
Cancer Protocols Puerto Vallarta, Mexico August 11, 2024 Jake Ames, MD, HMD I have been involved in the cure for cancer for 51 years now, having started working at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) in 1973 doing over 1,500 autopsies before starting medical school. I later finished my anatomic and clinical pathology residency in New York City. I did an Internal Medicine residency, got a doctorate in homeopathy, and finished the one-year UCLA acupuncture course. I am happy to say that I have found a series of protocols that I can now say has a very high rate of curing cancer. I never tell any patient that I can cure them of their cancer. Some protocols I use on my cancer patients are plasmapheresis to remove dead cancer cells, heavy metals, abnormal proteins, and to treat some autoimmune diseases, and certain blood disorders. The machine separates the liquid part of your blood (plasma) from red blood cells and “cleans” your blood. Cancer is usually associated w
Jake Ames, MD, HMD Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Some Optimal Blood Lab levels May 22, 2024 The Complete Blood Count (CBC)Erythrocytes: Adult males: 4.7 to 6.1 million/mcL Hemoglobin: Adult men: 14-18 g/dL Adult women: 12-16 g/dL Hematocrit: 41% to 50%. Plaquettes (Platelets): 150,000 to 450,000 per microliter (mcL) of blood. MCV: This measures the size of your red blood cells Normal values are 80-100 fL. I consider 90 fL the upper limit. Above 90 fL, I usually see a vitamin B12 and/or methyl folate deficiency, liver disease, alcoholism, and sometimes hypothyroidism. A low MCV is usually seen in iron or copper deficiency. Lead poisoning and thalassemia can cause a low MCV. Common diseases occur commonly in medicine, so a low MCV is usually due to iron deficiency. White Blood Cell Count (WBC): White blood cells are also called leukocytes. Their normal range is 4,300-10,800/cubic mm. I like to see the WBC around 6-8/cubic mm. A low or low normal WBC is usually due to low cortisol, low RBC copp
  Infectious Agents Causing Dementia Jake Ames, MD, HMD Puerto Vallarta, Mexico It is important to not overlook infectious agents in treating Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.  I will give you blood tests to do on all of your patients suffering from dementia. HIV/AIDS:  The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can cause dementia.  This condition is called HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND).  The blood tests to do are HIV antibody and HIV antigen. Prion disease:  I did six weeks of neuropathology at New York University in Manhattan, and the Diener (pathology assistant) died from Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). I believe he got it from doing autopsies.  There are no blood tests to diagnose Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD).  Neurological clinical diagnoses and a brain MRI are used.  If your patient has this disease, wish him well in the afterlife. Herpesviruses:  Yes, the herpes viruses can get into the brain and cause dementia.  Order these tests:  Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (
  Plasmalogens and Phosphatidylcholine in Alzheimer's Disease On this blog I will talk about the role plasmalogens and phosphatidylcholine plays in the role of brain health. Plasmalogens:   Plasmalogens are phospholipids that are present in almost all tissues, but are most abundant in the brain.  They are critical for memory and cognitive functions. They reach their peak by age 30, and decline after that. The best sources are scallops.  They are also found in cow and chicken breasts, krill and shark liver oils.  Plasmalogens makeup the myelin sheaths, and neuronal cell membranes. All neurodegenerative disorders (Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis) have decreased levels.  When I treat any neurological disorder, my patients are taking Plasmalogen one capsule twice a day (500 µg twice a day) from This treatment alone will help memory.  But there is more an Alzheimer’s disease patient needs. Phosphatidylcholine: This pho
  Treating Parkinson's Disease Holistically Jake Ames, MD, HMD Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Parkinson's disease is a multi-factorial disease with environmental and genetic causes. It can be due to heavy metal exposure such as lead, mercury, and aluminum.  Excess manganese can also cause it.  It can be due to insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides.  I think it’s a combination of genetic and environmental factors.  Genetics accounts for 10-15% of Parkinson’s disease.  Head trauma (American football, soccer, boxing) can also cause Parkinson’s disease.  Whatever the causes, it is caused by the progress loss of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain, especially in an area called the substantia nigra.  These nerves produce a neurotransmitter called dopamine which is involved in movement. Oxidative and reductive stress can damage or destroy mitochondrial functional which affects neurons by increasing reactive oxygen species (free radicals). Pathology Lewy Bodies:  These are abnormal pr
 Treating and Reversing Alzheimer’s Disease Jake Ames, MD, HMD Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Douglas G. Mitchell, Ph.D, DSc. Melbourne, Australia March 24, 2024 References: These books are highly recommended: Breaking Alzheimer’s: A 15 year crusade to expose the cause and deliver the cure by Dayan Goodenowe The End of Alzheimer’s by Dale Bredesen Brain Maker by David Perlmuter The Plant Paradox by Steve Gundry When you read the above four books, this will get you up to speed on the causes and effective treatments for dementia.  I have another blog at on dementia.   Alzheimer’s disease and dementia are reversible.  If you are 80 years old, I can help you, but eventually our organs wear out.   These are the blood tests you will need before you come down to Puerto Vallarta.  With the right diagnostic codes your insurance may pay for these tests, otherwise lab tests are cheaper in Mexico. Diagnosing Alzheimer’s Blood Labs:  CBC, Complete Chemistry Panel including the lipi
  So Your Not Better From Lyme Disease Jake Ames, MD, HMD Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Those of you who have spent thousands of dollars to treat and kill your disease, have seen over 20 physicians and Naturopaths, and are still sick read on. Lyme disease can cause one to have severe allergies, and it can also cause autoimmune diseases.  I’ve been trained as a traditional allergist, and most of this training has become obsolete after learning kinesiology.  I took the basic and advance courses in NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Techniques), Jaffe-Mellor Technique, and NMT (NeuroModulation Technique)  I am 95% accurate in diagnosing allergies using kinesiology.  Kinesiology is subjective, but if your physician has been successfully doing it for years, he may help you get better.  My last Lyme patient was allergic to six neurotransmitters, a few amino acids, and a few minerals.  He had ten-pass ozone treatments, IV vitamin C, you name it in the U.S. and Mexico.  None of
  Turbo Cancers Jake Ames, MD, HMD Puerto Vallarta, Mexico The term ‘Turbo Cancers’ was coined by Dr. Jane Ruby who has a great show called The Doctor Jane Ruby Show.  People around the world, and especially young people who usually do not get cancer are coming down with rapidly advanced cancers at stage 3 or stage 4 when they are first diagnosed.  This is the first time in human history that this has occurred. The cause of turbo cancers is the bioweapon (bio-weapon) injection that people were told that would protect them from getting the never identified ‘virus’. Blood Tests for Turbo Cancers It is very important to add these tests to your basic laboratory blood work. D-Dimer, Fibrinogen, ESR, and CRP-HS.  The D-Dimer blood test should be below the upper reference range.  I like to see the ESR around 5 mm/hr.  Your fibrinogen levels should be less than 300 mg/dL, and your CRP-HS should be less that 1 mg/L.  The bio-weapon is causing microscopic blood clots which are forming blood cl
  Dementia & Alzheimer’s Disease Jake Ames, MD, HMD Puerto Vallarta, Mexico March 8,2024 References:  These books are highly recommended: Breaking Alzheimer’s:  A 15 year crusade to expose the cause and deliver the cure by Dayan Goodenowe The End of Alzheimer’s by Dale Bredesen Brain Maker by David Perlmuter The Plant Paradox by Steve Gundry Dementia is a global cognitive decline in brain function.  It is a decline in mental abilities:  writing, reading, speaking, reasoning, following a conversation, calculating, organizing and planning.  Alzheimer’s is the most common dementia. Types of Dementia:  Vascular dementia caused by reduced blood supply to the brain:  small strokes, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, homocysteine.  There may be sensory and motor findings. Frontotemporal Dementia:  Is much less common than Alzheimer’s disease and the cause is unknown.  Results in memory problems, behavior changes, difficulty in speaking.  Judgment and problem solving is more promine

COVID-19: At Last Some Good News

  COVID-19: At Last Some Good News There are any number of dire predictions about COVID-19, and the narrative coming from governments and the mainstream media too often focuses on these predictions rather than established facts. It is time to change this. There are three key areas where the record needs to be set straight.  Firstly, there is a difference between people dying “with” COVID-19 and people dying “due to” COVID-19. A recent U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) survey concluded that only 6% of deaths attributed to COVID-19 were caused by the virus alone, while all others had two or more comorbidities. This means that in the US, while there were 193,587 COVID-19 deaths recorded during the first eight months of the year, it is likely that only 11,615 of these were caused by coronavirus alone. This is unfortunate, but not nearly as unfortunate when considered in the context of the 50,000 who die of influenza each year. Secondly, there are ways to reduce the risk of otherwise h

Minimizing Covid-19 Pain

Minimizing Covid-19 Pain Douglas G Mitchell Ph.D, D.Univ. Melbourne, Austalia Jake Ames, M.D., H.M.D. Guanajuato, Mexico 6 August 2020 The current COVID 19 worldwide pandemic is causing a huge amount of pain. In some countries only moderate pain, in others catastrophic pain. Can we do better, particularly in the badly affected countries? We most certainly can. It requires governments to make more intelligent decisions. Use brains rather than brawn. When the infection arrives in a country, the first thing to do is a lockdown. Isolate people so that others cannot transmit the infection to them. The next thing is to realize that lockdowns are massively damaging, and should be a last resort after an initial brief lockdown. So what is better? Build up people’s resistance to the virus so that when infected, it does minimal damage.  The medical industry will always recommend high profit treatments in preference to low profit treatments. Low profit treatments are generally locked-out by medica

Cancer Tumor Markers

Cancer Tumor Markers Jake Ames, M.D., H.M.D. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Douglas M. Mitchell, Ph.D., D.Univ. Melbourne, Australia How does one diagnose cancer and what are tumor marker tests? There are many ways to diagnose cancer, each with its strengths and weaknesses. The gold standard test I (JA) am a trained pathologist and have much experience diagnosing cancer. The gold standard test is to diagnose cancer by looking at biopsied tissue under a microscope.   Biopsies should and are always done after surgery. There is no reason not to get this accurate test. Carrying out biopsies for diagnostic purposes is more controversial. Biopsies can certainly detect cancer, but there are problems:   • They may have false negatives. A prostate biopsy comprising multiple needle biopsies, for example, may not detect micro tumors if the needle doesn’t “hit” one   • The process of taking the biopsy may result in spreading the cancer into healthy tissues. One

Urine Therapy & Urine Fasting Questions

Urine Therapy & Urine Fasting Questions Jake Ames, M.D., H.M.D. Douglas G. Mitchell, Ph.D., D. Univ. Question: Why should I be interested in urine-based therapy (UT)?  A therapy I can’t imagine ever wanting to use. Answer: Because there are a number of chronic conditions for which there is nothing better. These range from trivial problems such as skin blemishes and serious problems such as usually fatal metastatic cancer. Question: How on earth can that be? Answer: Because just about everyone in modern societies is nutritionally deficient and urine therapy provides the most nutritious product we have access to. Question:  What is in the urine? Answer:  Urine is 95% declustered water, which is also called EZ water, which is capital E, capital Z water.  Only ice is structured water.  It is also called biological water.  When you eat a watermelon or any fruit and vegetable, you are ingesting declustered water, which by itself, can treat many diseases.  W