Kwasniewski Diet Instructions

Dr. Jan Kwasniewski found this to be the optimal diet for humans.  We have supplied you with the PDF version of his book, “Homo Optimus.”  You can purchase the book on Amazon in both hard copy and in Kindle readable form [1].
This diet is a higher fat, less protein diet than most ketogenic diets.  Note that Dr. Atkins, who developed the very well known Atkins diet, was disappointed that his ketogenic diet did not cure cancer.  This is because his diet had too much protein in it. Proteins, as well as sugars, can provide sufficient energy to cancer cells to keep them “alive and well.”

Monitoring progress

You need to know your ketosis status on an ongoing basis. You can do blood tests, but this is inconvenient. It is better to purchase the Ketonix Breath Ketone Analyzer [2].  This device measures the acetone content of your breath. Acetone (found in nail polish remover) is a ketone. No acetone, no ketosis.
The Breath Analyzer also detects alcohol after it has been oxidized, so after heavy drinking, it will give a false positive.
You need to use this device three times a day before your meals.  If you are not in ketosis within 3 days after starting the full Kwasniewski diet, you must decrease your carbohydrates more.  Too many herbal or mushroom teas can also prevent ketosis.

Setting up the diet $$

Go to Google Images and look up the percent body fat that you want to be.  Find the percent body fat that you are now.  If you are a woman do not go below 18-20% body fat.  For a man do not go below 10% body fat.  Between 10-15% body fat is where you want to be for a man.

Weigh yourself in kilograms.  If you are used to pounds, divide by 2.2 to go from pounds to kilograms.  Determine your optimal lean body mass, which is your total optimal weight minus your fat.  If you need to be at 70 kg total weight and want to be at 15% body fat. You multiply 70 times 0.15 to get your total amount of fat, which is 10.5 kg.  Then subtract 10.5 from 70 and your lean body mass is 59.5 kg.  This is the amount of protein you will need in one day total.  The protein will be divided into 2-3 meals.  Most people on the Kwasniewski diet will eventually only need two meals a day and no snacks.  If you require snacks, you do not have enough fat in your diet.
So if you require 59.5 grams of protein a day, you will multiply this number by 2.5 and 3.5 to determine the amount of fat you need a day in grams.  This comes out to 149-208 grams of fat per day.  Multiply 59.5 by 0.3 and 0.5 to get 18-30 grams a day of carbohydrates.  Do your best to use the 0.3 ratio for your carbohydrates, and the 3.5 ratio for your fats.

Starting the diet

This is likely to be a radical change from your current diet. It is best to phase it in slowly. Reduce carbohydrate-containing foods and building up fat-containing foods. Continue changing your diet until you are in ketosis.

The goal is a diet containing 1 part protein: 2.5-3.5 parts fat: 0.3-0.5 parts carbohydrate.

What can you eat?

No More

To be compliant with his diet you will have to eliminate all of the following:

No grains (wheat, barley, oats, millet, etc.)
No grasses (rice)
No sugar
No corn syrup, dextrose, dextrin, maltodextrin
No milk (some high-fat cheeses are OK, butter and ghee are OK)
No fruit
No soda
No soft drinks
No carbonated drinks
No foods cooked in a microwave oven
No foods stored in plastic containers
No MSG (Google hidden names for MSG)
No food dyes
No preservatives
No honey
No coffee (It makes you too acidic)
No black tea
No alcohol
No refined salt (only use sea salt)
Not too many mushroom or herbal teas (if the teas have too many carbohydrates, you need to decrease the amount you drink)
No Margarine
No eggbeaters
No foods cooked with partially hydrogenated oils or fully hydrogenated oils
No foods cooked with any vegetable oils except for the oils listed in the good oils.
No leafy vegetables except for a small amount of spinach.
No root vegetables except for garlic or a very small amount of onions.

Good oils
All oils derived from animals:  unsalted butter and ghee from grass-fed cows only, unhydrogenated beef and pork lard, duck fat

Animal oils are better for you because they contain cholesterol, which you want.  The only vegetable oils that you can have are:
extra virgin olive oil in a glass bottle, palm oil, coconut oil, cocoa butter, avocado oil and MCT oil (do not cook with olive oil and MCT oil).  Make sure you use real extra virgin olive oil.  U.C. Davis in Davis, California did an olive oil study, and they found that 69% of the olive oils found at local grocery stores were tainted with canola, safflower, sunflower or soybean oils.  Also, some olive oils added chlorophyll to give the oils a green color.  Olive oil contains a compound that kills cancer cells.

In the back of Dr. Kwasniewski’s book, “Homo Optimus” there are recipes.  Follow these recipes at first; later you can make your own recipes as long as you stay within his ratios of protein to fat to carbohydrates and stay in ketosis with the Ketonix Breath Ketone Analyzer.  Go to Google and purchase this device.

Side effects temporary

Diarrhea at first due to you being low on the pancreatic enzyme lipase or having had a previous gallbladder surgery
Feeling bloated

If you have diarrhea or have had your gallbladder removed, take 1-4 high-quality lipase enzymes with meals, and you can add 1-2 ox bile capsules with meals too.

A young person can get use to this diet in one week.  An elderly person may take up to two months to get “keto-adapted”.  If you are feeling faint or light-headed try eating some seeds or nuts.  If this doesn’t work, eat another one of Dr. Kwasniewski’s meals.  If this doesn’t work have a carrot cooked in oil with a can of salmon or sardines or an avocado with a small amount of onions and olive oil. Be creative, but do your best to stay in ketosis.  If you cannot stay in ketosis, do not fault yourself or feel guilty.  Rome wasn’t built in a day, and it will take you a while to get use to this diet.  Soon you will not want a diet that is low in fat.  This diet will reverse heart disease and most non-genetic diseases.  I have read “Homo Optimus” over six times.  Keep rereading this book.

© 2017 Copyright Jake Ames & Douglas G. Mitchell.  All Rights Reserved.  No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without written permission.

[1] Amazon can convert the PDF format into their .MOBI format, which is easier to read with their Kindle app.