A Cure for a Penny


Kerosene as a protection
against Tuberculosis --- One
million sufferers to cure and
seventy-five million to protect


         I have been a physician since 1986 and am a trained pathologist and internist specializing in chronic degenerative diseases, cancer, autoimmune diseases and allergies.  This is one of the most important books I have ever read!  I have no doubt in believing the author of the authenticity of his cases.  In a time where tuberculosis is on the rise again with resistant antibiotics, it is time again to look at old, successful remedies for this dreaded, horrible disease.

I have been using pure gum pine oil (turpentine) to treat parasites, infections, arthritis, fungi, and cancer.  I do not have any experience using kerosene.  My wife, Iryna is from the Ukraine, and I just saw two friends from the states who are originally from Romania.  They all tell me that their grandparents used kerosene to treat a whole range of diseases including cancer orally and with liniments.

If one is going to embark on this marvelous therapy, one must have pure, unadulterated gum pine oil (turpentine) or kerosene.  Not using the pure unadulterated product or too much of it could be fatal.  It is very important that you do your research.  At this time, I do not yet know whether pine oil or kerosene is more effective.

Jake Ames, MD, HMD
10, April 2018
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico



         The preparation of this booklet, commending kerosene (ordinary lamp oil) as a safe, positive remedy for diseases of the lungs and other respiratory organs is a conclusion reached only after deliberate and careful study, as to the value which may be given, in return for the selling price.

         My earlier efforts to spread the benefits of this information, free of charge, for the good of humanity, has taught me that people are slow to receive anything that can be without cost.  And, it is also apparent, that the public is often victimized into paying for a worthless article.  However this may be, I feel with the assurance of a clear conscience that no sense of disappointment will settle over the reader after carefully reading its contents and following directions for the use of this simple remedy. 

         Inquiry on any point, not made clear in this limited volume, will be cheerfully and carefully answered.

         My honest belief is, that a penny’s worth of Kerosene properly administered will cure eighty percent of those taking the treatment for consumption of the lungs, and that the remaining twenty percent will receive a measure of relief which will establish the integrity and honesty of the author, in the estimation of the comparatively few who are, unfortunately, beyond the reach of complete restoration.

         The language in the make-up of this book is intended to clearly convey the thoughts of the writer to all classes of people. 

         We have no sympathy, or patience, with the tendency of the medical profession to mystify the public by the use of Latin phrases in naming diseases and remedies.  On the contrary, we desire to speak plainly, and have it directly understood, that there is no secret formula being at robbers’ prices, and that we are standing with confidence on the proven merits of common Kerosene. 

         The chief distinction to be noted in the system of treatment, aside from the cheapness and simplicity of the remedy itself, is the method of administering.

         The bronchial tubes and the lungs are treated by the direct application of the spray to the affected parts.  One would hardly bid a poultice on the jaw to relieve a boil on the arm!

         This homely illustration is not intended to amuse, but to impress an important truth on the mind of the reader.  Each and every organ and member of the body has an important part to perform, and if one or more become diseased or disabled, our effort to restore them to health and activity should not involve or disturb the healthy ones.

         The pernicious method of practice of punishing the stomach and bowels with strong medicines which are intended to reflect and indirect influence on the lungs, is not justified by the results obtained in this class of diseases.

         The primary functions of the human stomach is to receive, and set up the process of the digestion of food and drink, and distribute the same for the nourishment of the body, and it is, therefore, an unfortunate necessity that justifies the taking into the stomach of any other substance than those provided by nature for support and maintenance of the body.

         We desire to emphasize the statement, that in the treatment of any disease, or disorder, the first point to be covered, is the selection of a remedy, which, if possible, is in easy reach and inexpensive, and thereby avoid the delay which is always serious and often fatal.

         The remedy, if it fully meets the requirements, must be a corrective agency, which, while correcting the disorder by a proper antiseptic, and healing influence, can be applied directly to the diseased parts and not injure the sound tissue.

         The commendable effort of scientific men to discover or propagate a serum for the blood that will afford relief from the various forms of tuberculosis, may or may not, yield the desired results.

         The recent premature announcement of Dr. Freidman, of Germany, and his dismal failure, should not be permitted to entirely destroy the feeble ray of hope along that line, as scientific investigation has wrought wonders along many important lines of research.

         However, the stubborn fact remains, that not only months, but years are required to work out these problems, and that when accomplished it will for years be in research only of those who are able to employ the service of skilled physicians and surgeons and pay hospital charges, thus leading the masses beyond the zone of relief.

         When viewed from these angles the field of necessity widens, and the demand for a solution along lines that may offer relief to all classes, on equal terms, should stimulate and encourage every effort to reach the coveted goal by the discovery of a remedy which can be used without the service of a doctor, or a thought as to the cost.

         It is not my purpose to theorize, or experiment along scientific lines, but to endeavor to insure men and women that they may first cure themselves, and then serve humanity by loaning this little booklet and relating their experience to their neighbors.

         Time and results will demonstrate that a small measure of credit is due to the author, who has donated liberally of his time and means during the past few years to establish the fact that, while science is groping in the dark for a remedy, relief is to obtained by the use of this common commodity in such limited quantities, and by such simple methods, as to eliminate all considerations of cost.  This placing the public within easy touch of the relief that will minimize the danger and terror of the great “white Plague” to a level where individual confidence will stimulate resistance and kindle the beacon of hope to a living flame of reality.

If you will follow me
along the neglected of
simplicity, it may lead us to
the fountain of Health.


Pulmonary Tuberculosis and Consumption of the Lungs the Same Disease, Brief Description

The terms “Pulmonary Tuberculosis” and “Consumption of the Lungs” are synonymous in their meaning, both having reference to an ulcerative condition of the lungs.

We prefer the use of the latter, or more common name, as it more clearly indicates to the general public the disease so common to the human race.

When we understand, that the lungs, either one, or both of them, are the seat of one or more open running ulcers, each of which eats and spreads, throwing off an offensive mucous, called sputum, and forming the breeding nest of the Tubercular germ, which propagates by inhabiting, absorbing and consuming the dead and decayed lung tissue, we readily choose the term “Consumption of the Lungs” as clearly indicating the nature of the disease, which actually consumes the tissues of the lungs.

Origen of the Disease
 Description of Germ

Consumption of the lungs is an infectious disease, supposed to have its origin in the tubercle bacillus, discovered by Dr. Koch in the year 1882.

This bacillus is a slender rod with rounded ends from, two to five twenty-five thousands of an inch in length, encapsulated in a gelatin or other substance, that will withstand a fifteen percent nitric acid solution, or thirty-three and one-third percent alcoholic solution, before dissolving this capsule, which is necessary to destroy the germ.  Herein lies the difficulty in finding a remedy strong enough to kill the germ and not be harmful to the sound tissues while being used to effect a cure.

How Taken into the Body

These germs are taken into the body in a dried state, through the respiratory tract, wounds and abrasions of the skin, also by the intestinal tract, on food, infected hands coming in contact with the mouth and lips, etc.  After getting into the body they propagate, if the system is in a debilitated condition (as in case of a cold on the lungs) and strong enough to expel or throw off the germ.  We then have a well defined case of tuberculosis in the incipient stage that will develop into a wasting disease, which in most cases has baffled all medical and scientific skill, until Kerosene (common coal oil) was found to be an effective remedy, when intelligently applied to the germ and diseased tissue of the lung.

         There are several different kinds of tubercle bacillus or germs:  Human, infecting human beings; Bovine, infecting cattle; Avian, infecting fowls, etc.

         For a long time it was thought that each species of germ only infected that species of human or animal body, but later statistics show us that they are communicable one with the other.  Thus, a human may be infected with the bovine germ, etc.  This is proven by children and in some cases adults contracting the disease through milk “bovine germ.”

200,000 Deaths Annually
Nearly a Million Sufferers

         During the last year tuberculosis caused the death of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND people in the United States, and there are more than NINE HUNDRED THOUSAND others living, infected with the disease helping to spread the infection.

         Tuberculosis being infectious, persons should be very cautious in disposing of the waste material from the body, such as sputum, stools or other excrements given off by the body that are likely to contain the germs.

         Thus you will readily see the necessity of all persons infected and those caring for same to take all due precautions to avoid the spread of the infection.

         Persons infected should be instructed along this line to either burn or kill the germs in all body excrement by the use of strong disinfectants such as carbolic acid, bi-chloride of mercury, formalin, etc.  Direct sunlight is also a destroyer of the germ. 

         A scrupulous observance of sanitary laws, breathing pure air, sleeping in the open, or well-ventilated rooms, cleanliness of body, healthy food and exercise is the price of health and happiness for the human family.

Kerosene as a Remedy, Its
Actions on the Tissues of
  the Lungs and all Diseased
  Parts Through the Blood

         After experimenting with Kerosene to no little extent, it has been found to be the only known agent with antiseptic power strong enough to kill this germ, and not harmful to the body tissues in any way.

         Kerosene, after being taken into the lungs, is readily absorbed by the blood and carried to every part of the body.

         In this way it comes in direct contact with the diseased parts wherever located.  However, its most positive effect is on the tissues of the lung.

         Its peculiar virtue lies in the fact that it is perfectly harmless to healthy tissue, and sets up its healing influence on the diseased tissue wherever found in the body.

Noted Cases of Consumption Cured

         Among the noted cures effected by the treatment, are those of Mary Oleson, now married, giving her testimony under the name of Mary Adkins.  Her case was under the care of Dr. D. C. Wadsworth, Superintendent of Health of Tulsa, and pronounced by them as a well-defined case of consumption of the lungs.

         Wesley Blankenship was the third boy of a family which belongs to the predisposed class of cases, the two older boys having died of the disease.

         Wesley, the youngest, was pronounced by two reputable physicians of Wichita, Kansas to be a victim past the incipient stage, and therefore incurable.   This diagnosis was the consensus of opinion after a proper physical examination and the acid test on sputum, both of which lead to the emphatic statement that he would not likely survive six months in this climate.

         These two cases have apparently recovered.  The girl has since married, and still resides in Tulsa.  Wesley Blankenship also lives in Tulsa, and seems to be entirely sound and well and is developing into a strong, healthy young man.  Testimonies corroborating  the above statements will be found among others forming a part of this book.

Relief in all Cases
Complete Cure Where
The Lung Tissue Has
Not Been Destroyed

         Experience has demonstrated that relief is to be expected as soon as the treatment is fairly undertaken, and this had lead many patients to become careless as to an intelligent use of the remedy, causing them to discontinue its use in too short of time for complete cure.

         An ulcer on the lung is stubborn, and we should feel grateful if we can completely overcome it by a treatment covering from one to four months.

         Our success in treating consumption of the lungs with this simple harmless and inexpensive remedy, has been such as to justify the assertion that it will afford relief in all cases, and effect a positive cure in every case, where the treatment is used, before the tissue of the lungs has been largely destroyed by the disease.

         In two cases of tubercular prostate glands, the patients trying everything to get relief, with no results and suffering for months, were cured in a very short time by the use of kerosene taken internally, one-half teaspoon doses morning and evening.

How to Treat Consumption

         In the pulmonary form of tuberculosis (consumption of the lungs) or other diseases of the respiratory tract, we recommend the use of an atomizer, delivering a spray directly into the lungs through the throat.

         To administer a spray of kerosene into the lungs is a very simple, harmless operation, and is not attended with danger, pain or strangulation even with delicate patients.

         An atomizer filled with common Kerosene being at hand, the method of administering to the lungs, consists of exhaling the breath, then placing delivery tube of the atomizer well back on the tongue, and with the mouth in a slightly open, sipping attitude, slowly draw a deep breath, full breath into the lungs through the mouth, and while the lungs are being filled with air, press the bulb, thus mixing the spray with the air.

         One spray will be found to deliver about ten drops of the oil thoroughly mixed with the air taken into the lungs.

         We recommend its use morning and night, and at such intervening times, as the distress of the patient seems to dictate.

         One or two sprays will be found sufficient for a treatment.

The Selection of an Atomizer
The Extra Air Jacket

         It is not my purpose to dictate what make of atomizer is to be used, However, a careful study of the matter leads me to give preference to the DeVilbiss Atomizer, No. 28, as being especially adapted to the administration of the Kerosene remedy into the bronchial tubes and lungs, and practical for all other uses.

         The efficiency and simplicity of the use of this particular atomizer has been very much improved by the aid of an additional air jacket or tube, especially provided for this purpose by the manufacturers under special direction, which tube can be removed at pleasure when it is desired to use the atomizer for other purposes.

         We are in a position to supply this atomizer and extra tube on enquiry, or can supply the tube only if desired.

         The use of this extra tube enables the user to close the lips thereon and while drawing a slow, deep breath through the same, insures proper mixture of air and spray, and its thorough distribution throughout the air cells of the lungs.

         Price of atomizer and extra tube, by parcel post prepaid, $1.00.  Price of the tube only, 25 cents.

Kerosene as a Protection
Against the Development
of the “White Plague.”

         An abiding confidence in the merits of this common commodity, Kerosene, found in, or within the reach of every home, fertilizes the hope of its use, as a preventive agency, whereby those of who are exposed to infection by association with, and care of those infected, including also the vast number who are predisposed to this dreadful disease, may be safeguarded by its occasional use with the atomizer, and thereby discourage the development of pulmonary tuberculosis. 

         Note---This paragraph touches upon the great power of prevention of Tuberculosis and is not second to but of equal importance to its cure. 

         While we have a million sufferers we have seventy-five million people in danger of infection.

Enlarged Internal Glands
The Vapor from Hot Kerosene
In Certain Cases

         In cases of enlarged glands, of tubercular origin, catarrh of the stomach, etc., we recommend its use internally, (one-half teaspoon morning and evening.)

         In catarrh of the head, some forms of cold, or fullness of the head, a spray thrown way back into the nostril will give relief following a very few treatments.

         Inhalation of the fumes of hot Kerosene is another successful method of treating cold in the head.  For this method of using Kerosene, heat a small thick china dish or cup on the stove to medium-high temperature, then with a folded towel or napkin for protection, hold the cup in the hand, placing about two tablespoons of the oil therein, (if a small piece of sponge or flannel cloth is added it improves the results), hold the vessel close under the nose, take full, deep breaths, always breathing through the nose, (If the trouble is in the head).  Use this treatment morning and evening for five or ten minutes, or at intervening periods if the patient is in a condition of distress.

Useful in Many Cases
Croup, a Sure Cure
Cuts and Wounds
Used as a Liniment

         If an atomizer and a small supply of Kerosene is in readiness for emergency, it will be found very useful, not only in lung trouble but in very many other cases.

         All cases of croup should be treated by liberal spraying into the throat.  This will dissolve the phlegm and give immediate relief.  In desperate cases given internally in half-teaspoon doses besides using the spray liberally. 

         If a cut, bruise or wound, slight or serious, on man or beast, is sprayed with the oil, all poison or germs will be destroyed, and the injury will heal very quickly (cover or bind the wound with soft cloth moistened with the oil.)

         Kerosene when used as a liniment is well known to be the equal of secret formulas sold at fabulous prices.

         This last statement in regard to its use as a liniment to relieve pain and inflammation, is not offered as a new discovery, but to remind the reader of dormant truths common to most people but often forgotten.

La Grippe, Sore Throat
Cold in the Head
Pneumonia, Neuralgia

         The development of la grippe will be arrested by spraying the oil into the throat and nose.

         Treat sore throat with one spray every three hours, then follow spray by breathing through the mouth.

         Cold in the head will be cured by two to three sprays.

         Cold on the lungs, together with the symptoms of pneumonia, should be treated by the same method as that recommended for tuberculosis of the lungs.

         In case of neuralgia of the face an teeth use a spray in the nose and repeat in one hour if you don’t forget your troubles.

Smoker’s Cough Leads to Consumption---Do You Want Relief?

         The irritation caused by excess smoking, effecting the throat and lungs, especially cigarette smoking is the result of nicotine poison, aggravated and intensified by the foolish and dangerous habit of inhaling the smoke.  A spray of oil in the throat, also the lungs will counteract the poison, and if followed up, will effect a complete cure.

         Many cases of diseased lungs have their origin in the cigarette habit, the first symptom being a hacking cough.

         Those who choose the pleasure of the cigarette at the expense of their lungs and general health, will be expected to ignore this warning and pay the penalty of a slave to the habit.

In Case of Snakebite, Nail in the Foot, Poison from Vine or Insects, Inflamed Eyes

         Kerosene has proven a perfect antidote for the bite of poisonous reptiles, and should be applied to the wound as quickly as possible.  If the bite is on the foot or the hand, plunge the member in a bath of the oil, allowing it to remain for fifteen minutes.

         Many cases of nail in the foot have been successfully treated by filling the hole with oil, working it deeply into the wound.  We have never yet failed to get radical relief from this dangerous class of wounds.

         In case of poison from vine or insect bite, spray the surface infected with the oil.

         Inflamed eyes and lids are cured by throwing a gentle spray into the open eye.

         The use of kerosene to destroy bugs and insects is a matter of general information.  A few drops will form a film over a barrel of rainwater and a gallon will cover the surface of a stagnant pond, thus eliminating the possibility of the breeding mosquitos or other agencies of disease.

The Health of the Men Who Work in the Oil Fields
Hyperdermic Treatment

         The very limited number of oil field laborers (where much of the surface of the ground is covered with even crude petroleum in a state of evaporation) who suffer with lung trouble, and the large number who recover from lung trouble while thus employed, is a significant pointer in support of our contention.  These laborers taken as a class are strong, healthy, rugged men and seem to be immune to lung trouble and kindred disorders.

         Note---The author indulges the hope that a later edition of this book will announce the successful use of Kerosene in other forms of tuberculosis, by the hyperdermic administration of  the remedy to whatever member or part of the body that is involved.

Clipping from Tulsa Daily Democrat

         The following clipping from the Tulsa Daily Democrat of Feb. 6th, 1913, may prove of interest to the reader.  As a result of this article two local physicians manifested sufficient interest and confidence to turn over a number of cases of lung trouble for the benefit of whatever relief might be obtained.

         Each and everyone of these cases yielded to the treatment and are among those who gladly give their endorsement.  The clipping referred to follows:

         “We produce an article written by Mr. C. O. Frye of Tulsa, commending the use of coal oil in the treatment of certain diseases.  Mr. Frye insists that coal oil is a great disinfectant and that its application either in liquid or vapor form will destroy disease germs.

         This thought is in harmony with the general theory and practice of using various kinds of disinfectants to destroy germs before they find lodgment in the human system, except as the use of coal oil as suggested in his article has the virtue of reaching and destroying the germ even after it has manifested its presence in the symptoms and actual development of the various diseases mentioned.  Coal oil being a commodity that is found close at hand in the presence of nearly every emergency would seem to be worthy of consideration.  The bold assertion that when taken into the lungs in the form vapor or spray along with the air we breathe will cure pulmonary consumption is a remarkable statement, which may prove to be a valuable contribution in the study of tuberculosis.”

Testimony by Some of Those Who Have Followed the Advice of the Author

         The following testimonials are commended to the reader in the hope that they will carefully read, and, if desired, be verified by letters of inquiry directed to those whose names are attached.  We openly assume a position of liability to charges of fraud if investigation fails to verify the genuineness of these statements and gladly exhibit them in order that the reader may learn from the lips and pens the verdict of those who have followed our advice.

Mary Oleson Cured of Consumption of the Lungs

Tulsa Oklahoma, December---, 1913

         My first acquaintance with Mr. C. O. Frye was during the month of March, 1913.  At that time I was under the care of Dr. D. V. Wadsworth.  Doctors J. C. Bland and J. S. Hume had also been called in to see me.  I was confined to my bed, and was suffering from a complication of diseases.

         The doctors all agreed that I had consumption of the lungs; they called it Pulmonary Tuberculosis; this was after they tested the sputum which I coughed up.

         I also suffered from what the doctors said was an abscess, forming near the left kidney.  This was thought to be a tubercular abscess, and was being treated to draw it to a head, so that it could be cut open.

         I also had serious trouble with my heart, and the doctors gave me and my mother little or no encouragement for my recovery.  I suffered from fever and night sweats, had a violent cough and soreness in my lungs; the sputum was stained with blood, and the doctors said it was full of the tubercular bacilli.  It was at this time and under these conditions of distress that Mr. Frye undertook to do me the kindness of a friend, without charging me or any thought of compensation. 

Mary Oleson’s Testimony

         He bought me an atomizer and gave it to me to use, and believing, as he said, that the fever was from septic poison in the blood, and the heart trouble was also from the same source, all medical treatment was abandoned.

         A spray of kerosene was taken into my lungs every three hours.  The effort to draw the abscess to a head was reversed by applying kerosene to the supposed abscess in my side, to scatter it.

         The soreness and burning sensation was all gone in three or four days, and has never returned or given me any trouble.

         The spray of kerosene in my lungs gave me relief from the first day I began to use it, the cough was relieved, and the fever left me.  My heart trouble also seemed better and gradually gave way.  I was out of bed in about a week, and began to eat hearty, and was able to be of some help to my mother within two weeks.  At the end of the month I seemed to be entirely well, and was gaining in flesh and strength.

Corroborated by Her Mother

         I have since married, and continue to enjoy the best of health.  Two examinations of the sputum have failed to disclose the presence of any germs.  I still use the spray two or three times a week, and feel very grateful for what it has done for me.
                                   (Signed)    MARY ADKINS

         The Above statements made by my daughter, Mary, are true in every way, and we fully believe she is sound and well.

                                   (Signed)    MRS. ALICE OLESON

Wesley Blankenship
His Testimony

Tulsa, Oklahoma, December 10th, 1913
         My name is Wesley Blankenship.  I am 15 years old, and I am going to tell you what kerosene has done for me, and hope that it may be of help to someone.

         My two brothers, Noble and Archie, both died from consumption of the lungs.  About two years ago, I was taken sick with a cough, and was getting week and poor.  The doctors called it Tuberculosis, and said I must have a change of climate at once, and didn’t expect me to recover.

         My sister knew Mr. Frye, and had confidence in him, and we decided to drop every other medicine and try kerosene. 

         We use the vapor from hot kerosene, as he directed, and it helped me from the very first.  I seemed to be well in two months, but kept it up for four months, and it seems to have fully cured my lungs, as I don’t cough or have or have any symptoms of lung trouble.  I have been well for over a year, and am gaining in health and strength, and am going to school. 

         If you know of anybody that has consumption, tell them to use lots of kerosene vapor, and it will cure them.

                                               WESLEY BLANKENSHIP

Child Saved from Death by Croup
Statement by Lawrence E. Blue
Prominent Architect

Tulsa, Oklahoma, December 8th, 1913
         Early in February of this year I read with more than passing interest an article on the use of kerosene as a remedy for diseases of the lungs and other forms of disorder involving the respiratory organs.

         This article was written by C. O. Frye, and was published in the Tulsa Democrat.  Some 10 days later business called me to the western part of the state.  Stopping off at a small town for the night, I found at the only hotel a state of commotion and excitement over the supposed death of a child some eighteen months old from croup.

         The doctor had abandoned it, as dying.  The child was inanimate so far as any activity was to be observed.

Upon placing my ear to its chest I detected a feeble action of the heart.  Remembering what Mr. Frye had said of the use of kerosene to relieve croup, I called for a teaspoon and some of the oil from the lamp.  Most of those present protested, but one or two of the women agreed that no harm could be done, in that the doctor had left, and the child seemed to be past human help.

Revived and Saved the Child
After the Doctor Had Left It to Die

I opened the mouth and poured one-half teaspoon into the throat.  In about twenty seconds it gasped for breath.  In desperation, and with a sense of nervous excitement, I immediately gave another dose.  This second dose caused another and more vigorous effort to breathe, which resulted in the child vomiting the membrane of phlegm from the throat into the mouth.  The mother seized and removed it with tears of joy.

         The child recovered its normal breathing at once, soon fell asleep, and on the following morning was up, and seemed to be entirely free from the effect of its experience and suffering the previous night. 

         I give out this statement of facts at the request of Mr. Frye and for the benefit of any who may become interested, because of the need to apply this remedy under similar circumstances.

                                                      LAURENCE E. BLUE

A Case of Diphtheria
Kerosene the Only Remedy

         On Friday, November the 28th of this year, while riding on the street car, going to see my sister, who was very sick, I met Mr. C. O. Frye, of Tulsa, Oklahoma.  I mentioned the fact that my sister was suffering from a very bad throat disorder, and that the doctor had expressed the opinion that it was a case of diphtheria, and spoke of putting her under quarantine. 

         Mr. Frye advised me to give about twenty drops of kerosene every 20 minutes, pour it on the tongue; be indifferent about swallowing, but be sure to keep the mouth open, and breathe through the mouth so as to get the oil in contact with the sores in her throat and air passages.

         We followed his advise, and she was relieved immediately, and entirely cured in three days.  No other remedy was used.

                                    (Signed)    FRED W. BRIDGES
                                    R. F. D. Route 5, Box 76, Joplin, MO
         As the sufferer in this case, I gladly attest the truth of this claim for kerosene, as a splendid remedy for the throat.

                                                      MRS. J. O. CORBITT

Tubercular Prostate Gland Cured by Kerosene (Taken Internally)

         Having been afflicted with a tubercular prostate gland for three years, from which I have received absolute relief and cure by the use of kerosene as recommended by
C. O. Frye of Tulsa, Oklahoma, I esteem it a privilege and duty to give this testimony for the benefit of other sufferers from this terrible affliction.

         I had suffered for three years and at times was unable to attend to my professional business; was confined to my bed part of the time.  My stomach was also involved, so that I could not eat or retain what I forced down.  My life seemed in jeopardy, and I was under the treatment of several doctors without apparent relief from any. 

         Upon taking one teaspoon of kerosene every night I noticed evidence of improvement within a week, and continued to improve steadily.  At the end of three months I was entirely cured.  Suffering humanity should read and profit by this testimony.

                                               (Signed)    M. Wood
                                                      Veterinarian Surgeon
         Vera, Oklahoma, December 15th, 1913

Testimony of E. S. Ford
Prominent Citizen of Tulsa

A sufferer saved from the danger and expense of an operation

Tulsa, Oklahoma, December 27, 1913
         I was suffering for months with enlarged prostate glands; was treated by several doctors with no positive results.  Was told by them that a surgical operation was necessary.  While hesitating over this serious step, kerosene internally was recommended by C. O. Frye as a friend---the use of which relieved me entirely in a very short while. Today I am a sound man.


                                                                        E. S. Ford

Many Other People of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Who Can Testify

         Aside from those who have kindly given their endorsement in testimonies, there is a much larger list of Tulsa people who have proven the merits of kerosene for the relief of various ailments of the lungs and throat, securing radical relief from Cold, LaGrippe, Cough, Catarrh, etc.  Also a number who have had reason to fear that their lungs were seriously involved because of the warning of an ever-present annoying cough of from one to nine years standing.

         I will afford the author much pleasure to add the name of these and also of others who may see fit to speak a word of encouragement.  However the rule of modesty forbids that any names shall be used without the voluntary consent of those who might be mentioned.

The Doctors Decline to Give Endorsement---Against the Ethics of Their Profession

         The author of this book confesses to a sense of keen disappointment on account of his failure to secure testimonials, or even admissions, from a number of prominent physicians of our city to corroborate certain important claims regarding results obtained by the use of kerosene spray in well-defined cases of consumption of the lungs.

         The list of physicians who have been approached and the bare statement of facts solicited includes Dr. D. V. Wadsworth, Superintendent of Health, Tulsa, Oklahoma; also Dr. J. C. Bland, Dr. J. E. Webb, and Dr. J. S. Hume, all of whom are rated ethical M.D.’s and recognized as reputable physicians in our city.

         These gentlemen are qualified to speak with intelligence, as results obtained by the treatment, and could give personal and professional statements, which in our judgment would prove a valuable and helpful factor to the afflicted.

The Disappointment of the Author
Reference Without Permission

         The fact is that the ethics of their profession will not permit them to allow their names to appear in a book which is intended for the edification of the laity, and their loyalty to professional etiquette has proven a great source of disappointment.  Reference is made thereto, not in spirit of criticism, but by way of explanation for the absence from this book of their coveted testimonials.

         We hold these gentlemen in the highest personal esteem, and have every confidence that enquiry directed to either of them will, if answered at all, be answered along lines which will be interpreted as a strong endorsement, in so far as they are familiar with the cases mentioned.


Has Been Used by Mothers, on Children for One Hundred Years

         The use of kerosene as a liniment, and given internally for many generations, also the careful study of the author, together with these testimonials, as to its daily use for three or four months, both internally and directed into the lungs, in the form of a spray or vapor, can be accepted as ample assurance that the remedy is perfectly harmless, and that of the most reckless abuse of it in grossly excessive quantities, can produce unpleasant results, a possibility in the use of any medicine, or even the abuse or gormandizing of healthy food.


A Part of the Money Paid for This Book to go to Their Benefit

         If the reader has paid one dollar for this book the assurance is given that a part of the money will be applied to the free mailing list as it is the earnest desire of the author to supply free books to consumptives unable to buy.

         An hours time devoted to the second reading of this book and the testimonials it contains will enable you to take care of your own lungs and be a service to your fellowman.

Model 163 Glass Atomizer with Metal Top

Description: rive DeVilbiss Healthcare

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