So Your Not Better From Lyme Disease

Jake Ames, MD, HMD

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Those of you who have spent thousands of dollars to treat and kill your disease, have seen over 20 physicians and Naturopaths, and are still sick read on.

Lyme disease can cause one to have severe allergies, and it can also cause autoimmune diseases.  I’ve been trained as a traditional allergist, and most of this training has become obsolete after learning kinesiology.  I took the basic and advance courses in NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Techniques), Jaffe-Mellor Technique, and NMT (NeuroModulation Technique)  I am 95% accurate in diagnosing allergies using kinesiology.  Kinesiology is subjective, but if your physician has been successfully doing it for years, he may help you get better.  My last Lyme patient was allergic to six neurotransmitters, a few amino acids, and a few minerals.  He had ten-pass ozone treatments, IV vitamin C, you name it in the U.S. and Mexico.  None of these therapies worked to cure his symtoms until I gave him kinesiology.  Most physicians would not even think of these allergies.  I had this patient also do a 12 day urine fast which helped.  A long enough urine fast will cure most allergies and kill chronic infections.  If you doctor does not know kinesiology, his elevator doesn’t reach the top floor or he’s missing some cards in his deck.

Make sure you get checked for the MTHFR mutation.  Methylfolate is either bound to glucosamine or calcium.  If you have the MTHFR mutation your doctor may have you take MethylPro® 15 mg a day (  The calcium salt is better absorbed.  Also your doctor may have you take a sublingual methyl vitamin B12, usually 5 mg a day.  Some Lyme patients need to start with a lower dose because of rapid detoxification.

Make sure you do the Hair Elements test from Doctors Data ( twice a year.  Your doctor needs to learn how to interpret this test.  Also you need to have your minerals tested in your red blood cell membranes (RBC copper, RBC zinc, RBC manganese, RBC magnesium, RBC selenium, RBC cobalt, RBC chromium)

SilverCeuticals ( has my favorite nano silver which kills pathogenic agents.

Methylene Blue 1% USP 0.5-1 mg/kg per day is the usual dose I give my Lyme patients. The dosage is split into morning and afternoon.  Patients usually work up to their dose over one month.  Make sure you get USP methylene blue.

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In Puerto Vallarta I give my Lyme patients usually five to six 10-pass ozone treatments with UV light.  The patient’s blood passes through the ozone machine, and is pressurized with ozone.  I also give them hyperbaric oxygen therapy.  I was the first physician in the U.S. using Tinidazole.  The usual dose is 500 mg, two tablets twice a day for one year.  Tinidazole kills the spirochete form, the L-Form, and the Cyst form.  Most antibiotics only kill the spirochete form.

My Mexican phone number is:  +52 333 015 8113 WhatsApp or Viber.  My Skype name is:  live:jakeamesmd.

Most of my Lyme patients have to be here for two to four weeks.  

Jake Ames, MD, HMD

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