Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyalgia

Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyalgia

Jake Ames, MD, HMD

I have been treating chronic fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia for over 25 years.

Chronic fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia share many common features.  If you are experiencing these conditions, you will need to do extensive blood tests and a hair analysis to screen for heavy metals and mineral deficiencies.

Ninety-five present of people with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, which some doctors define as fatigue lasting over one year have thick blood.  They have elevated CRP-HS and fibrinogen.  The lab’s upper reference range is not at optimal levels, so I use a lower upper reference range cut-off.

A majority of people with chronic fatigue states and fibromyalgia have low thyroid hormone.  Many of these people have “normal” thyroid blood tests, despite being low on thyroid hormone.
They may have “dirty” thyroid hormone receptors from heavy metals being attached to them, or a genetic malformation of thyroid hormone receptors.  This is called Type 2 hypothyroidism, and thyroid blood tests are usually normal in these people.  There is a large reference range for the different thyroid hormones, and some people need to be in the upper 75-100 percentile.  Also, some people may have low normal T3 (the active form of thyroid hormone), but their T4 ( an inactive form of thyroid hormone) is within the normal range.

I look at signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism and afternoon oral temperatures, which should be between 98.2-98.6 degrees Fahrenheit or between 36.7-37 degrees Celsius.  One must either buy a basal thermometer that reads to the hundredth of a degree or an accurate basal digital thermometer.  Mercury thermometers are now outlawed in the United States.

All of us have heavy metals, toxic chemicals, and mineral deficiencies.  We all have a toxic load to deal with.  Some people can’t detoxify as quickly as others, and they need help detoxing using the FAR IR sauna, intravenous chelation, ozone, minerals, and vitamins.  Once they have eliminated the majority of their toxic load, they usually recover to normal health.

Our immune systems every second of the day are protecting us from germs.  Some people because of poor nutrition, their toxic load and genetics have chronic, active infections.  I have treated hundreds of patients with Lyme disease, mycoplasma, chlamydia, leptospirosis, giardia, candida, parasites, mold, etc.  I have a highly effective infectious disease protocol.  After four weeks, using my protocols, most chronic infections have been eliminated in the majority of my patients.

I use rectal, intravenous ozone and intravenous vitamin C treatments to help eliminate toxins, germs and oxygenate your blood.  My patients use oral colloidal silver and Lugols iodine.

It is very important for fibromyalgia patients to get bodywork from an advanced Rolfer or doctor of osteopathy (D.O.).  I have patients buy Bob Cooley’s book, “Resistance Flexibility 1.0 Becoming flexible in all ways.  I use a massage/physical therapist who is an expert at myofascial release and structural integration.

Diet and nutrition are of utmost importance.  I use Dr. Jan Kwasniewski’s ketogenic diet.  His diet has more dietary fat and less protein than the Atkin’s diet.
I have had thousands of patients get cured of their fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue.  It takes work and you will not get cured by taking a few pills daily.  If you follow my programs, you will see results.

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