Helper Therapies for Cancer

Helper Therapies for Cancer

Jake Ames, M.D., H.M.D.
Douglas G. Mitchell, Ph.D., D.Univ.

Helper therapies, which can also be potentially curative therapies include IV and oral laetrile, Avemar, IV Mistletoe (Iscador, Helixor), Buteyko breathing (the Frolov device), FAR infrared sauna, colon hydrotherapy, exercise breathing in pure oxygen (EVOT), herbal and mushroom extracts, emotional release programs, EDTA and DMPS chelation and mitochondrial nutrients such as CoQ10, acetyl carnitine, and R lipoic acid.  Selenium, germanium, cesium, vitamins D and K2 (MK-7), curcumin

Helper 1:  Mistletoe (Iscador & Helixor)

Mistletoe (Viscum album) is a parasite that lives on the branches of certain evergreen and coniferous trees.

There are published and anecdotal studies that show IV Mistletoe extending cancer patient’s survival.

Mistletoe to boost patients’ immune systems.  It contains over 1,000 compounds, some which destroy cancer cells.

Helper 2: Avemar, a fermented wheat germ extract.  Published studies show it can extend a cancer’s patient life 2-10 times ( For dosage go to

Helper 3: Emotional Release: Various emotional release therapies, New German Medicine according to Hammer; Voice Print Analysis

German New Medicine (The emotional link to cancer)

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer of Germany discovered what was called New Medicine in 1981, but is now called New German Medicine, because of over 15 different alternative approaches also calling themselves New Medicine.

He said this is an exact natural science based on five biological laws, and it identifies a living organism as an inseparable unity of the psyche, the brain and the organ.  The brain is the main computer of our organism, and all processes of the psyche and the organ are coordinated from the brain.  The psyche is the programmer of the brain, but the organ can also program the brain.

He said there was also the Law of the Two Phases of Every Disease:  the psychological level and the cerebral level, the left and right-handedness of disease, the epileptic or epileptoid crisis, and the so called “Syndrome” which is the most frequent cause of death.

Hamer believed there was an emotional component to all cancers, and it was of prime importance to treat the emotional component of cancer first.

It is worthwhile to read his paper.  We have a therapist who has been trained in German New Medicine.

The Five Biological Laws of the New Medicine

presented by Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer
at the
First International Congress on
Complementary and Alternative Medical Cancer Treatment
May 14/15, 2005
Madrid, Spain

Helper 4:  FAR-IR Sauna
Our patients use the FAR IR sauna 7 days a week.  The starting temperature is usually 110 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 minutes, and we work them up to140 degrees Fahrenheit for one hour.  Patients have two towels doubled (4 layers) for their seat, one towel for their feet to rest on, and another towel to wipe off their sweat.  This also keeps the sauna clean.  They usually drink 1-1.5 liters of water in one hour from a glass bottle.

If patients can exercise, they are on a stationary bicycle for 15 minutes prior to taking the sauna.  They should not stress themselves exercising and should always carry on a normal conversation.

Niacin powder can be given at the time of exercise.  Patients start with approximately 10 mg of niacin, and they may have to increase to 3,000 mg.  Once one does not experience any flushing at the current dose, they can increase the dose as tolerated.  They can start out with a higher dose if flushing does not bother them.  Niacin helps circulation and detoxification.

Helper 5:  Laetrile


Laetrile, first isolated by the biochemist Dr. Ernest T. Krebs, Jr. called also vitamin B17 or Amygdalin, which is not a vitamin, and is a man-made form of the natural substance amygdalin.  It is found in highest concentrations in seeds of rosaceous fruits such as in apricots, apples, peaches and plums and some old non-grafted bitter almond trees and some other bitter nuts.  Healthy cells contain the enzyme Rhodanese which neutralizes Benzaldehyde and Hydrogen Cyanide in B-17, but cancer cells do not have Rhodanese to neutralize the cyanide. Instead, they have an enzyme called Beta-Glucosidase. This enzyme is found only in cancer cells, releases the Benzaldehyde and Cyanide into the cancer cells and poisons them.


IV Laetrile

The Laetrile for IV’s is given at 3-9 grams over 3 hours with the IV vitamin C protocol 6 days a week for 3 weeks.  After 3 weeks start oral vitamin B17 tablets.

Oral Laetrile

 After 3 weeks of doing the IV laetrile, start vitamin B17 tablets 100mg po tid with meals for 21 days, then eat bitter raw apricot seeds up to 40 a day.

Bitter Raw Apricot Seeds, 16 oz.
There advertisement sates:  Our bitter, raw, apricot seeds are the highest quality California-grown seeds. They are pesticide and herbicide-free.
Size: 16oz. Bag | Approximately 750 Seeds

Side Effects

Some individuals have a genetic diminished ability to detoxify cyanide to thiocyanate.  This can occur in the disease, Leber’s Otic Atrophy.  Also, individuals who have low sulfur containing amino acids can have side-effects.  Adding MSM to the diet will increase one’s sulfur.

Side effects can be nausea, low blood pressure, rash, fever, weakness, and increased thirst.  Severe side-effects could be coma and death.

Helper 6:  Repurposed Drugs for Cancer

Consider the cancer and the risks of these drugs.

1:  Aspirin 81 mg a day.  Daily intake of a baby aspirin 81 mg a day has been shown to prevent and treat cancer.
2:  Metformin 500 mg to 1,500 mg a day.  Metformin along with the Dr. Jan Kwasniewski’s ketogenic diet is now a prescribed treatment for cancer.
3:  Cimetidine (Tagamet) 400 mg twice a day increases cancer survival.
4:  Desloratadine (Clarinex in the US and Aerius in Europe)
     5 mg a day.  Many cancer secrete histamine.  Cimetidine (Tagamet) and Desloratadine (Clarinex) are histamine blockers.
6:  Itraconazole (Sporonox) 100 mg a day.  The cancer germ goes through pleomorphic stages.  One stage is a fungal-like stage.  (“The Cancer Biopathy” by Wilhelm Reich, M.D.)
7:  Mebendazole  (Vermox) (MBZ) 100 mg a day.  Anticancer benefits at the mitochondrial level.

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