Jim Humble Logic Rules 1-7 and the Two Big Lies.
Jim Humble
secret condition of existence in this Universe is to create. As far as this Universe in concerned, if you
do not create, you do not exist.
Time is
nothing more than the apparent consecutive sequence of events.
a sequence of events, nothing could happen, and the Universe would not exist.
Players can make things change.
is not empty space, for space exists only within the universe. Eternity simply is.
things in the universe are simply concepts or ideas (Matter is mainly space.)
We know
only through our senses.
universe is nothing more than concepts in our minds and can never be more than
There is
no one but you who could possibly have created the universe that you see.
create good and bad in your life.
will is the ability to make a choice.
When I don’t make a choice, I’ve made a choice. Cause and Effect.
Will is
secret name of the Universe is “drama.”
program the Matrix. Some people are
better than others at programming it. We
program the Matrix by our choices and to some extent by our desires and other
mental emotions and ideas.
is really the programming of the Matrix, and miracles are simply programming
that is outside of the standard agreed upon programming. Anything can be programmed into the real Matrix,
which is this Universe, or just a computer matrix in a game.
create something is to do or bring about something that you intend to do. It is something done intentionally.
Logic Rule 1
something does not necessarily make it true.
Logic Rule 2
Actions have consequences. You always
get what you create.
Logic Rule 3
things in this Universe are created by physical action. Nothing is created by thinking. Nothing happens until the thoughts are put
into actions. Thinking is necessary to
determine the actions.
Logic Rule 4
I create
my life by the choices I make. These
choices determine my life.
Logic Rule 5
What I
don’t know can kill me. We must always
strive to find knowledge.
Logic Rule 6
I keep
control of my life by assigning responsibilities to myself for all problems.
Logic Rule 7
It is
totally wrong to believe a lie. Research
and detect lies. Prove or disprove
information that we suspect is wrong.
The Two Big Lies
1: We’re here to win.
2: Everything in this Universe has a purpose.