in the cytoplasmic and nuclear membranes now.

Rebalance all energetic pathways, all acupuncture meridians so you are now free from the allergy to “pine and evergreen pollens.  Eliminate all harm these allergens are causing you:  physical harm, psychological harm, emotional harm and mental harm.

Neutralize you to all physical, psychological, emotional and mental harm caused by these allergens.

Eliminate all latent, inactive, active pernicious synaptic patterns, negative cellular memory, and recurrent pernicious data generated in you from being allergic to “pine and evergreen pollens” now.

Delete all informational faults, all sources, causes, and reasons and all physical, mental, emotional and psychological weaknesses resulting in you being allergic to “pine and evergreen pollens” now.

Eliminate all faults in cellular, neurological and fascial communication causing you to be allergic to “evergreen and pine pollens” now. All of these faults are now replaced by optimal and healthy communication?

Neutralize you to the original incident and subsequent trauma, anchored emotion(s) and imprinted memory causing you to have this allergy to pine and evergreen pollen. Delete all actual and potential adverse reaction to triggers that resonate with this experience and that give rise to further allergy episodes now.

Decrease histamine to low optimal levels now.  Decrease all IgE antibodies to low optimal levels now.  Eliminate all IgE antibodies to “evergreen and pine pollens” now.  Decrease eosinophils and basophils to low optimal levels now.  You have totally cured yourself of being allergic to “pine and evergreen pollens” now.”

This spiel that I do works!  It may not work if I’m thinking what my wife is cooking for dinner.  It will take you some time until you are as good as I am in curing allergies.  Playing the violin and piano and competing in ballroom dancing keep me humble.  Everything we want to master takes years of practice or at least 10,000 hours of high-quality practice.  That being said, you will get results right away.

Fill free to email me any new pathways that work.  I use a similar technique to eliminate rape incidents, all emotional and mental traumas, etc.  A few of these 10-minute treatments work so much better than years of psychotherapy.  Emotional and mental abuse incidents are stored as memories (negative energetic patterns) in your limbic system and your fascia.

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