Cancer is a Nutritional Inadequacy Disease

Cancer is a Nutritional Inadequacy Disease

Jake Ames, MD, HMD
Douglas G. Mitchell, Ph.D., D.Univ.

This blog will discuss our theory that cancer is a nutritional inadequacy disease.  By inadequacy we mean it may be a combination of nutritional deficiencies and excesses leading to disruption in mitochondrial respiration, and cellular membrane dysregulation.

For decades physicians have followed a dead-end path thinking that cancer is a genetic disease.  The theory is that carcinogens alter a cell’s DNA, and enough of these mutations will turn off cancer suppressor genes and turn on oncogenes to cause a malignancy.  Standard cancer treatments are surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and now immunotherapy.  None of these therapies actually addresses the causes of cancer.  Surgery may extend one’s life in that it debulks the tumor, but William Reich, M.D.1 proved that cancer is a systemic disease, and no surgery has cured the nutritional inadequacies that caused the cancer in the first place.

A cancer cell has a different metabolism than a normal cell.  Cancer cells metabolize glucose in a manner that is distinct from normal cells.  Warburg found that unlike most normal cells, most cancer cells tend to ferment glucose into lactate even in the presence of sufficient oxygen to support mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation.  Otto Warburg, M.D. won the Nobel Prize in Physiology in 1931 for his work on cell respiration.  The Warburg effect (aerobic fermentation of glucose) is a common metabolic malady expressed in nearly all malignant tumors.  The Warburg effect is necessary to compensate for the insufficiency of cancer cells.  Warburg later proposed that dysfunctional mitochondria are the root cause of aerobic glycolysis.

Cancer cells have a very inefficient metabolism making only 2 ATP’s instead of 36 ATP’s via the Krebs cycle (Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle (TCA)).

Glycolysis is carried out in the cytoplasm and only produces 2 ATP’s.  Pyruvate is the end product of glycolysis, and under aerobic conditions it enters the mitochondria to be oxidized to acetyl CoA which combines with oxaloacetate to start the Krebs cycle to make 36 ATP’s.

When not enough cellular oxygen is present, anaerobic conditions arise, and pyruvate is reduced to lactate by lactate dehydrogenase A (LDH-A) in the cytoplasm and then lactate is excreted into the extracellular space through monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs).

Since most cancers use glucose and some cancers use the amino acid, glutamine as their source of fuel, it is important to limit their intake of food.

Too much dietary protein can turn into glucose through gluconeogenesis, stimulate the mTOR pathway and give cancer cells a rich supply of glutamine.  Also, elevated insulin from too much dietary protein will adversely affect many biochemical pathways.

Cancer cells are characterized by acidosis, lack of oxygen, increased lactic acid, increased sodium, decreased potassium, edema, increased oncogenes, decreased tumor suppressor genes, deficiency of phosphatidylcholine in cell wall membranes, heavy metals, chemical carcinogens, viral, fungal and bacteria, and their toxins, parasites and their toxins, and decreased bio photons.

Nutritional Treatments for Cancer

We will be explaining all of these individual cancer treatments in detail in other blogs.

We are listing these treatments in roughly the order of importance.

1:  Urine fasting according to Armstrong.2 Urine is 95% structured water (EZ water, Biological water), 2.5% urea, hormones, hormone metabolites, activated minerals, activated vitamins, enzymes, organic acids, amino acids, proteins, antigens of one’s cancer, bacterial, viral or fungal infection.  Very few waste products are in the urine.  The waste products that are in the urine are made into an isopathic remedy.  Urine is mainly what the body cannot use that minute.

2:  Dr. Jan Kwasniewski’s ketogenic diet which consist of 1 part protein, 2.5-3.5 parts fat, and 0.3-0.5 part carbohydrate.  This ketogenic diet starves cancer cells, and makes normal cells thrive.3

3:  John Beard and his contemporaries used Pancreatic enzymes over 100 years ago to cure cancer.4 Pancreatic enzymes are correcting a pancreatic enzyme deficiency.  When we are young, we have enough enzymes to digest food and protect ourselves from cancer, not so as we age.

4:  Cannabis oil (CBD, THC).  The cannabis oils are correcting an endocannbinoid deficiency.  Rick Simpson and Israeli scientists have done extensive research on the mechanisms how cannabinoids cure cancer and remove cancer pain.5

5:  Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) The LDN is correcting a deficiency of endorphins.6
6:  IV ozone is helping to revive the cancer cell’s Krebs cycle to generate more ATP.  This is assisted with nutrients such as lipoic acid, coenzyme Q10, L-carnitine, magnesium, manganese, and vitamin B complex.7

7:  IV vitamin C 100-200 grams a day.  Humans cannot make vitamin C.  The vitamin C is correcting a vitamin C deficiency.  Hence, vitamin C protects one from cancer.8

1 “The Cancer Biopathy” Wilhelm Reich, M.D.
2 “The Water of Life” John Armstrong
3 “Homo Optimus” Jan Kwasniewski, M.D.
4 “The Enzyme Treatment of Cancer and its Scientific  Basis” John Beard, D.Sc.
5: “Run From The Cure-YouTube” Rick Simpson
7 International Ozone Association (
8:  Linus Pauling Institute    (

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