Treating and Reversing Alzheimer’s Disease

Jake Ames, MD, HMD

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Douglas G. Mitchell, Ph.D, DSc.

Melbourne, Australia

March 24, 2024

References: These books are highly recommended:

Breaking Alzheimer’s: A 15 year crusade to expose the cause and

deliver the cure by Dayan Goodenowe

The End of Alzheimer’s by Dale Bredesen

Brain Maker by David Perlmuter

The Plant Paradox by Steve Gundry

When you read the above four books, this will get you up to speed on the causes and effective treatments for dementia.  I have another blog at on dementia.  

Alzheimer’s disease and dementia are reversible.  If you are 80 years old, I can help you, but eventually our organs wear out.  

These are the blood tests you will need before you come down to Puerto Vallarta.  With the right diagnostic codes your insurance may pay for these tests, otherwise lab tests are cheaper in Mexico.

Diagnosing Alzheimer’s

Blood Labs:  CBC, Complete Chemistry Panel including the lipid panel, GGT, A/G ratio, ionized calcium urinalysis, Apolipoprotein E (Apo E), MTHFR Mutation, Homocysteine, Lipoprotein (a), CRP-HS, Fibrinogen, 25-OH vitamin D, vitamin A, Vitamins B1, B6 B12, Folate, RBC copper, RBC zinc, RBC manganese, RBC magnesium RBC selenium, RBC cobalt, RBC chromium, ANA, DHEA-sulfate, FSH (women), estradiol, estrone, testosterone, pregnenolone, progesterone, total T4, Total T3, Free T3, TSH, anti-microsomal thyroid antibody, anti-thyroglobulin antibody, fasting insulin, Hemoglobin A1C, PSA (men), Hair Elements Test (Doctors Data, Inc. (, 

Parasite testing:  (Blood and stool) Neurocysticercosis (Taenia solium, a pork tapeworm), Toxoplasmosis, cerebral malaria, Schistosomiasis, Echinococcus.

RPR test for syphilis, Lyme IgM Western Blot from IgeneX labs and coinfections (Babesia, Bartenella, Ehrlichia, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Anaplasma, Tularemia, Rickettsia, Leptospirosis (

You will need to have an MRI without contrast to your brain.

You will be getting intrathecal stem cells where an anesthesiologist injects stem cells into your spinal column, which will enter your brain within seconds.  This is an optional treatment, but I highly recommend it.

If you have an infectious cause for your dementia, such as Lyme disease, Lyme disease co-infections, herpes, Mycoplasma, any other pathogens, you will be getting around six 10-pass ozone treatments with UV light, high dose vitamin C (200-300 grams IV at 5 hours), Lugol’s iodine 5%, USP 1% methylene blue, hyperbaric oxygen, Meyers cocktails, and plasmapheresis, etc.  USP 1% methylene blue is given to all of my patients.  I will get all of your hormones back to a healthy 25 year old male or female.  All of your minerals will become optimal, and you will have IV chelation for your heavy metals.  You may need the FAR-IR sauna daily.  You may even have bizarre allergies, such as allergies to your neurotransmitters, which I can get you cured with kinesiology.

If your dementia is caused by atherosclerotic heart disease or multi-infarct strokes, you will have IV phosphatidylcholine three days per week, and EDTA chelation.

You will be on a urine fast with water starting two days after you arrive here.  If you do not want to do this, the above treatments will help you considerably.  Urine fasting will make stem cells, increase your human growth hormone, detoxify your body, and repair your brain.  This is my number one therapy!

You will take nano silver, plasmalogen, oral phosphatidylcholine, and a chem cream that kills all anaerobic bacteria, all infectious disease bacteria, all fungi, and all abnormal cells including cancer cells.

All of my treatments are tailored to each patient.  If your family member sends you to a traditional neurologist, you will die from your dementia, if a heart attack, pneumonia, or stroke doesn’t kill you first.

Come to Puerto Vallarta and enjoy this city.



Copyright Ⓒ 2024 Jake Ames, MD, HMD