Food Allergies

Food Allergies

I have practiced as an allergist since 1994.  I have treated thousands of food allergies, and 100% of my patients have food allergies when I do an IgG or IgG4 and an IgA food allergy blood test.

I have found that the incidence of food allergies is increasing.  This is due to leaky gut syndrome, genetically modified organisms (GMO-genetically modified food), environmental toxins, mercury amalgam dental fillings, ingested pesticides and herbicides, processed foods, too much alcohol and caffeine, too much sugar and corn syrup (candida), prescription and over the counter anti-inflammatories, stress, and poor lifestyle.

What are the symptoms of food allergies?

 Immunoglobulin E (IgE) (immediate) foods allergies can be serious to causing death.  Peanut and shellfish allergies are a good example.  The IgE allergy usually causes hives, red skin, blanching white with pressure on the skin, severe generalized itching (worse in the groin and axillae), scratchy throat, asthma, fast pulse, anxiety, and possible anaphylaxis which can lead to death if not treated quickly.

IgG, IgG4 and IgA food allergies are typically called delayed food allergies.  They can happen within minutes to hours later.  Symptoms can vary from migraine headaches, gastrointestinal disturbances, gas, nasal stuffiness, diarrhea, acne, eczema, hypertension, fatigue, brain fog, depression, complete personality changes (demonic look on the face), arthralgias.  Basically, any organ can be affected by a food allergy.

The most common food allergies

Dairy, eggs, wheat, gluten, gliadin, corn, soy, peanuts, baker’s yeast, brewer’s yeast, malt, corn, and dextrose,

Next most common food allergies

Tree nuts, shellfish, fish, iodine, mushrooms, beef, chicken, cane sugar, beet sugar, sugar alcohols (Erythritol, Isomalt, Xylitol, Sorbitol, Lactitol, Mannitol, Maltitol, Hydrogenated starch hydrolysates, Xylitol), potatoes, citrus, melons, pork

How and Why Do Allergies Develop?

The main cause of food allergies is genetics.  If your mom or dad has environmental or food allergies, there is a very good chance that you will have food allergies.  The HLA gene complex on human chromosome 6 plays a role in your genetic predisposition to food allergies.  Leaky gut syndrome is another cause of food allergies.  This can be caused by eating too much sugar and corn syrup causing candida to grow in your intestines.
Too much aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (ibuprofen), alcohol, antibiotics, coffee, root canals, mercury amalgam dental fillings, heavy metal burden, chemical and toxin burden, stress, poor lifestyles can contribute to causing leaky gut syndrome.

Supplements which may help food allergies

Pancreatic enzymes-high potency 3-5 with meals; probiotics 3-5 a day, empty stomach; MSM powder 1 tablespoon a day with water; Vitamin B5 1,000 mg twice a day; L-glutamine 1 teaspoon twice a day, cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon in water twice a day, vitamin C, increase until bowel tolerance (just short of diarrhea), usually 1,000 mg three times a day; Quercetin and Hesperidin, 3 caps twice a day; Stinging Nettles, 3 caps twice a day, Hemp Seed Oil, 1 tablespoon a day, vitamin D3 5,000 IU a day with 2 teaspoons of fat.

How I treat food allergies

I invented an acupressure technique that usually cures IgG, IgG4 IgE, and IgA food allergies in 5 minutes.  IgE food allergies take longer to cure, usually more than one treatment.  This technique uses intention with acupressure.  I do kinesiology (muscle testing) testing, and usually, order an IgG and IgA blood test for 180 foods.  I have found that my kinesiology testing correlates 95% with the above food allergy tests.  Some physicians believe that IgG food allergies may be a “blocking” antibody and that it protects people from that food allergy.  I have found this to be the case only sometimes.  When a patient has both IgG and IgA for the same food, the test is almost 100% accurate for a food allergy.

A simple way to diagnose and treat a food allergy is to drink distilled water only for one day, then add white rice with the distilled water the second day, then on the third day add broccoli, then cauliflower, then yams, then lamb.  Stay away from the common and the next most common potential food allergies I listed above.  If on a day you add a food allergy, you may get some of the symptoms I have mentioned.  The old way was to eliminate that food for 6 months, then try introducing it once a week.  Now with my allergy technique, the patient is usually cured of that food allergy in 5 minutes.  If he's not cured, he might be 90% cured and can get another treatment the same day.

You might just avoid the foods listed on your food allergy blood tests.

You may elect to do an electrodermal screening test, or do provocation/neutralization testing (PN) as taught by the American Academy of Environmental Medicine to test and treat food allergies.

There are allergy techniques using acupressure with intention called the Nambrudipad Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET), and Neuromodulation Technique, the Feinberg Method (NMT).
NMT is the best technique I have found to cure all allergies.  I prefer my own technique because I can usually cure an allergy within 5 minutes.  However, I would have an NMT practitioner treat you, since there are many trained practitioners, and it is a very thorough technique.

There are lectins, nightshades, saponins, amylose, and gluten intolerance, food cross reactivity’s, lactose intolerance, and fructose intolerance than can mimic food allergies.  I can talk about this later in another blog.

© 2017 Jake Ames, MD, HMD All Rights Reserved
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico