Urine Therapy for Cancer

Urine Therapy for Cancer

Jake Ames, M.D., H.M.D.
Douglas G. Mitchell, Ph.D., D. Univ.

We need to begin by facing up to a psychological problem and to a misconception.  People generally have a psychological block to drinking urine, but it is not difficult. At worst, it is slightly unpleasant. A much lesser problem than almost all chemotherapy, the pain associated with failed cancer treatment, and even drinking wheatgrass juice.  Note that all of us have drunk our urine in the womb, and if we did not, we would not be alive today.

The misconception is that urine is a (toxic) waste product. Not so. The main component is plasma (blood without the red cells). It is 95 % structured water, 2.5 % urea and 2.5 % very useful nutrients. Urea, is in fact, is used by the body to dispose of excess nitrogen and is almost completely harmless. The nutrients include activated vitamins and minerals, hormones and hormone metabolites, organic acids, amino acids, proteins, enzymes, antigens to infectious organisms which you may have, tumor antigens and tumor antibodies.  These are typically better absorbed from urine than from their original food source. Cancer patients have antibodies to their cancer in their urine and these are useful anti-cancer substances.


Urine therapy has been used for thousands of years. It is a part of yoga. It is most unlikely that ancient therapies such as yoga and Chinese medicine are without merit.


With normal use, there are zero safety problems. The only way to have problems is by eating toxic materials and then recycling them with urine therapy.  If one is taking an anticoagulant, the dosage must be lowered and blood tested daily until the anticoagulant dose has stabilized.  One may need to lower his blood pressure medication and other pharmaceutical drugs while urine fasting.

How does urine therapy work?

It is best described as a therapy to correct nutritional deficiencies and to increase the dose of nutrients and of useful biological substances including antibodies to cancer.

With the first pass through (eating and digesting), the body absorbs some but not all nutrients. With the second pass (drinking urine), the body has converted nutrients into a more absorbable form and has added other useful substances. Rubbing urine into the skin provides further access to the body for these important substances.

This may not seem to be a big deal, but the results are quite spectacular. Authors such as Armstrong [1]and Abele [2] report benefits for a range of serious illnesses. Some reported benefits are quite spectacular.  We and our patients have personally observed rapid improvement in cancer status, the disappearance of cataracts and improvement in various minor problems such as skin keratosis (blemishes).
We believe that urine therapy is the most important potentially curative cancer treatment. Bearing in mind that many cancer patients do not have much time to begin life-saving treatments, it should be begun as soon as possible.

Urine fasting and topical application
The most effective urine therapy based protocol is urine therapy combined with topical application and fasting. This is implemented as follows:

1.   Drink urine.  Begin by drinking a spoonful of urine in a glass of water. Next day, drink 2 spoonful’s of urine, then 3 spoonful’s, etc. until you can drink undiluted urine.
Thereafter, collect urine from first thing in the morning until about 2 hours before sleep (to minimize disrupting sleep).  Drink all of your urine, except for about 400 mL required for topical application. Urine is best saved into glass containers.
Note that with late-stage or aggressive cancers, you cannot proceed slowly. Build up urine consumption as rapidly as possible.

Combine this with drinking enough water to stay well hydrated. On the first day, drink up to 3- 4 liters per day to build up hydration. With enough water, urine is only slightly yellow. Thereafter, less water is needed because the urine contributes much water. This will result in very frequent urination.  Within a day, your urine should measure less than 200 parts per million (ppm) with a total dissolve solutes meter (TDS meter).

It is not necessary to take supplements during the urine fast. Except that it is useful to add ¼ teaspoon vitamin C powder plus 5- 10 drops Lugol’s iodine (5% iodine/10% potassium iodide) in a glass of water.  One teaspoon daily of sea salt or Himalayan salt may be needed to keep sodium and chloride at optimal levels.

Only drink distilled water.  This is the only water we should be drinking.  We need to get our minerals from our food, not water.  The minerals present in mineral water are inorganic and are poorly absorbed. Minerals in food and well-designed supplements are organic and are better absorbed.  Drinking distilled water chelates (binds) toxic heavy metals and helps the body to eliminate them.

Take no food. The urine provides significant nutrition, and fasting is a time-honored component of treatment for a large range of conditions. Not having to digest food saves the 20 % of our energy used to digest food. We need it to help tackle the serious cancer problem.

Topical application

Urine applied topically needs to be done daily.  The first-morning urine is the most important urine of the day because it has melatonin, human growth hormone and steroid hormones in higher quantity than urine from later in the day.  Pour a little urine on to a washcloth and apply it to the entire head, face, neck, and feet.  Include other areas as desired. Urine can be rubbed into skin blemishes and many will eventually disappear. It can be applied to areas above known tumors with the expectation that it will reach the tumors in a concentrated dose.
Older urine works better for treating diseases.  Topical application should be done for 20 minutes or longer.

Length of fast

Ideally, basically, healthy people should do a 10-day urine fast.
Severely depleted cancer patients, who have already failed surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy, will be detoxing the chemotherapy poisons. The patient may feel very weak, and might only be able to do a one or two day fast at first.  The patient should do his best to only do a urine fast until no detectable evidence of his cancer is present.

While not fasting, patients should be on Dr. Jan Kwasniewski’s ketogenic diet.  His diet is our second most important protocol to treat and cure cancer and many chronic diseases.

Side effects of urine fasting with topical application

The first two days of the fast, people may experience moderate hunger.  This usually goes away after two days, but a psychological hunger may persist longer. 

You may initially experience diarrhea, because the body is eliminating toxins, dead cancer cells, candida, molds, and parasites.  This is a good thing.  The problem will lessen with time.

You might experience “constipation”.  It is common not to have any bowel movements for days, because with no food, there is no fiber and there is very little stool.  If this is a problem, take some medium chain triglyceride (MCT) oil and coconut oil.  These oils will keep you in ketosis, and this will move the bowels in the direction of diarrhea. Start out with one tablespoon of both and increase as needed.  If constipation still persists, take 1 tablespoon of psyllium in a large glass of water.  If still a significant problem, have one to two colon hydrotherapy sessions with bifidus probiotics implanted into the colon afterward.
Once constipation clears up, only drink urine and water.

If you have not previously been on a ketogenic diet, this may contribute further symptoms, such as lightheadedness and a “spacey” feeling.   If this happens, add 1 teaspoon of sea salt to a glass of water, and drink it.  Ask your physician to weekly test electrolyte levels. Try to keep potassium at 4.5 mmol/L, sodium at 140-145 mmol/L, and chloride at 100-105 mmol/L.  Topical urine application will add these to the body. Some people may need potassium salts: citrate, chloride or bicarbonate.  Inadequate electrolytes can cause fatigue, brain fog, a spacey feeling and even heart arrhythmia. Magnesium glycinate or citrate up to three 500 mg pills per day should solve the arrhythmia problem.  Too much magnesium will cause diarrhea.

What to do if the full fast is unmanageable

If the fast is too difficult, you can do an incomplete fast. Add a light snack as necessary. This could be raw seeds or nuts, an avocado with olive oil, canned salmon or tuna with olive oil, or even up to 4-12 fried or hard-boiled eggs with olive oil each day.  Stay in ketosis and eat very few carbohydrates.

Urine vaccines

Urine can be used as a vaccine.  Midstream urine is collected into a sterile container, and 1 to 2 mL is drawn into a 3 mL syringe fitted with a ½ inch 27 gauge needle.  The urine is injected into the dermis (skin).  It’s important to inject the urine into the dermis because the dermis has different immune system cells which become activated when injecting urine into the dermis.
Intradermal injection of urine can be used to treat allergies, cancer, autoimmune disease, as well as most chronic and acute diseases.

© 2017 Copyright Jake Ames & Douglas G. Mitchell All Rights Reserved.  No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without written permission.

[1]  John Armstrong, “The water of life”, available on Amazon.com
[2]  Johann Abele, “Die Eigenharnbehandlung”, available on Amazon.de